Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

carut marut

English translation:


Added to glossary by ErichEko ⟹⭐
Sep 18, 2008 05:09
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Indonesian term

carut marut

Indonesian to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
misalnya dalam carut marut dalam sistem pendidikan kita
Change log

Oct 25, 2008 06:53: ErichEko ⟹⭐ Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

1 day 2 hrs


Berhub/ kata benda, pakai messiness. Kalau nanti diubah ke sifat, ya messy. :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Terima kasih atas masukan teman-teman semua. saya pilih messiness sajalah"
16 mins


kalo contohnya sistem pendidikan ya unorganized
sistem adalah kesatuan berbagai faktor yang saling berhubungan secara teratur. Kalo carut marut sistem ya sistemnya tidak terorganisir

konteks lain bisa juga berarti tumpang tindih/overlapping
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3 mins

complicated issues


Note added at 19 mins (2008-09-18 05:29:14 GMT)

Menurut pemahaman saya, 'carut-marut' bermakna:
1. terdapat banyak masalah di sana-sini
2. masalah2 tsb sangat rumit dan sulit ditanggulangi
Karena itu, saya mengusulkan
carut-marut = complicated issues
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1 day 3 hrs


the unsettled condition of our education system, for example,
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15 days


Literally, the word means "full of scratches," but the writer may have meant that the educational system is full of defects and shortcomings because of poor or bad management. The context would determine which is the best choice of words. The thesaurus offers other alternatives such as: cluttered, confused, disordered, disorganized.

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