Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

Bagian Persidangan dan Risalah

English translation:

Assembly and Proceedings Division

Added to glossary by Wiyanto Suroso
Aug 12, 2010 05:41
14 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Indonesian term

Bagian Persidangan dan Risalah

Indonesian to English Other Government / Politics Government Office/Unit
Bagian Persidangan dan Risalah di Sekretariat Dewan
Change log

Aug 25, 2010 04:00: Wiyanto Suroso Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

18 mins

Assembly and Proceedings Division

In addition to the Journals, the official permanent record of the Legislative Assembly's proceedings, the branch compiles and distributes a final Status of Business Report for each Session, consisting of information on legislation, Estimates, committee orders of reference, petitions, Sessional Papers and resolutions considered by the House.

The Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly are the official record of all that is done in the Legislative Assembly, or in effect the minutes of the House.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
49 mins

Minutes and Meetings Division

Rapat > Meetings
Risalah = Berita Acara > Minutes
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2 days 12 hrs

Meegings and Documents Division

My suggestion.

Meetings have reports, minutes, and other documents as outputs. These are conveniently and efficiently produced if handled by the division that arranges and manages the meetings.
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