Oct 28, 2012 16:52
11 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
Hola a todos
Esto me aparece en un documento y no sé si se trata de un error.
La frase es: Al eximírseles ad exempium en contra de las disposiciones vigentes la presentación de ON1 de los bebés en lugar de: libro de familia etc.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 DNI: National Identity Document
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Non-PRO (1): AllegroTrans

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Helena Chavarria Oct 28, 2012:
Which country does your text come from?

Proposed translations

58 mins

DNI: National Identity Document

Or National ID card, or however you prefer to express it.

I think ON1 is very probably a OCR error for DNI: both 1 for I and O for D are errors that quite quite easily occur when texts are scanned.

It makes good sense in context, and I suspect it may be related to the recent cases that have been in the news concerning Ryanair, in which they have refused to let children on board without a DNI. The courts have now ruled that they don't have to have one (although even babies can be issued with a DNI in Spain), and that the "libro de familia" is enough. So the "disposiciones vigentes" would be the airline's rules which say that all passengers on international flights, even babies, have to have ID, and they are being exempted from this in Spain.

"Ten en cuenta que, aunque la legislación española diga una cosa, las líneas aéreas se rigen muchas veces por normativas europeas, que tal vez exigen la presentación de determinados documentos de identificación entre los que no se encuentra el libro de familia. [...]
Para evitar sustos, lo mejor es hacer el DNI a los niños cuanto antes mejor. Hoy en día ya no hay edad mínima, se puede hacer el DNI de un bebé de días, y se evitan problemas como este, ya que el DNI es un documento de identificación válido a nivel europeo (o más, en realidad en toda la zona Schengen), mientras que el libro de familia es algo que sólo existe en España y que fuera (como por ejemplo en Ryanair que es una aerolínea irlandesa) probablemente no acepten."

Note added at 1 hr (2012-10-28 18:12:49 GMT)

A small point in support of the OCR error theory: "exempium" is obviously another typo, for "exemplum", and it looks very much like another OCR error (i for l).
Peer comment(s):

agree Helena Chavarria : Brilliant! There was me thinking of some sort of ID that was issued to babies who could not be included en the 'Libro de Familia'! My daughters had their own passports when they were three months old!
6 mins
Thanks, Helena! I started looking for "ONI", and then the penny dropped. It's best to get them documented early and save trouble.
agree Ana Myriam Garro (X) : It makes sense to me
3 hrs
Many thanks, Myriam :)
agree lorenab23 : excellent, and good catch on exemplum :-)
3 hrs
Thanks very much, Lorena! Have a good week :)
agree AllegroTrans : easily found with basic web research
4 hrs
Quite so. Thanks, Allegro.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
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