Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Serbian term or phrase:
English translation:
Serbian term
Najbolja ilustracija konteksta je ovaj pasus koji nije iz mog teksta, ali je veoma slican po karakteru.
"Urednost, odnosno neurednost u korišćenju bankarskih usluga je prvi i dominantan faktor uticaja na ukupan skor i iznosi 35%. Ovaj faktor se vrednuje preko vremena trajanja neurednosti - 60% i iznosa neurednosti - 40%. Naime, vreme trajanja neurednosti se iskazuje u danima i njihov broj se utvrđuje računajući broj dana od nastanka do prestanka neurednosti,odnosno do dana povlačenja izveštaja. Ukoliko klijent ima status neurednosti ili utuženja po osnovu više usluga istovremeno, tada se vreme neurednosti utvrđuje računajući od najranijeg dana nastanka neurednosti, po bilo kojoj usluzi, do dana najkasnijeg prestanka neurednosti bilo koje vrste. U ukupan iznos neurednosti uključuje se i iznos docnje i utuženja kod kredita, aktiviranih jemstava, tekućih računa, platnih kartica i lizing ugovora."
Oct 30, 2005 07:05: Tanja Abramovic (X) changed "Field (write-in)" from "form of company" to "(none)"
Proposed translations
- compliance/noncompliance with the terms of use [regulations governing the use] of a credit card/bank acccount
- compliance/noncompliance with the terms of payment
- timeliness/tardiness in discharging one's financial obligations
- honoring/defaulting on one's financial obligations
Note added at 8 hrs 59 mins (2005-10-30 15:51:38 GMT)
accurate / unaccurate
solidity / in arrears; liquidity/in arrears; authorized/unauthorized use (of arrears)
a za neurednost: in arrears
In arrears je standardna fraza koja se cesto koristi kad banka salje upozorenje(Your account is in arrears)
Urednost mozda moze da se prevede i sa liquidity (likvidnost) - to je finansijski izraz.
jos jedna mogucnost:
minus na racunu moze biti dozvoljen pod odredjenim uslovima - vlasnik racuna moze da ide u minus do odredjene svote i u tom slucaju placa odredjenu zateznu kamatu, ali ako prekoraci i taj dozvoljeni minus onda placa tzv. kaznenu kamatu, plus rizikuje da mu racun bude zatvoren itd. - to banke obicno zovu authorized/unauthorized use of arrears.
U zavisnosti od toga sta vama treba mozete vidjeti da li vam ponudjena rjesenja odgovaraju.
Note added at 12 hrs 47 mins (2005-10-30 19:39:58 GMT)
evo i jedan primjer sa googla:
(authorized or unauthorized use of account)
2.7 Customer must pay and will indemnify Company against any charges incurred as a result of the use or purported use (whether authorised or unauthorised) of Customer's account including international and local telecommunications charges
Note added at 12 hrs 55 mins (2005-10-30 19:47:31 GMT)
66. The use of arrears was authorised up to a maximum amount of US$ 50.7 million as follows
16. Unpaid Accounts. Accounts may be suspended if they are not paid within 14 days of due date and prior arrangements are not made. All data contained in a suspended account will remain on the system, BUT account holders will not be able to access it, the website will display a notice stating that the account is in arrears. Accounts will be removed from the system and all associated data deleted if the account is not paid within 3 months of due date. Whilst accounts are in arrears, clients will not have access to data stored on Anchor servers. Anchor reserves the right to delete data on canceled accounts.
ovi primjeri van mozda mogu biti od pomoci.....
Current and delinquent payments
current - ili - on-time payments
delinquent payments pokrivaju - late payments, non-payments, partial payments, overdraft
authority/non authorisation,can be managed accordingly
uradem=to regulate, to manage