Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
They gave their first attention
Spanish translation:
concentraron toda su atención
Added to glossary by
Margarita Gonzalez
Jul 7, 2005 15:09
19 yrs ago
English term
their first attention
English to Spanish
19th century text; Christian zeal
We know the habit of mind that makes men rich, that makes men amass mighty fortunes, and leave millions behind them. What kind of people were the bankers, and merchants, and tradesmen, who have left a name behind them, as men who acquired immense wealth and became rich although they may have been born in poverty? They were all men that threw themselves entirely into their business, and neglected everything else for the sake of that business. They gave their first attention, their first thoughts, the best of their time, and the best part of their mind, to pushing forward the transactions in which they were engaged. They were men of one thing.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
15 mins
concentraron toda su atención
Hope it helps.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Gracias, Marga"
2 mins
su mayor cuidado / su mayor esmero
Sí, ya sé que dice "first"... pero no me suena con "primero". Una sugerencia.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: Good solution, easy to continue the phrase.
1 hr
Thanks a lot, Jane! : )
agree |
9 hrs
Muchas gracias, Alicia!
7 mins
tener en cuenta a priori
a priori is getting picked as slang by pseudo-intellectual. could use primero also
1 hr
como meta (objetivo) primordial
3 hrs
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