Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

(tube feeding) formula

Added to glossary by Ingemar Kinnmark
Apr 2, 2010 18:40
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Swedish term


Swedish to English Medical Medical (general)
What is the medical name of the stuff fed to a patient through a PEG tube?

Pat. kan inte svälja. Ingenting per os. Har sondvälling i knappsond (Nutrison Multifiber).

Thank you.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 (tube feeding) formula
Change log

Apr 7, 2010 13:34: Ingemar Kinnmark changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/556485">Cristian Iscrulescu's</a> old entry - "(sond)välling"" to ""(tube feeding) formula""

Proposed translations

22 mins

(tube feeding) formula

See references below.

Note added at 30 mins (2010-04-02 19:10:50 GMT)

English reference:

A dietitian will teach you how to use your PEG tube. She will also teach you how to choose an appropriate tube-feeding formula.


Note added at 46 mins (2010-04-02 19:26:46 GMT)

Another English reference:

Homemade Tube Feeding Formula

By Daniel Westlake, eHow Contributing Writer

Tube feeding is necessary for a variety of types of medical conditions but is most often used for people who have had surgery or some type of medical condition occur in or on their mouths. Most of these people can consume regular food but just can't eat it due to the state of their mouths, jaws or teeth. Fortunately, there are a number of recipes that can be made at home to create a formula for feeding someone in this condition through a tube.

Peer comment(s):

agree rajagopalan sampatkumar
2 hrs
Tack sampat!
agree Sven Petersson
1 day 12 mins
Tack Sven!
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