Mar 7, 2013 22:39
11 yrs ago
English term
data ports
English to Arabic
Tourism & Travel
Generous, accommodating space, king- sized beds + twin bed; color scheme differs on each floor, with blue tones or burgundy.The large and tastefully fitted bathrooms are finished in marble.{2/}All guestrooms are fully equipped for business or leisure experiences including data ports and free Internet access.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
8 hrs
منافذ للبيانات والمعلومات
Note added at 8 hrs (2013-03-08 07:17:59 GMT)
منافذ للحصول على البيانات والمعلومات
Note added at 8 hrs (2013-03-08 07:17:59 GMT)
منافذ للحصول على البيانات والمعلومات
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thanks"
4 mins
الإنترنت السلكي
الترجمة الحرفية هي منافذ البيانات باستخدام الأسلاك
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Mokhtar Nabaleh
: "data ports" has nothing to do with الإنترنت السلكي. A data ports is a small wall outlet (resembling a telephone jack) that delivers Mercer network (Internet) services to campus locations, including residence halls.
32 mins
neutral |
Awad Balaish
: The guest will not make use only from the computer, it means there other means he can use for data information.
8 hrs
thanks Awadh
12 mins
منافذ إنترنت ذو سرعة علية
منافذ إنترنت ذو سرعة علية
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Mokhtar Nabaleh
: هي منافذ في الحاسوب وليست بالضرورة للإنترنت ذي السرعة العالية
33 mins
25 mins
منافذ الحاسب الآلي/منافذ الكمبيوتر
منافذ الحاسب الآلي/منافذ الكمبيوتر
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Mokhtar Nabaleh
: Yes!
12 mins
neutral |
Awad Balaish
: A dataport was a device that allowed a person to interface directly with a computer.
14 hrs
21 hrs
منافذ البيانات
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