Aug 13, 2010 02:52
14 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Indonesian term
kantor dinas perizinan
Indonesian to English
Government / Politics
dear all, apakah istilah 'kantor dinas perizinan' dalam bahasa inggris? kantor perizinan yang dimaksud adalah tempat mengurus perizinan pendirian bangunan IMB [istilah yang dapat dipakai supaya tidak dapat diartikan perizinan kendaraan dapat diurus di kantor ini]
Proposed translations
5 | Licensing Department Office | Catherine Muir |
4 | building permit office | Wiyanto Suroso |
4 | one-stop permit issuance office | ErichEko ⟹⭐ |
3 | permit process office | Ikram Mahyuddin |
Proposed translations
7 mins
building permit office
Can I call my local building permit office and ask a question anonymously? Will my building permit office penalize me if they find out who I am?
Note added at 4 hrs (2010-08-13 06:55:51 GMT)
Kalau yang dimaksudkan, tampaknya "Kantor Dinas Perizinan" tersebut ialah 'one-stop permit office'.
Note added at 4 hrs (2010-08-13 06:55:51 GMT)
Kalau yang dimaksudkan, tampaknya "Kantor Dinas Perizinan" tersebut ialah 'one-stop permit office'.
Note from asker:
Noted with thanks Pak Wiyanto, berarti untuk kondisi di Indonesia, 'building permit office' ini lebih kepada 'kantor dinas tata kota', ya?Sementara yang sedang saya hadapi adalah menjelaskan satu kantor yang di dalamnya bisa untuk mengurus izin keramaian, sampai pada izin HO dan izin lokasi [prior to issue a building licence]. kalau di pemerintahan, kantor ini spesifik sebagai Kantor Dinas Perizinan, apa kah ada istilah dalam bahasa Inggrisnya? |
9 hrs
permit process office
"permit process" menjadi kuncinya, tapi memang saya tak bisa menemukan "permit process office" di google
16 Feb 2005 ... The issuance of H.O permitbecomes the requirement "factory ... to evaluate H.O permit process based on the criteria consistent to the ...
13 Jun 2009 ... Particularly, in relation to their authority and role of permit process. Indeed, there is a "one roof permit process" such as in Yogyakarta ... › Member › Mining_Engineering › 2008 - Mirip
16 Feb 2005 ... The issuance of H.O permitbecomes the requirement "factory ... to evaluate H.O permit process based on the criteria consistent to the ...
13 Jun 2009 ... Particularly, in relation to their authority and role of permit process. Indeed, there is a "one roof permit process" such as in Yogyakarta ... › Member › Mining_Engineering › 2008 - Mirip
21 hrs
one-stop permit issuance office
Konsep satu atap u/ segala macam perizinan masih baru di Indonesia.
Yang sudah jalan adalah satu atap per urusan. Semisal, pendapatan daerah yang dulu melalui aneka biro, sekarang ditaruh di satu gedung dan dikenal (di Jakarta) dengan kantor Samsat (sistem administrasi satu atap).
Yang sudah jalan adalah satu atap per urusan. Semisal, pendapatan daerah yang dulu melalui aneka biro, sekarang ditaruh di satu gedung dan dikenal (di Jakarta) dengan kantor Samsat (sistem administrasi satu atap).
1 day 10 hrs
Licensing Department Office
The 'dinas perizinan' are/were departments of local government. There were several variations on the 'Dinas Perizinan' (Licensing Department). There are 'Dinas Perizinan dan Penanaman Modal' such as in Probolinggo, 'Dinas Perizinan Satu Atap' (One-Stop Licensing Centers) such as in Denpasar and Yogyakarta, and 'Dinas Perijinan' such as in Malang. The Asia Foundation has had a program to streamline business licensing in Indonesia since 1999. The program concentrates on the establishment of One-Stop Licensing Centers (or One-Stop Shops, called OSS). These One-Stop Shops are local government departments and offices where permit and license issuance is consolidated, simplifying processes and reducing the number of contact points between applicants and officials.
Example sentence:
Bali's Vehicle and Licensing Department to Go On Line
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