Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Getting the inside on-side

English answer:

getting those within a company fully behind the idea

Added to glossary by Stephanie Ezrol
Jan 23, 2011 12:34
14 yrs ago
English term

Getting the inside on-side

English Bus/Financial Marketing
Getting the inside on-side

The brand should belong to everyone in the company. It needs the commitment and passion of all those who have understood and assimilated the brand’s values throughout the organisation, not just the marketing and communications departments.

Could you please paraphrase the expression?

Thank you.
Change log

Jan 29, 2011 13:22: Stephanie Ezrol Created KOG entry


1 hr

getting those within a company fully behind the idea

In a marketing context I believe they are discussing the fact that not only do you have to sell the brand idea outside (to potential customers or an outside audience) but you also have to sell it inside (within your company or organization),

So the title is about getting the inside (those within the company or organisation) on-side (on the side of the brand idea) as if they were the fans/members of a sports team who are fully participating in making sure that the team (brand) suceeds.
Peer comment(s):

agree B D Finch
8 mins
Thanks Barbara !
agree Sheila Wilson
53 mins
Thanks Sheila !
agree trsk2000 (X) : 100% agree
1 hr
Thanks Tariq !
agree jenbikkal (X)
1 hr
Thanks !
agree Tony M : Yes, 'the inside' = the people within the company, and 'getting someone on-side' means getting them to come over to your team, getting them involved in what's going on.
2 hrs
Thanks Tony !
agree Thayenga : Complete agreement. Enjoy your Sunday. :)
3 hrs
Thanks Thayenga. hope you are also having a pleasant winter Sunday.
agree British Diana
16 hrs
Thanks Diana !
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