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Indonesian to English: GOVERNANCE IN INDONESIA General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Tajuk Rencana, Kompas
Nasib upaya pemberantasan korupsi, yang kini di ujung tanduk, sungguh ironis di tengah derasnya pujian dunia terhadap Indonesia di bidang ekonomi. Pemerintah seharusnya mementingkan keduanya. Prestasi ekonomi yang dicapai pemerintah Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono bukan tidak mungkin akan remuk jika korupsi kembali tak terjamah seperti pada masa Orde Baru.
Pengakuan dunia atas kinerja ekonomi Indonesia setidaknya tecermin pada pertemuan kepala negara yang tergabung dalam kelompok G-20 di Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat, akhir pekan lalu. Indonesia satu-satunya wakil Asia Tenggara di forum ini. Melihat komposisi 20 negara yang tergabung di dalamnya, peran kelompok ini sangat sentral. Mereka mewakili dua pertiga populasi dunia dan lebih dari 80 persen perekonomian dunia.
Dengan bergabung ke forum itu, kita punya peluang untuk turut menciptakan tata perekonomian dunia yang lebih adil dan seimbang, seperti selalu didengungkan oleh pemenang Nobel ekonomi, Joseph E. Stiglitz. Soalnya, lebih dari tiga dekade dunia hanya dikendalikan oleh segelintir negara industri maju yang tergabung dalam kelompok G-8--sebagian besar dari Eropa, hanya Jepang satu-satunya wakil Asia.
Di tengah ketimpangan itu, negara-negara berkembang akhirnya hanya bisa menelan pil pahit ketika krisis keuangan global menjalar dari negara-negara maju. Beruntung Indonesia bisa lolos dari jerat krisis.
Bersama Cina dan India, Indonesia termasuk negara yang masih menikmati pertumbuhan ekonomi positif.
Perekonomian nasional tahun ini ditaksir tumbuh 4,3 persen, tahun depan bahkan diperkirakan mencapai 5,5 persen.
Wajar jika Indonesia, bersama Cina, India, dan Brasil, kini dilibatkan dalam kelompok G-20 sebagai kekuatan ekonomi baru. Pujian pun berhamburan. Senator John Kerry, mantan kandidat Presiden Amerika yang dikalahkan George W. Bush lima tahun yang lalu, bersama ratusan pebisnis dan politikus memberikan standing ovation setelah mendengarkan paparan Presiden Yudhoyono di Boston, sehari setelah forum G-20 berakhir.
Pujian serupa datang dari pakar manajemen top dunia, Kenichi Ohmae."Saya kira sebuah kesalahan besar jika Jepang tidak melirik pasar domestik Indonesia,"kata Ohmae, yang juga pencipta istilah BRIIC--kekuatan ekonomi baru yang terdiri atas Brasil, Rusia, India, Indonesia, dan Cina.
Membanjirnya sanjungan mudah-mudahan tak membuat pemerintah takabur. Pengalaman masa lalu menunjukkan, keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi semata, tanpa disertai upaya pemberantasan korupsi, hanya akan menghasilkan pertumbuhan semu. Di bawah pemerintah Presiden Soeharto, ekonomi Indonesia rata-rata tumbuh di atas 6 persen. Anak emas Bank Dunia ini pun kala itu dielu-elukan media internasional sebagai satu dari empat macan Asia.
Kini media terkemuka, The Economist, pun menempatkan Indonesia sebagai negara yang memiliki prospek ekonomi bagus. Tapi perlu dicatat, peluang emas yang terhampar di hadapan pemerintah Yudhoyono dalam lima tahun ke depan, seperti ditulis majalah terkemuka itu, tentu baru bisa diraih jika upaya pemberantasan korupsi yang selalu didengungkannya benar-benar ditegakkan.
Editorial, Kompas
The fate of efforts to eradicate corruption, which hangs in the balance, is ironic in the midst of the overwhelming praise Indonesia has received worldwide in the economic field. The Government should accord importance to both. It is not impossible that the economic achievements of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's administration will be reduced to ruins if corruption such as that which existed during the New Order is allowed to return unchecked.
The world's recognition of Indonesia's economic performance was at least reflected in the meeting of the Heads of State that joined the G-20 forum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, last weekend. Indonesia was the only representative of Southeast Asia in this forum. Based on the composition 20 countries that joined that meeting, the role of this group is very central indeed. They represent two-thirds of the world's population and more than 80 percent of the world economy.
By joining the forum, we have the opportunity to participate in creating a world economic order that is more fair and balanced, as always loudly advocated by Nobel laureate in economics, Joseph E Stiglitz. The fact is that for more than three decades the world has been controlled by only a few industrialized countries that joined the group G-8 -- most of them from Europe, with Japan the only representative from Asia.
In the midst of that imbalance, ultimately developing countries can only swallow the bitter pill when the global financial crisis spreads from the developed countries. Indonesia is lucky to have escaped the grip of the crisis. Together with China and India, Indonesia is included as one of the countries that still enjoy positive economic growth. The national economy this year is estimated to grow by 4.3 percent, and by next year it is even projected to grow by 5.5 percent.
It is appropriate that Indonesia, together with China, India, and Brazil, be now involved in G-20 as a new economic power. The accolades were overwhelming. Senator John Kerry, former American president candidate who defeated George W. Bush five years ago, along with hundreds of businessmen and politicians, gave Indonesia a standing ovation after listening to the presentation of President Yudhoyono in Boston, a day after the G-20 forum ended.
Similar praises came from the world's top management guru, Kenichi Ohmae. "I think it would be a big mistake if Japan does not take a look at the Indonesian domestic market," said Ohmae, who also coined the term BRIIC - a new economic power composed of Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, and China.
Hopefully, the torrent of acclamation will not make the government arrogant. Past experience shows that the successful economic development alone without efforts to eradicate corruption will only produce illusory growth. Under the administration of President Suharto, Indonesia's economy grew by an average of over 6 percent. This World Bank's "fair -haired boy" was at that time hailed by the international media as one of the four Asian tigers.
Today's leading member of the media, The Economist, regards Indonesia as a country with good economic prospects. However, it should be noted that golden opportunities that lie before the Yudhoyono government in the next five years, as the leading magazine says, can only be attained if efforts to eradicate corruption that have been launched with much fanfare are actually enforced.
Indonesian to English: CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ROLE OF INDONESIA WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE COPENHAGEN PROTOCOL General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Langkah berbagai negara untuk menyusun kesepakatan yang baru mengenai perubahan iklim mulai mendapat harapan yang lebih baik. Amerika Serikat menyatakan mau turut mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca yang mereka hasilkan. "Harapan bagi Protokol Copenhagen bakal lebih cerah daripada Protokol Kyoto. Jika negara adidaya itu mau turut berpartisipasi mengurangi pencemaran guna menahan laju perubahan iklim, negara-negara lain akan lebih mudah diajak untuk berperan serta," kata Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo, dalam pembukaan Governors Global Climate Change Summit di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat, Rabu.
Governors Global Climate Change Summit adalah salah satu pertemuan pendahuluan tingkat pemerintah daerah dari seluruh negara sebelum menyusun kesepakatan lingkungan tingkat dunia di Copenhagen, Denmark, atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Protokol Copenhagen, pada Desember 2009 mendatang. Protokol Copenhagen disusun guna menggantikan Protokol Kyoto yang tidak pernah ditandatangani Amerika Serikat.
Pada kesempatan yang sama, Administrator of The US Enviromental Protection Agency, Lisa P Jackson mengatakan, pemerintahan AS di bawah Presiden Barack Obama memberi perhatian besar pada pengembangan energi bersih yang rendah karbon. Saat ini sedang disusun undang-undang mengenai energi bersih untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca. "Tidak ada alasan lagi untuk menunda langkah guna menangani perubahan iklim . AS akan menentukan target untuk menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca pada 2020," kata Lisa.
Dorongan bagi Presiden Barack Obama untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam penanganan perubahan iklim juga disuarakan oleh Gubernur Washington Chris Gregoire dan Gubernur California Arnold Schwarzenegger. Chris Gregoire mengatakan, semua gubernur sudah bertindak di wilayah mereka untuk me ngatasi perubahan iklim. Saat ini, perlu tindakan kongkret dari pemerintah nasional AS untuk mengatasi pemanasan global. "Perlu kolaborasi global untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim karena dampaknya akan dan sudah dirasakan oleh warga di berbagai negara. Jika perlu, harus ada revolusi dan otot yang kuat untuk menurunkan emisi karbon. Pemerintah subnasional sudah bertindak, kini giliran pemerintah nasional bertindak," kata Arnold, yang merupakan mantan binaragawan dan aktor Hollywood.
Sementara itu, Fauzi Bowo menyuarakan mengenai pentingnya pelibatan pemerintah kota dan provinsi dalam penanganan perubahan iklim dalam Protokol Copenhagen. Pemerintah daerah dinilai memegang peranan kunci untuk menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca di setiap wilayah. Di sisi lain perlu ada transparansi teknologi dalam efisiensi energi dan pengurangan penggunaan bahan bakar karbon. Fauzi Bowo meminta agar negara maju tidak mengeksklusifkan teknologi semacam ini dan tidak menjualnya dengan harga terlalu mahal karena bakal menghambat negara berkembang untuk turut mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca. Fauzi Bowo juga meminta kemudahan prosedur dalam perdangangan karbon atau carbon trade. Carbon trade adalah insentif yang diberikan kelompok negara-negara maju pada negara berkembang yang beru saha menurunkan emisi gas karbon.
"Usaha Jakarta untuk mendapatkan insentif dari carbon trade banyak yang gagal hanya karena masalah prosedur, bukan substansi. Padahal, bus Transjakarta dan tempat pengolahan sampah terpadu Bantargebang sudah mampu mengurangi polusi karbondioksida dan gas metan, yang menjadi pemicu pemanasan global," kata Fauzi Bowo.
Measures taken by various countries to frame a new agreement concerning climate change have started to be received with better hope. The United States says that it wants to collaborate in efforts to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that it produces. “Hopes for the Copenhagen Protocol will be brighter than the Kyoto Protocol. When the superpowers want to participate in reducing pollution in order to check the rate of climate change, other countries will be more easily encouraged to take part,” said DKI Governor Fauzi Bowo at the opening of the Governors Global Climate Change Summit in Los Angeles, USA, Wednesday.
The Governors Global Climate Change Summit was one of the preliminary meetings at the local government level of the whole country before the drafting of an environmental accord at the global level in Copenhagen, Denmark, or better known as the Copenhagen Protocol, in December 2009. The Copenhagen Protocol will be drawn up in order to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which had never been signed by the United States.
On the same occasion, US Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson stated that the United States government under President Barack Obama will pay major attention to the development of low-carbon clean energy. At present, a law is being drafted concerning clean energy aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. “There is no longer any reason to postpone action to address climate change. The US will set targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020,” said Lisa.
The push for President Barack Obama to be involved in the management of climate change was also voiced by Washington Governor Chris Gregoire and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Chris Gregoire said that all governors have already taken measures in their jurisdictions to control climate change. Presently concrete action is necessary on the part of the US federal government in order to overcome global warming. “There is a need for global collaboration to tackle climate change because their impacts will be and are already being felt by citizens of various countries. If necessary, there should be a revolution and strong muscles in order to reduce carbon emissions. Sub-national governments have already acted, and now it is the turn of the national governments to do something.” said Arnold, former bodybuilder and Hollywood actor.
In the meantime, Fauzi Bowo has stressed the importance of the engagement of the city and provincial governments in handling climate change within the context of the Copenhagen Protocol. Local governments are recognized as playing a key role to in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in each area. On the other hand, there is a need to show transparency in energy efficiency technology and in the reduction in the use of carbon fuels. Fauzi Bowo asked that developed countries do not exclude technologies such as these and that they do not sell them at very high prices because they will hamper the developing countries as well in helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Fauzi Bowo also appealed for simplified procedures in carbon trading. Carbon trading is an incentive given by the group of developed countries to developing countries which have just reduced their carbon gas emissions.
The efforts of Jakarta to receive incentives from carbon trade have largely failed only because of procedural issues, not because of substantive ones. Still, Transjakarta bus and the Bantargerbang integrated garbage handling operations are already able to reduce carbon dioxide and methane gas pollution, which has become the trigger of the global warming, said Fauzi Bowo.
Indonesian to English: EXTERNAL AND GLOBAL FACTORS: THEIR ECONOMIC IMPACTS ON INDONESIA General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - Indonesian Faktor Eksternal dan Global: Dampaknya Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia
Kondisi perekonomian pada tahun 2010 diprediksi akan lebih stabil. Pemerintah juga menjanjikan merancang kebijakan fiskal yang menjaga momentum pemulihan ekonomi dan memperbaiki kesejahteraan rakyat. Kendati demikian, Menteri Keuangan sekaligus Plt Menko Perekonomian, Sri Mulyani mengingatkan, risiko terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dan APBN 2010 tetap ada. Hal itu diutarakannya saat menyampaikan pendapat akhir pemerintah terhadap RUU tentang RAPBN 2010 pada sidang paripurna di Gedung DPR, Jakarta, Rabu (30/9).
Menurut Menkeu, terdapat beberapa faktor eksternal dan global yang harus diwaspadai dan dikelola dampaknya terhadap perekonomian nasional. Faktor-faktor tersebut diantaranya melonjaknya ekspansi fiskal dan moneter yang dilakukan oleh hampir seluruh negara di dunia dalam rangka memerangi krisis keuangan dan ekonomi global akan membawa ancaman.
"Ekspansi moneter seluruh dunia akan menyebabkan meningkatnya likuiditas global secara pesat dan akan menimbulkan ancaman inflasi dunia pada jangka menengah 2010 yang harus diwaspadai," kata Sri Mulyani.
Penerbitan surat utang oleh banyak negara maju untuk membiayai stimulus fiskal dan perbaikan sektor perbankan juga diprediksi akan menyebabkan crowding out sumber pembiayaan defisit. Menurut Menkeu, kedua faktor tersebut akan menyebabkan kecenderungan meningkatnya suku bunga internasional yang akan menyebabkan tekanan pada biaya penerbitan surat berharga.
Ketidakpastian harga minyak dunia juga diutarakan Menkeu sebagai faktor eksternal lain yang akan mempengaruhi kondisi perekonomian tahun depan. Menurut dia, Indonesia tetap harus waspada terhadap fluktuasi harga minyak dunia yang sangat menentukan, baik dari sisi penerimaan negara maupun belanja subsidi.
"Meskipun DPR memberikan persetujuan untuk mencadangkan anggaran dalam rangka mengantisipasi risiko perubahan asumsi, tapi pemerintah tetap berpendapat elemen risiko ini cukup nyata dan mempengaruhi pelaksanaan APBN 2010," kata Sri Mulyani.
Translation - English External and Global Factors: Their Impact on the Indonesian
The economy in the year 2010 is predicted to be more stable. The government has also promised to formulate fiscal policies that will maintain the momentum of economic recovery and improve the welfare of the people. Nevertheless, Finance Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Sri Mulyani warned that the risk to the economy of Indonesia and to the 2010 state budget remains. This she stated during her delivery of the government's final position on the Draft Budget 2010 at the plenary session, Parliament Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (30 / 9).
According to the Minister of Finance, there are several external and global factors to monitor and they require that their impact on the national economy be managed. These factors include the increasing fiscal and monetary expansion undertaken by almost all countries worldwide in order to combat the financial crisis, and the global economy will thus pose threats.
"The whole world monetary expansion would rapidly result in increased global liquidity and will lead to the threat of inflation in the medium term by 2010, a development that must be monitored," said Sri Mulyani.
Debt issuance by many developed countries to finance the fiscal stimuli and rehabilitate their banking sectors is also predicted to cause the crowding out of the source of deficit financing. According to the Minister of Finance, both these factors will cause an increasing trend in international interest rates which will exert pressure on securities issuance costs.
The uncertainty in world oil prices was also discussed by the Minister of Finance as another external factor that will affect the economy next year. According to her, Indonesia still has to guard against fluctuations in the world oil prices which are very critical, in terms of both the state revenue and the budget subsidies.
"Although the House gave approval to the budget reserve in order to anticipate the risk of changes in the assumptions, the government believes that an element of risk is quite real and will affect the implementation of the 2010 state budget," said Sri Mulyani.
Spanish to English: THE AIRBUS AIRCRAFT OF THE FUTURE General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Source text - Spanish Los aviones que imagina Airbus para el futuro
Fabrice Brégier ha destripado el futuro de la aeronáutica. El director de la compañía francesa ha explicado en una entrevista a Le Figaro que espera para 2040 unos aviones más eficientes, más grandes y que vuelan... ¡por encima de la atmósfera!
Su objetivo es el de reducir al máximo las emisiones de CO2 y lograr al mismo tiempo aparatos más parecidos a lo que es un caza militar.
“A medio plazo, los aviones se parecerán mucho a los actuales, pero de aquí a 2040, tenemos que conseguir la manera de que los aviones vuelen de una manera diferente”.
El consejero delegado de Airbus ha explicado que en la actualidad solo el 16% de la población viaja en avión. Un número que se duplicará en los próximos años y por lo que hará falta más tecnología para reducir las emisiones de gases contaminantes.
“Con el A380 ya conseguimos que el porcentaje de combustible consumido por pasajero sea de tres litros por cada cien kilómetros cuando el resto está en cuatro. El nuevo A350 (su próximo proyecto) conseguirá que esa tasa sea de dos litros por pasajero”.
Brégier afirma que si se mejorasen las comunicaciones “un avión no tendría que dar vueltas durante 15 minutos antes de aterrizar. Lo que ahorraría el 10% del CO2 emitido por la flota mundial.” Además hizo hincapié en la investigación con nuevos combustibles y motores eléctricos. “La compañía aérea deberá prepararse para un mundo sin petróleo.”
Translation - English The planes that Airbus envisions for the future
Fabrice Brégier has 'disemboweled' the future of aeronautics. The French company director explained in an interview to Le Figaro that by 2040 he expects a more efficient and bigger aircraft which will fly ... above the atmosphere!
His objective is to minimize CO2 emissions and at the same time achieve the manufacture of aircraft similar to military fighter jets.
“In the medium term, the planes will closely resemble those of the present, but from hereon to 2040, we have to find a way for planes to fly in a different way.”
The Airbus executive explained that currently only 16% of the population travel by plane. A number that will double in the coming years and therefore will require more technology to reduce polluting gas emissions.
“With the A380 we already achieve the rate of fuel consumed per passenger at three liters per hundred kilometers when the rest are at four. The new A350 (the next project) will get the rate of two liters per passenger.”
Brégier stated that if communications are enhanced “a plane should not have to circle for 15 minutes before landing. What one saves is 10% of the CO2 emitted by the world fleet.” He also emphasized research on new fuels and electric motors. “The airline must prepare for a world without oil.”
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