Jan 23, 2011 03:57
14 yrs ago
English term

produce a loss lesson

English Bus/Financial Management
Is able to produce a loss lesson on technical topics for a segment property hazard and its controls.

A job description for loss control.

To produce a report on lesson learned from a loss?


1 hr

Prepare training or written informational text (lesson)

"Is able to produce a loss lesson on technical topics for a segment property hazard and its controls."

There seems to be something missing here, but I am thinking that 'produce a loss lesson' means to prepare a training session, or a written 'lesson' or informational text on technical topics for a segment *on* property hazard(s) and its controls.

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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
3 hrs

draw up a lesson on the subject of loss (control)

As this is part of a job description for loss control, I would imagine that this implies drawing up a lesson or some fom of training material on the subject of loss - which could, for example, cover risks, hazards, prevention, implications etc. for an organisation.

loss control
Multidisciplinary approach in which human, engineering, and risk management practices are employed to reduce the frequency or severity of losses.

http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Improving quality in loss cont...
The agency was chosen in 1989 to study loss control management activities of the Queensland government and to develop methods that may be adopted by other government agencies. The DEVETIR policy statement defines loss control management as "the logical sequence of identifying and analyzing loss exposures, examining alternative techniques for dealing with exposures and monitoring results."

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