Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:

ibruktagandeledare / inkopplingsledare

English translation:

commissioning manager / start-up manager

Added to glossary by Shawn Champion
Oct 20, 2011 12:56
13 yrs ago
Swedish term

ibruktagandeledare / inkopplingsledare

Swedish to English Tech/Engineering Management
I'm unsure if I've put these in the correct category. I put them together as one term because they seem to lack two separate equivalents in English. The more I try to figure this out, the more confused I get. I've found "commissioning manager," but I'm not real sure about that.

The context is railway infrastructure projects.

Found this in Rikstermbanken:
swedish term (preferred): ibruktagandeledare
den som planerar och leder ibruktagandebesiktningen
Benämndes tidigare huvudbesiktningsman.

Ibruktagandebesiktningsmannen är medveten om att en avbruten inkoppling potentiellt kan........

...ska fråga ett antal huvudbesiktningsmän hur de ser på sina befogenheter och möjligheter........

Våra främsta arbetsuppgifter är för närvarande att verka som ibruktagandeledare och besiktningsmän för ibruktagandebesiktningar av signalsäkerhetsanläggningar för en rad olika projekt inom Trafikverket och SL (

BVR 1213 Planering av inkoppling, Projektledarens och Inkopplingsledarens roll / ansvar


Shawn Champion (asker) Oct 25, 2011:
I think this might be best for inkopplingsledare:

Start-Up Engineers are responsible for commissioning newly constructed or modified distribution equipment, substation equipment and transmission facilities. The Engineer supports multiple departments to implement planned and unplanned equipment installations....

Proposed translations

3 hrs

commissioning manager / start-up manager

Although I think commisioning manager would suffice in English.

Note added at 4 days (2011-10-25 09:27:27 GMT)

Both parts of the question refer to a "ledare" of some kind, who is not necessarily a technician or engineer.
How close to the question should Proz answers be?
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, these seem to be the best options."
2 hrs

commissioning engineer or commissioning manager

since the context is railway infrastructure projects, I would have preference for commissioning engineer.
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12 hrs

commissioning manager / system start-up engineer

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