Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

rock heat pump

Added to glossary by stephen mewes
Aug 2, 2010 14:44
14 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation
Stöd ges även för konvertering från direktverkande elvärme till fjärrvärme eller individuell uppvärmning med biobränsle eller berg-, sjö- eller jordvärmepump.
Proposed translations (English)
5 rock heat pump
4 -1 standing column well system/turbulent well

Proposed translations

7 hrs

rock heat pump

Rock or ground heat pump.
Example sentence:

A rock heat pump is another variant of geothermal heat pumps, and a very common one

A rock heat pump is another variant of ground heat pumps

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
11 mins

standing column well system/turbulent well

A Swedish description of the system is found at

"En bergvärmepump hämtar sin energi från en bergborra. I borran finns en kollektorslang fylld med vätska (ca 70% vatten och ca 30% frysskyddsvätska, vanligtvis etanol). Genom att ”köra runt” vätskan mellan värmepumpen och borrhålet hämtas energi från hålet."

Searching on Google for English language analogues turned up "standing column well system", aka "turbulent well". This description appears on Wikipedia at the first link below:

"A standing column well system is a specialized type of open loop system. Water is drawn from the bottom of a deep rock well, passed through a heat pump, and returned to the top of the well, where traveling downwards it exchanges heat with the surrounding bedrock."

Results from a Google search for "standing column well system" are at the second reference link.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Robert Sommerfelt (X) : Well = källa, brunn. From Wikipedia: "Water is drawn from the bottom of a deep rock well, passed through A HEAT PUMP, and returned to the top of the well" (notice the differenciation).
6 hrs
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