Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

block measure

Added to glossary by David Rumsey
May 23, 2014 23:45
10 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Tech/Engineering Forestry / Wood / Timber
Blockmätaren är uppbyggd kring 4 mäthuvuden.
Stockmätaren är uppbyggd kring 4 mäthuvuden.

Are these not the same? Log measurer?
Proposed translations (English)
4 block measure

Proposed translations

7 hrs

block measure

Stock is the round (end view) log (kapad, kvistad del av trästam), block is the log after sawing four sides (the rounded boards) to create a square (ish) log that can be sawn into lumber.

This is from my analogue Skogsordlista...

Note added at 18 hrs (2014-05-24 18:31:12 GMT)

Right stock = stock; Stockholm, stockade, and cut tree logs...

TNC sells this stuff online ...( I bought mine ordering on the telephone ... in ancient times! ;-)
Note from asker:
I don't suppose you have the skogordslista online any where. So "stock" = "stock" in English?
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Tack Deane!"
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