Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Arabic translation:
تلحق بركب الشركات المدرجة
Added to glossary by
Jan 14, 2006 18:46
19 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term
English to Arabic
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
We are looking to see family businesses jump on the listing bandwagon, especially in the face of changes brought about by globalisation
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
15 hrs
تلحق بركب الشركات المدرجة
تلحق بركب الشركات المدرجة في البورصة
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Many Thanks Ahmed "
1 hr
/قطاع تجاري مشجع /دارج
نحن بانتظار أن نرى كيف تصبح التجارة العائليةقطاعا تجاريا مشجعا /دارجا
Mirriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines bandwagon as being:
1 : a usually ornate and high wagon for a band of musicians especially in a circus parad
2 : a popular party, faction, or cause that attracts growing support -- often used in such phrases as climb on the bandwagon
3 : a current or fashionable trend
I think the second definition given by is the one we need here.
Mirriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines bandwagon as being:
1 : a usually ornate and high wagon for a band of musicians especially in a circus parad
2 : a popular party, faction, or cause that attracts growing support -- often used in such phrases as climb on the bandwagon
3 : a current or fashionable trend
I think the second definition given by is the one we need here.
2 hrs
قائمة الشركات المرصودة
بحد ذاتها الكلمة تعني عربة الموسيقى ولكن من خلال النص المفهوم هو كما هو مبين. أي أن تلحق بالشركات المرصودة في سوق الأوراق المالية كما يلحق المتجمهرون في العرض عربة الموسيقى.
Note added at 2 hrs 9 mins (2006-01-14 20:56:25 GMT)
ليس للمصطلح كما هو مستخدم هنا أي علاقة بقطاع النقل
Note added at 2 hrs 9 mins (2006-01-14 20:56:25 GMT)
ليس للمصطلح كما هو مستخدم هنا أي علاقة بقطاع النقل
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Arabella K-
: I guess that's what I wanted to say .....
14 mins
Thank you, Sabah.
3 hrs
إغراء الإدراج في القوائم
تيار القوائم السائد
Bandwagon: Bandwagon and inevitable-victory appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to take the course of action that "everyone else is taking."
Bandwagon: Bandwagon and inevitable-victory appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to take the course of action that "everyone else is taking."
4 hrs
English term (edited):
to jump on the bandwagon
ركوب موجة ....
"to jump on a bandwagon" is a fixed expression meaning "to join a popular trend".
I'm not sure what "listing" means here, so I can't provide a translation for it, but you didn't provide enough context and besides you didn't ask what listing means...
There may be better Arabic expressions but ركوب موجة is a rough equivalent of "to jump on a bandwagon"
Note added at 4 hrs 13 mins (2006-01-14 23:00:18 GMT)
I'm not sure what "listing" means here, so I can't provide a translation for it, but you didn't provide enough context and besides you didn't ask what listing means...
There may be better Arabic expressions but ركوب موجة is a rough equivalent of "to jump on a bandwagon"
Note added at 4 hrs 13 mins (2006-01-14 23:00:18 GMT)
13 hrs
see full translation
نحن نأمل برؤيه الأعمال التجارية العائليةِ تَقْفزُ إلي نطاق الشركات ذات سجل وإسم بالأسواق ، خصوصاًفي ظل تلك التغيرات التي جلبتها العولمة
Note added at 13 hrs 3 mins (2006-01-15 07:50:27 GMT)
this the full context
Note added at 13 hrs 3 mins (2006-01-15 07:50:27 GMT)
this the full context
20 hrs
العربة الرابحة
21 hrs
التيار الحالي
it means current trend
1 day 44 mins
English term (edited):
Jump on the listing bandwagon
تلحق /تنضم للقائمة الرائجة
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