Glossary entry

Hungarian term or phrase:


English translation:

feeling unsteady / unsteadiness

Added to glossary by Katalin Szilárd
Oct 6, 2010 14:20
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Hungarian term


Hungarian to English Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals
A X kemény kapszula bizonytalanságérzést és látászavart (homályos látás) okozhat, ezért hátrányosan befolyásolhatja az Ön reakciókészségét.
Change log

Sep 28, 2011 09:27: Katalin Szilárd Created KOG entry


To the asker: Do you understand Hungarian? If you need explanations in English, please specify that.
You need to understand the explanations provided with the answers, right?

Also, please note that Hungarian is an affixing language with suffixes, inflections and conjugations.
The root of the word you asked is "bizonytalanságérzés" (it is a compound, actually), without the "t". The "t" is the objective case-ending here, so you may want to remove that when you make the glossary entry.
Érzelmi vagy egyensúlyi bizonytalanság? Pontosan miről van szó?

Proposed translations

24 mins
Hungarian term (edited): bizonytalanságérzés

feeling unsteady / unsteadiness

100%, hogy nem érzelmi.
A PIL/SPC-k esetében ez a használatos kifejezés.

Note added at 1 hr (2010-10-06 15:30:26 GMT)

Feeling unsteady / unsteadiness ->
These are the terms what are used in PILs and SPCs.
I translated a lot of them. Listed among adverse effects. Imbalance is called egyensúlyzavar and it's a different adverse affect.

Note added at 1 hr (2010-10-06 15:33:34 GMT)

Typo: adverse effect (not affect)

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-10-06 16:51:28 GMT)

I have checked in the pharmacopeia:
I assume the question refers to a capsule which active substance is tramadol hydrochloride:

Change in vision
# Blurred vision

Clumsiness, unsteadiness , trembling, or problems with muscle control or coordination

Note added at 5 hrs (2010-10-06 20:10:25 GMT)

Definíció: bizonytalanságérzés alatt olyan szédülést értünk, amikor a fő panasz a járásbizonytalanság. Többnyire centrális (agyi) oka van.

Unsteadiness (bizonytalanságérzés) is a type of dizziness.

Types of Dizziness

Sensations of unsteadiness, imbalance or disorientation
in relationship to one’s surroundings may result from disturbances in the ear, neck muscles and joints, the eyes, the nervous system connections of these structures, or a combination of any of the above.

Note added at 19 hrs (2010-10-07 09:50:44 GMT)

To Elizabeth:

Light-headedness is not the right term here.
When you say "bizonytalanságérzés", the key term here is "járásbizonytalanság (unsteady walking)".

See medical definitions:

Definition of Lightheadedness

Lightheadedness: A feeling you are "going to faint." Lightheadedness is medically distinct from dizziness, unsteadiness, and vertigo. See: Dizziness, Unsteadiness, and Vertigo.


Definition of Unsteadiness

Unsteadiness: Loss of one's equilibrium in regard to the environment, often with a feeling of almost falling, or the result of bumping into things.

There are many causes for unsteadiness, including problems in the cerebral or cerebellar portions of the brain, the spinal cord, vestibular system, or inner ear. Unsteadiness is medically distinct from dizziness, lightheadedness, and vertigo.

See also dizziness, lightheadedness, vertigo.
Peer comment(s):

agree amanda solymosi : I agree with the translation/interpretation, though it is not clear if it is a symptom or a side-effect
2 hrs
Thank you! Since the text says that the capsule (drug) may cause "bizonytalanságérzést" and "látászavart (homályos látás)" this means that these are the symptoms of the adverse (side) effects caused by the drug.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
43 mins
Hungarian term (edited): bizonytalanságérzés

feeling of imbalance

Szerintem itt az egyensúlyérzetre vonatkozik a "bizonytalanságérzés" és a "feeling of imbalance" a fordítása.
"This feeling of imbalance without a sensation of turning or spinning is called disequilibrium"
"There is often a feeling of imbalance (disequilibrium)"
A leggyakoribb kifejezések gyógyszer mellékhatások körében:
may cause drowsiness/dizziness (szédülés), blurred vision (homályos látás), feeling of imbalance (bizonytalanságérzés), somnolence (álmosság), headache (fejfájás), nausea (hányinger)....

Note added at 48 mins (2010-10-06 15:09:00 GMT)

Amit a beteg "off balance feeling"-ként ír le, az orvos válaszában "feeling of imbalance"-ként tér vissza:

"... I started experiencing an off balance feeling, not like the room spinning, but more rocking side to side, as though I were on a boat. --
- When you change positions, for example, tilt your head, roll over and get out of bed, etc., do you have the feeling of imbalance?"
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4 hrs


Szerintem ezt szokták használni a bizonytalanságérzésre.

Lásd például:

Dizziness Overview

Dizziness is a common description for many different feelings. The feeling of dizziness may be very familiar to you, yet difficult to describe.

Vertigo is a medical term to describe the feeling of spinning, whirling, or motion either of yourself or your surroundings. This is the same feeling you might have after getting off a merry-go-round or spinning in place. Several diseases of the balance organs of the inner ear can cause vertigo, or it may be a symptom of a tumor or stroke.

Dizziness may be just mildly annoying or caused by something possibly life threatening.

When you might feel dizziness

Fainting or near fainting such as "at the sight of blood" or with emotional upset

Fainting or near fainting from standing up too quickly or standing still too long

Weakness during a flu, cold, or other illness

Seasickness or motion sickness

Queasiness, nausea, or vomiting

Confused thinking

Fatigue, tiredness, or daytime sleepiness

Clumsy hands or stumbling walking


Dizziness is light-headedness, feeling like you might faint, being unsteady, loss of balance, or vertigo (a feeling that you or the room is spinning or moving).

De rá lehet keresni pl. az idegrendszerre ható gyógyszerek mellékhatásaira is, ott is így említik.

Peer comment(s):

neutral Katalin Szilárd : Dizziness means szédülés or szédülékenység. See medical dictionaries, plus PILs and SPCs. Bizonytalanságérzés is a type of "szédülés": See
37 mins
neutral Elizabeth Rudin : Nem dizziness, hanem light-headedness (ami szintén szerepel a válaszodban).
13 hrs
neutral amanda solymosi : dizziness is just part of the description. Vertigo is not just dizziness (symptom) it is a serious medical complaint.
14 hrs
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