Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

moisture vapour transmission rate

Swedish translation:


Added to glossary by Mikael Olsson
Nov 17, 2004 07:30
20 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

moisture vapour transmission rate

English to Swedish Tech/Engineering Paper / Paper Manufacturing
Texten handlar om papperstillverkning och uttrycket förekommer i följande mening:
"it turned out that the new liner had a significantly higher moisture vapour transmission rate, causing the liner to be unable to protect the board from losing its strength"
Proposed translations (Swedish)
4 +3 ånggenomgångshastighet

Proposed translations

2 hrs


Peer comment(s):

agree Stéphanie Serraï
54 mins
agree Lena Samuelsson
11 hrs
Tack för det!
agree Mario Marcolin
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Tack!"
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