Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

loss of ship/shipwreck

Added to glossary by Michele Fauble
Nov 28, 2006 08:55
18 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Bus/Financial Computers: Software financial software for shipping company
In dictionaries, haveri is given as anything from damage to breakdown to wreck. Does anyone with a good knowledge of shipping know which one of these options 'haveri' usually refers to, please? I don't want to write damage, as the document sometimes says 'skador/haverier'.

E.g.: Då en skada eller ett haveri uppstår meddelar befälhavare eller Cief incidenten till Safety Department....
Advice would be appreciated.
Change log

Aug 8, 2016 08:34: Michele Fauble Created KOG entry


Helen Johnson (asker) Nov 28, 2006:
In case it makes a difference, the last sentence of the first paragraph says:
Alla haverier/incidenter anmäls till Assruansavdelningen. The originator seems to be enjoying a broad range of vocab ;)

Proposed translations

31 mins

loss of ship/shipwreck

My understanding.

Note added at 37 mins (2006-11-28 09:33:38 GMT)

Havari: Skade og tab, der rammer et skib eller dets ladning på havet.

Note added at 40 mins (2006-11-28 09:36:16 GMT)

"... en skada eller ett haveri ..." - "... damage or loss ..."
Peer comment(s):

agree Ingrid Abramson : Loss of ship
13 mins
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Michele - this fits the wording of my document with its varying vocab!"
30 mins


Could work, covers a range of circumstances without being too specific yet indicates something out of the normal.

Note added at 43 mins (2006-11-28 09:39:38 GMT)

Given the extra information, disruptions/incidents might be an option.
Something went wrong...
1 hr


It very much depends on the extent of the damage. Most authorities and insurers define 'haveri' as the vessel being diasbled and not capable of making way on it's own. On the other hand if one of the generators 'havererar' the whole ship is not disabled. I your text talk in general terms of 'haveri' I suggest you use 'disabled'.
Something went wrong...
9 hrs


May sound strange, but that is what any "damage" is called in maritime situations.

For example:

fartygshaveri = average, sea damage or wreckage
haveriagent = average agent
haverianmälan = notification of average
haveriattest = certificate of average
haveriklausul = average clause

and so on.

I recommend you google for the exact term or definition you are looking for, in case you need something more specific.

Note added at 9 hrs (2006-11-28 18:53:23 GMT)

Sorry, I entered the wrong level of confidence. I am sure that this is the right term for insurance purposes, but if you are uncertain I suggest you google some definitions. Here are a few more links:

Hope some of them are useful.
Good luck!
Example sentence:

The marine insurance term for partial loss is “average”. An Average Adjuster is an expert in loss adjustment in marine insurance, particularly with regard to hulls and hull interest. He is more particularly concerned with general average adjustments.

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