Mar 20, 2018 04:48
6 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Finnish term
lääkemääräys / resepti
Finnish to English
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
I always thought that "lääkemääräys" and "resepti" were synonymous terms for "prescription (of medicine)".
However, the following sentence seems to imply a distinction between them:
"Lääkemääräyksellä tarkoitetaan myös terveydenhuollon toimintayksikössä ja sosiaalihuollon palveluissa tapahtuvaa lääkemääräysten tekemistä, muokkaamista ja päi-vittämistä, jolloin määräys lääkityksestä annetaan potilastietojärjestelmän sisällä eikä tästä muodostu reseptiä."
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to translate "lääkemääräys" and "resepti" in this sentence to convey the desired distinction?
However, the following sentence seems to imply a distinction between them:
"Lääkemääräyksellä tarkoitetaan myös terveydenhuollon toimintayksikössä ja sosiaalihuollon palveluissa tapahtuvaa lääkemääräysten tekemistä, muokkaamista ja päi-vittämistä, jolloin määräys lääkityksestä annetaan potilastietojärjestelmän sisällä eikä tästä muodostu reseptiä."
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to translate "lääkemääräys" and "resepti" in this sentence to convey the desired distinction?
Proposed translations
5 +1 | medication order/prescription | Tarja Karjalainen |
4 | "Prescription of medicine" is correct | Melina Kajander |
5 -3 | How about some ID? | Erkki Pekkinen |
Proposed translations
3 hrs
medication order/prescription
Here's one definition, which I think fits quite well with the Finnish one: "Prescriptions are used in the outpatient, or ambulatory setting, whereas medication orders are used in the inpatient or institutional health system setting." (
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr
How about some ID?
It would so much nicer to communicate and assist soneone that used his/her real name...
Note added at 1 hr (2018-03-20 06:47:46 GMT)
It would so much nicer to communicate and assist someone that used his/her real name...
Note added at 1 hr (2018-03-20 06:47:46 GMT)
It would so much nicer to communicate and assist someone that used his/her real name...
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Melina Kajander
: While this may be true, it's quite rude to give an irrelevant reply like this to a genuine question... People are fully entitled to use just their initials or even a made-up username here if they so wish, as far as I know.
1 hr
disagree |
: As a user with my company/nickname visible, I wholeheartedly agree with this reply being inappropriate.
14 hrs
disagree |
: There are other venues for social interaction
20 hrs
3 hrs
"Prescription of medicine" is correct
They are basically synonymous, yes; this is mainly just typical Finnish bureaucratic language usage that's very difficult to make sense of ;) But if a difference or separation of meaning is needed, as seems the case here, 'resepti' is usually printed on paper, 'lääkemääräys' can be just electronic. (Though they can be used interchangeably as well.) So your example sentence would seem to say that this prescription would not be printed out as a physical prescription, but would just remain electronic and for internal use only (as far as I can make sense of it).
Note added at 3 hrs (2018-03-20 08:06:04 GMT)
The link above seems to appear incorrectly for some reason, but it is the Finnish wikipedia entry for "lääkemääräys".
Note added at 3 hrs (2018-03-20 08:06:04 GMT)
The link above seems to appear incorrectly for some reason, but it is the Finnish wikipedia entry for "lääkemääräys".
Something went wrong...