Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

AC channel

German translation:


Added to glossary by Silke Blumbach
Feb 13, 2005 18:51
20 yrs ago
English term

AC channel

English to German Medical Medical: Instruments
This is about sensor testers.
"The tester is comprised of two parts: (1) an AC amplifier channel with signal indication and (2) a resistance comparator."
"Testing AC Channel Sensors"
"The AC channel is useful in testing the operation of piezo crystal and piezo film effort sensors, piezo snore and movement sensors, as well as any other sensor producing signals in the mV range."

Proposed translations

4 mins


AC= alternating current, auf Deutsch im allgemeinen als Wechselspannung bezeichnet.

Note added at 13 mins (2005-02-13 19:05:13 GMT)

\"AC-Eingang\" ist besser.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mariana Moreira
18 mins
agree Johannes Gleim : oder besser als Wechselstrom bekannt
2 days 5 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
5 mins

alternative current channel

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