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6 projects entered 6 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 1000 words Completed: Nov 2005 Languages: Slovenian to English
two concert reviews
positive : Very good experience!
Translation Volume: 350 words Completed: Nov 2005 Languages: Slovenian to English
personal document
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
positive Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Punctual. Thanks Pavle
Translation Volume: 200 words Completed: Nov 2005 Languages: Slovenian to English
authorization to sell securiites
Business/Commerce (general)
positive : Pavle was good to work with, friendly, good English, accurate, punctual.
Translation Volume: 500 words Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: Slovenian to English
Official Document
Finance (general)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): No comment.
Translation Volume: 50 words Completed: Jul 2005 Languages: Slovenian to English
50 words 15 Euro
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
positive : No comment.
Translation Volume: 2028 words Completed: Apr 2004 Languages: Slovenian to English
Pharmaceutical product Information Sheet (2028 w.)
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
positive : On time and flawless.
Sample translations submitted: 5
Serbo-Croat to English: Srbija u šoku - Serbia in a State of Shock Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Serbo-Croat SRBIJA U ŠOKU
I pobornici i protivnici premijera Đinđića pribiraju se u neverici: kako
je moguće da mladi predsednik vlade i vodeći reformator zemlje bude ubijen usred grada i usred bela dana - Po meri okupljanja neistomišljenika
situacija na neki udaljen način podseća na reagovanje Amerike u času ubistva Džona Kenedija - Duga lista nerazjašnjenih atentata - Ko će naslediti Đinđića
BEOGRAD, 12. 3. - Srbija je u stanju šoka. Mada je bilo nagoveštaja
da se sprema atentat na premijera Đinđica, i sam on je to pominjao, malo
ko da je verovao da će se to i desiti. Da će mlad, energičan i elokventan
vodeći reformator u zemlji zaista i biti ubijen. I to na takav način, usred
grada i usred bela na vratima vladine palate.
O meri zabune u političkim vrhovima zemlje svedoči činjenica da je vladi, na
čijem je čelu Đinđić stajao više od dve godine, trebalo skoro tri sata da
saopšti ono što je svako ko je hteo da zna već znao: da je premijer mrtav.
Radio i televizijske stanice su već ubrzo posle atentata prenosile vesti
stranih medija da je DŽindžić odmah pošto su na njega ispaljeni meci
terorista bio klinički mrtav a da je život konačno završio pola časa docnije
u Kliničkom centru u Beogradu.
U nekim drugim aspektima, reagovanje Srbije, na neki udaljen način, podseća
na reagovanje Amerike u času ubistva DŽona Kenedija. I brojne pristalice i
mnogi protivnici Zorana Đinđića pribiraju se u neverici. U poslednjih
desetak godina u Srbiji je izvršena serija političkih atentata, čije su
žrtve između ostalih bili bivši predsednik zemlje Ivan Stambolić, ugledni
novinar Slavko Ćuruvija i četvoro najbližih saradnika jednog od vrhunskih
političara Vuka Draškovića. I nijedno od tih ubistava nije do kraja
rasvetljeno .
Ali je malo ko verovao da će teror stići i do samog vrha vlasti. Mada,
istini za volju, činjenica da prethodni atentati nisu rasvetljeni a da,
očito, neka zavera ćutanja postoji u policijskim strukturama koje su
nasleđene od bivšeg, Miloševićevog, režima i samo delimično reformisane,
uveliko je otvarala i tu mogućnost. I ona se danas, na surov način,
Translation - English SERBIA IN A STATE OF SHOCK
Both supporters and opponents of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić are trying to shake their disbelief: how was it possible to kill the young prime minister and the country's leading reformer in the centre of the city in broad daylight? – The assassination has brought together people holding different views in a way that bears vague resemblances to America's reactions to JFK's murder. – A long list of unsolved assassinations. – Who will succeed Đinđić?
BELGRADE, 12 March – Serbia is in a state of shock. Even though there had been indications that an attempt on the life of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić was being prepared and although he himself had mentioned it, few believed it would really happen: that the country's leading young, energetic and eloquent reformer would indeed be murdered and that this would happen in the centre of the city, at the entrance to a stately Government building, in broad daylight.
One indication of the degree of confusion in the country's political establishment is that it took the Government, headed by Đinđić for over two years, nearly three hours to issue a statement on what everyone else who wanted to know it already knew: that the Prime Minister was dead.
Shortly after the assassination, radio and TV stations began to carry foreign media reports that Đinđić was clinically dead immediately after the terrorist shots had been fired at him and that his life finally ended at Belgrade's Clinical Centre half an hour later.
In some other ways, Serbia's response bears vague resemblances to America's reactions to Kennedy's assassination. Đinđić's numerous supporters as well as his many opponents are all still trying to shake their disbelief. A series of political assassinations have been carried out in Serbia over the past ten years or so. Their victims were, among others: Ivan Stambolić, one of the country's former presidents; Slavko Ćuruvija, a prominent journalist; and the four closest associates of one of the leading politicians, Vuk Drašković. None of these murders have been fully solved.
Nevertheless, few people believed that terror would reach the highest levels of government. True, the fact that the previous assassinations have not been solved and that there is obviously a conspiracy of silence within the police apparatus – left over from the Milošević regime and only partly reformed – had made this development highly possible. That possibility brutally materialised today.
Macedonian to English: ОДЛУКА - DECISION Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Macedonian Врз основа на член 596 од ЗТД (сл.весник на РМ бр. 28/04) и Уредбата за поблиски услови за отварање и работа на претставништвата на странски лица во Р.Македонија (сл.весник на РМ бр.78/05) XXX со статус на странско правно лице поднесува
1. Основач на претставништвото во РМ е:
2. Фирма име на претставништвото во РМ ке гласи:
3. Седиштето на претставништвото ке биде во Скопје на ул. XXX бр.XX
4. Дејност на претставништвото:
- истражување на пазарот
- вршење на претходни и подготвителни дејствија за склучување на договори
- вршење на промотивни и информативни работи
- сопствено претставување
5. Во претставништвото во првиот момент на постоење И отпочнување со работа ке биде вработен само Раководителот на претставништвото а понатаму и оперативно технички персонал.
6. Раководител на претставништвото ке биде:
XXX од Скопје со стан на ул. XXX бр. XX, лк.бр. XXX, МБ XXX.
7. Претставништвото во Скопје е составен дел на XXX, без статус на правно лице.
8. Претставништвото во своето тековно работење ке се придржува кон Законите на РМ.
9. Претставништвото ке отпочне со работа со денот на уписот во Регистарот на претставништва на странски лица во Централниот регистар на РМ.
Translation - English Pursuant to Article 596 of the Companies Act (Official Gazette of the REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA No. 28/04) and the Regulation Governing Conditions for the Opening and Operation of Representative Offices of Foreign Nationals in the Republic of Macedonia (Official Gazette of the REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA No. 78/05),
XXX, LLC, which has the status of a foreign legal entity, hereby submits the following:
1. The founder of the Representative Office in the Republic of Macedonia is
2. The registered name of the Representative Office in the Republic of Macedonia will be
3. The headquarters of the Representative Office will be in Skopje, No. XX XXX St.
4. The activities of the Representative Office include:
- market research
- activities preliminary and preparatory to contracts
- advertising and public relations
- company presentation.
5. Initially, after the opening of the Representative Office, its only employee will be its director, who willl subsequently be joined by operational and technical staff.
6. The director of the Representative Office will be
XXX, residing at No. XX XXXX St., Skopje, ID card No.XXXX, Citizen's Unique Identification No. XXXXXX.
7. The Representative Office in Skopje is a constituent part of XXXX, LLC, without the status of a legal entity.
8. In its regular work the Representative Office will observe the laws of the Republic of Macedonia.
9. The Representative Office wil begin work on the day of its entry in the Register of Representative Offices of Foreign Nationals in the Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia.
English to Serbian: Endomyocardial biopsy Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - English The Endomyocardial Biopsy
The cardiac biopsy or more properly, the endomyocardial biopsy is a test that is done frequently after your heart transplant. The biopsy is done to help us detect rejection. Generally, the biopsy will be done every week for the first month after your transplant then every other week for the next month, then every month for the rest of the year. After your first year, the biopsies will be less often. You may have additional biopsies done depending on your individual course. You do not have to be admitted to the hospital for this test.
The night before your biopsy, you will be called to remind you of the scheduled test. You will be instructed what time to arrive but usually that time is between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. For all biopsies, it is important that you do not eat or drink anything for the 6 hours before the procedure. However, you should continue to take all your medications as prescribed with sips of water except your Neoral or Prograf. For those patients who take insulin or other diabetic medications, such as Micronase, discuss individually with your doctor and nurse how these medications should be adjusted on the days of your biopsy.
During the cardiac biopsy, we actually take a small piece of heart muscle tissue to examine under a microscope to look for any evidence of rejection.
The biopsy is done by placing a catheter and an instrument called the bioptome, in a vein either in the right side of your neck or in your groin. The procedure takes about 1/2 hour and is done in the transplant clinic or the cardiac catheterization lab on the 5th floor of the Mitchell Hospital. The area is numbed with local anesthesia and a small incision is made. The bioptome is inserted in the incision and then threaded down into your heart. Four or five small pieces of the heart muscle are removed for examination. This does not in anyway harm the heart or decrease its ability to function. The instrument is removed and a catheter to read pressures is inserted. After the procedure is finished, pressure is applied to the area to prevent bleeding and a band-aid is placed over the site.
Most of the time the catheter and bioptome will be inserted through a small incision in the skin on the right side of your neck. After the procedure, you will be asked to keep your head up and not bend over to tie your shoes or pick up packages for two hours, in order to keep bleeding from occurring at the biopsy site. If a groin vein was used, you will be asked to lie on a stretcher and to keep your leg straight for two hours to avoid bleeding. In either case, you will be observed for bleeding and gentle pressure will be applied to the biopsy site. Although these occur rarely, notify the nurse or doctor if you feel bleeding or swelling at the biopsy site. They will treat this by adding more pressure. Shortness of breath or unusual chest pain immediately after a biopsy may be signs of a complication and should be reported immediately.
Translation - Serbian Endomiokardijalna biopsija
Biopsija srca, ili, preciznije, endomiokardijalna biopsija, predstavlja test koji se često obavlja posle transplantacije srca. Biopsija se obavlja kako bi se lakše ustanovilo odbacivanje. U načelu, biopsija će se obavljati svake nedelje tokom prvog meseca posle vaše transplantacije, a zatim svake druge nedelje sledećeg meseca, a onda svakog meseca do kraja godine. Posle vaše prve godine, biopsije će se obavljati ređe. Možda ćete imati dodatne biopsije zavisno od vašeg individualnog toka. Nije potrebno da budete primljeni u bolnicu radi ovog testa.
Noć pre biopsije, pozvaće vas da vas podsete na zakazani test. Bićete obavešteni o tome kada treba da stignete, a to je obično između 7.00 i 7.30 ujutro. Kod svih biopsija važno je da ne jedete i ne pijete ništa šest časova pre intervencije. Potrebno je, međutim, da nastavite da uzimate sve svoje lekove, izuzev Neorala ili Prografa, onako kako su vam prepisani, sa gutljajima vode. Pacijenti koji uzimaju insulin ili druge lekove za dijabetes, kao što je Micronase moraju individualno da razgovaraju sa svojim lekarem ili medicinskom sestrom o tome kako da se uzimanje tih lekova modifikuje u dane kada se obavlja biopsija.
Tokom biopsije srca mi zapravo uzimamo delić tkiva srčanog mišića da bismo ga ispitali pod mikroskopom u cilju otkrivanja bilo kakvih znakova odbacivanja.
Biopsija se obavlja umetanjem katetera i instrumenta koji se naziva bioptom u venu bilo na desnoj strani vašeg vrata bilo u preponi. Ovaj postupak traje oko pola sata i obavlja se u klinici za transplantacije ili u laboratoriji za srčanu kateterizaciju na petom spratu bolnice Mičel. Deo gde se vrši biopsija umrtvi se pomoću lokalne anestezije i napravi se mali zasek. Bioptom se umetne u zasek a potom uvrtanjem ubaci u vaše srce. Četiri ili pet delića vašeg srčanog mišića uzima se radi pregleda. Time se ni na koji način ne oštećuje srce niti umanjuje njegova funkcionalnost. Instrument se vadi, a umeće se kateter radi očitavanja pritisaka. Po okončanju postupka, na mesto gde je urađena biopsija vrši se pritisak kako bi se sprečilo krvarenje, i to mesto se pokriva flasterom.
U najvećem broju slučajeva, kateter i bioptom umeću se kroz mali zasek na koži na desnoj strani vašeg vrata. Posle ovog postupka, od vas će se zatražiti da držite glavu uspravno i da se dva sata ne savijate da biste zavezali pertle ili podizali pakete kako ne bi došlo do krvarenja na mestu biopsije. Ako se koristi preponska vena, od vas će se zatražiti da legnete na nosila i da dva sata držite nogu ispruženu kako biste izbegli krvarenje. U oba slučaja, posmatraće vas kako bi otkrili krvarenje, a na mesto biopsije biće vršen blag pritisak. Mada se to retko dešava, obavestite medicinsku sestru ili lekara ako osetite krvarenje ili oticanje na mestu biopsije. Oni će to regulisati dodatnim pritiskom. Zadihanost ili neuobičajen bol u grudima neposredno posle biopsije mogu biti znaci komplikacije i o njima je odmah potrebno obavestiti zdravstvenog radnika.
Slovenian to English: “PESARO 2005 – DIVING HEAD FIRST” Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Slovenian “PESARO 2005 – SKAKANJE NA GLAVO”
…vendar zavoljo prostorske stiske le še nekaj besed o posvetilu mladi Evropejki Lauri W., eni redkih sodobnih angažiranih popotnic/popotnikov, ki se pri filmskem ustvarjanju držijo visokih etičnih in estetskih načel, kakršne je vzpostavil nihče drug kot C. M.
Laura je strastna potovalka, vendar ne leti in se ne vozi s kolesom. Potuje z vlakom in peš; ko se je pred leti odpravila na Filipine, je šla tja z ladjo. Zato, da bi lahko bolje videla. Filme snema sama in čeprav jih snema že več kot deset let, je posnela samo štiri kratko- do srednje-metražne, skozi objektiv kamere pa prvič pogledala šele v najnovejšem, Border (2004). The Lost Days (1999), zgodbo o ženski, ki potuje prek vsega sveta in prijateljici v New York pošilja video pisma, je naredila tako, da je petnajst prijateljev iz različnih mest (Marakeš, Jaffa, Lizbona, Pariz, Milano, Moskva, Peking, Hongkong, Taipei) prosila, naj se pretvarjajo, da so Laura, in skozi njene oči z video kamero posnamejo svoje mesto. Zbrane posnetke je slikovno obdelala, zmontirala v eliptičen vizualen tok zavesti in mu dodala poetično naracijo v off-glasu. Tako izvezena študija melanholije, odtujenosti, drugosti in drugačnosti bi se lahko mirno predvajala v dvojčku z Markerjevim Brez sonca (Sans soleil, 1983).
Border nasprotno predstavlja bolj angažiran pol tovrstnega kino-paberkovanja: film je natančno tak, kakršna je Laura sama, kar je v tem primeru kompliment. Gre za radovedno, iskreno prizadeto in napol v ilegali posneto serijo poskusov bega v prostost, k katerim se jeseni leta 2002 zatekajo afganistanski begunci, nastanjeni v podeželskem taborišču na severu Francije. Ker je film v celoti posnet ponoči in je zato morala Laura, da bi ujela vsaj ščepec svetlobe, snemati z minimalnim številom filmskih sličic na sekundo, so vsi nastopajoči zgolj zabrisane silhuete. Brez obrazov, brez imen, brez zgodb; natančno takšni so skratka, kakršni nastopajo v povprečni zavesti o oddaljeni tragediji na Bližnjem vzhodu in človeških valovih, ki posledično pljuskajo na Zahod. Obraze, imena in zgodovino jim v off glasu, ki podlaga podobe, podeli Laura, ki je očitno z odliko opravila svojo nalogo temeljitega seznanjanja s »snovjo« filmske obravnave. „Zbogom Mohamed in Abdulah. Nikoli več ju nisem videla“, zašepeta za dvema sencama, ki utoneta v koruznem polju in se za vlakom poženeta v podvodni tunel, ki povezuje Francijo in Anglijo. Abstraktne podobe opijanjajo in pretresejo, glas trezne in pahne v premislek.
Translation - English “PESARO 2005 – DIVING HEAD FIRST”
… however, for reasons of space, only a few more words about the dedication to a young European woman, Laura W., one of those rare committed modern-day travellers who in their cinematic art observe high ethical and aesthetic principles such as have been established by none other than C. M.
Laura is a passionate traveller, although she neither flies nor bikes. She travels by train and on foot; a few years ago, when she set out for the Philippines, she went there by boat – to be able to see better. She shoots her films by herself, and even though she has been making them for more than ten years now, she has made only four short to medium-length films, and she first looked through the camera lens in her latest creation, Border (2004). She made The Lost Days (1999), a story of a woman who travels around the world and sends video letters to her girlfriend in New York, by asking fifteen friends from different cities (Marrakech, Jaffa, Lisbon, Paris, Milan, Moscow, Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei) to pretend to be Laura and to film their city through her eyes with a video camera. She visually processed the collected video recordings and put them all together, creating an elliptical visual stream of consciousness, adding to it poetic narration in the form of an off-screen voice. This study of melancholy, alienation, otherness and being different could easily be shown together with M.'s Sans soleil (1983) as a double feature.
By contrast, Border is the more involved of the two poles of this type of cinematic gleaning: the film is exactly what Laura herself is, which in this case is a compliment. This is a questioning, genuinely feeling and semi-legally shot series of attempts at escape to freedom made in the autumn of 2002 by Afghan refugees living in a countryside camp in northern France. As the entire film was shot at night and Laura therefore had to make it with the minimum number of film images per second to be able to capture at least a little bit of light, all of the characters are merely blurry shadows. Faceless, nameless, storyless. In a word, they are exactly the way they appear in the average awareness of that distant tragedy in the Middle East and of the waves of humanity that, as a result, wash against the West. They are given their faces, names and histories through an off-screen voice, as the basis of the image, by Laura, who has obviously done an excellent job of familiarising herself with the substance of cinematic treatment. "Good-bye Mohamed and Abdullah. That was the last I saw of them," she whispers as two shadowy figures sink into a maize field and follow a train, leaping into the underwater tunnel linking France to England. The abstract images intoxicate and shock, while the voice has a sobering effect, thrusting the viewer into reflection.
Slovenian to English: Sumatripan tablets Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Slovenian Tablete Imigran smejo jemati samo bolniki z jasno diagnozo migrene.
Sumatriptan ni indiciran za zdravljenje hemiplegične, bazilarne ali oftalmoplegične migrene.
Enako kot pri drugih načinih akutnega zdravljenja migrene z zdravili moramo pri bolnikih brez njene prejšnje diagnoze in pri bolnikih z migreno, ki se kaže z netipičnimi simptomi, pred zdravljenjem glavobolov izključiti druga možna resna nevrološka stanja. Pri bolnikih z migreno moramo upoštevati možno povečano tveganje nekaterih zapletov na možganskem ožilju (npr. cerebrovaskularni insult, prehodni ishemični napad (TIA)).
Po vnosu sumatriptana se lahko pojavijo prehodni simptomi, kot sta bolečina in stiskanje v prsih, ki sta včasih izrazitejša in prizadeneta tudi grlo (glejte 4.8 Neželeni učinki). Če navedeni simptomi kažejo na ishemično bolezen srca, je treba bolnikovo bolezensko stanje pred zdravljenjem ustrezno oceniti.
Sumatriptana ne smemo predpisati bolnikom z večjo verjetnostjo nerazpoznane bolezni srca. Pred zdravljenjem je treba oceniti morebitno osnovno bolezen srca in ožilja. Osebe s povečanim tveganjem so ženske po menopavzi, moški nad 40 let in bolniki z dejavniki tveganja za razvoj bolezni koronarnih arterij. Kljub temu pa te ocene ne veljajo za vse srčne bolnike, saj je zelo redko prišlo do resnih srčnih dogodkov pri osebah, ki niso imele bolezni srca in ožilja.
Sumatriptan previdno predpisujemo tudi bolnikom z nadzorovano hipertenzijo, ker so pri majhnem številu bolnikov opazili prehodno zvišanje krvnega tlaka in povečanje perifernega žilnega upora.
V redkih postmarketinških poročilih so po jemanju selektivnega zaviralca ponovnega privzema serotonina (SSRI) in sumatriptana opisovali bolnike s splošno oslabelostjo, hiperrefleksijo in motnjo koordinacije. Kadar je sočasno zdravljenje s sumatriptanom in SSRI klinično indicirano, moramo bolnikovo stanje ustrezno nadzorovati (glejte 4.5 Interakcije).
Translation - English Only patients with a clear diagnosis of migraine can take Imigran tablets.
Sumatriptan is not indicated for treating hemiplegic, basilar or ophthalmoplegic migraine.
As with other drug therapies for acute migraine, other possibly serious neurological conditions must be ruled out before treating headaches in patients without a prior diagnosis of migraine and in migraine patients who present with atypical symptoms. The potentially heightened risk of certain cerebrovascular complications in migraine patients such as cerebrovascular accidents or transient ischemic attacks (TIA) must be taken into consideration.
Administration of sumatriptan may be followed by transient symptoms such as chest pain and tightness, which occasionally may be more pronounced and also involve the throat. (See 4.8 Adverse reactions.) If such symptoms indicate ischaemic heart disease, an appropriate evaluation of the patient's condition should be made before further treatment.
Sumatriptan must not be prescribed to patients who are more likely to have undiagnosed heart disease. The patient must be evaluated for a possible underlying cardiovascular condition before starting treatment. Those at higher risk are postmenopausal women, males over 40 and patients with risk factors for developing coronary artery disease. These evaluations, however, may not apply to all cardiac patients as serious cardiac events have very rarely occurred in people with no cardiovascular disease.
Sumatriptan should be prescribed with caution to patients with controlled hypertension as transient increases in blood pressure and peripheral vascular resistance have been observed in a small number of patients.
In rare post-marketing reports patients have been described as exhibiting general weakness, hyper-reflexia and coordination problems after using a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and sumatriptan. If concomitant treatment with sumatriptan and an SSRI is clinically indicated, the patient's condition must be appropriately monitored. (See 4.5 Interactions.)
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Belgrade University School of Philology
Years of experience: 37. Registered at Sep 2002. Became a member: Nov 2002.
I am a native speaker of Serbian (Serbo-Croatian) with near-native proficiency in English, living in Canada. Over the past 19 years, I have translated a vast amount of material from Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Slovenian and Macedonian into English and from English into Serbian. If you need a document flawlessly rendered from any of my source languages into either of my target languages and you're looking for a professional with proven experience and verified credentials to do the job - look no further.
Areas of expertise: human rights law, accounting, clinical trials, telecommunications
Native language - Serbian; language of habitual use - English
SOURCE LANGUAGES: English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Slovenian
TARGET LANGUAGES: Serbian, English
CLIENTS: translation agencies, companies, organizations and individuals the world over
BA, English Language and Literature
Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia, 1988
Title of Scientific and Technical Translator for the English Language awarded by the Serbian Association of Scientific and Technical Translators, Belgrade, Serbia, 1988
Member of the Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (STIBC), certified for the Serbo-Croatian to English, English to Serbian and Slovenian to English combinations
Associate member of ATA
Pentium 4, 2.0 GHz
768 Mb RAM
80 GB HD
Laser printer
Cable Internet connection
24-hour fax connection
Windows XP
Microsoft Office 2003
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