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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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English to Arabic - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 USD per word / 35 - 60 USD per hour / 4.00 - 8.00 USD per audio/video minute Arabic to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 USD per word / 35 - 60 USD per hour / 4.00 - 8.00 USD per audio/video minute Arabic - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 USD per word / 35 - 60 USD per hour / 4.00 - 8.00 USD per audio/video minute English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 USD per word / 35 - 60 USD per hour / 4.00 - 8.00 USD per audio/video minute
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Source text - English Preparation for the profession
to ensure that:
1-policy governing entry into preparation for a career in higher education rests on the need to provide society with an adequate supply of higher education teaching personnel who possess the necessary ethical and intellectual qualities and who have the required professional knowledge and skills.
2- All aspects of the preparation of higher education teaching personnel are free from any form of discrimination and initial appointments are made on the basis of merits;
3- Women candidates with equal merit are given preference in a recruitment situation
Translation - Arabic الإعداد لمهنة التدريس
ينبغى للدول الأعضاء و مؤسسات التعليم العالى أن تتخذ جميع التدابير الازمة لضمان ما يلى :
1- أن تنهض السياسة المتعلقة بقبول المتقدمين للا لتحاق بمعاهد الاعداد لمهنة التدريس فى التعليم العالى على أساس الحاجة إلى تزويد المجتمع بعدد كاف من مدرسى التعليم العالى الذين يتمتعون بالصفات الخلقية و العقلية الضرورية و يملكون المعارف و المهارات المهنية اللازمة
2- 2- أن تكون جميع جوانب مدراسى التعليم العالى خالية من كافة أشكال التمييز ، و أن تجرى التعيينات الأولية على أساس الجدارة
3- 3- أن تعطى الأفضلية للنساء فى عمليات التعيين ، عند تساوى المؤهلات
Arabic to English: تطور الأدب الحديث
Source text - Arabic تطور الأدب الحديث منذ 193 كانت الفترة التى انقضت منذ الثلاثينيات هى بالتحديد عهد ازدهار الأدب المكتوب على أوسع نطاق فى إفريقيا إذ أدى انتشار التعليم الرسمى و القدرة على القراءة و الكتابةمع الزياجة الكبيرة فى عدد أبناء إفريقيا الحاصلين على التعليم الجامعى إلى اكتساب إفريقيا رصيدا هائلا من المتعلمين الذين خرج من بينهم آخر الامر عدد من الكتاب الجدد، و إلى الاتساع المتواصل لدائرة الذين يستطيعون قراءة الأدب الإفريقى و الاستماع إليه و إذا كانت القصة القصيرة و المقال و التراجم من الأنواع الأدبية التى لا يستهان بهافى هذه الحقبة من التاريح الأفريقى فقد كانت أهم الأشكال الأساسيةللأدب الإبداعى هى الشعر و البلاغة أولا و الأدب المسرحى و فن المسرح ثانيا و الرواية ثالثا و ربما كانت البلاغة و الشعر أقدر الأنواع الأدبية على استيعاب التراث الأصلى للقارة
Translation - English The period since the 1930s is precisely the era which has witnessed the most extensive flowering of written literature in Africa. As formal education and literacy expanded and African access to university education increased significantly, a reservoir of literate Africans were created from which new writers finally emerged. And an expanding pool of potential readers and listeners to African literature came into being. Although the short story , the essay and the biography as a literary genres were by no means insignificant , the most basic forms of creative literature in this period of African history were , first, poetry and rhetoric;secondly,drama and theatre,and,thirdly,the novel. Perhaps the easiest to accommodate with indigenous tradition were rhetoric and poetry.
English to Arabic: Hydrocephalus
Source text - English Hydrocephalus can be detected in a fetus at around 20 to 24 weeks of gestation .Prenatal ultrasound, performed by a radiologist, is highly reliable and accurate. It will show that there is an abnormal cerebrospinal fluid connection but it may not show the the exact site of the flow obstruction.
These signs may be an indication of in Hydrocephalus babies
1-An abnormal enlargement of the baby's head
2- The soft spot (fontanel) may be tense and bulging
3-The scalp may appear thin and glistening and the scalp veins may seem to be abnormally prominent
4-Watch out for vomiting, sleepiness, irritably and downwards deviation of the baby's eye.
Translation - Arabic قبل الولادة
يمكن اكتشاف هذه الحالة فى الجنين من الأسبوع العشرين إلى الأسبوع الرابع و العشرين من الحمل. أشعة الموجات فوق الصوتية أثناء الحمل و التى يقوم بها أخصائى أشعة تكون إلى حد كبير دقيقة .ستظهر الأشعة هناك تجمع غير طبيعى للسائل المحى الشوكى و لكنها قد لا توضح المكان بالتحديد
العلامات الآتية قد تكون دليل على وجود هذه الحالة عند الطفل :
1- تضخم غير طبيعى فى رأس الطفل1-
- منطقة اليافوخ الطرية فى رأس الطفل قد تكون مشدودة و بارزة
3- 3- قد تبدو فروة الرأس رفيعة و لامعة بشكل غير طبيعى
4- لاحظ وجود قىء , نعاس مستمر ، عصبية ، و انحراف لأسفل فى العين
Master's degree - Faculty of Arts -English department - Cairo university
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Feb 2009. Became a member: Jun 2009.
English to Arabic (Cairo University , verified) Arabic to English (Cairo University , verified) English to Arabic (Austrian Standards plus GmbH, verified) English (Alexandria University) Arabic (Department of English Faculty of Arts, Cairo University )
Arabic (Department of English Faculty of Arts, Cairo University )
Austrian Standards plus GmbH of Austrian Standard Institute
- I am an ISO International certified Translator by Austrian Standard Institute (ICLS)
ISO 17100:2015-05
Translation services - Requirements for translation services
In member countries of the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) the International
Standard ISO 17100 has the status of a European Standard EN ISO 17100:2015-05.
- I am an Arabic Translator - Proofreader / Reviewer- Transcriptionist, Interpreter ,and Voice over artist.
- More than 14 years experiences in this field of Translation. During this period I have been translating scientific documents , legal correspondences , medical reports , software, politics, human rights,, economy, finance, commerce, contracts, tenders, , educational content , tourism and history .
Translation is an art requiring a gifted translator who knows how to convey the meaning precisely to the target reader with respect to cultural differences. I have the talent to convey the text's meaning accurately while taking into consideration all other important aspects so that the target reader feels that the text is genuine written by a true native speaker.
I hold master of arts degree in linguistics and translation and so I had an in-depth knowledge of various subjects including syntax morphology , phonetics, psycholinguistics , translation , methods of research, and stylistics. My previous experience in translation combined with my solid education to qualify me to be a professional translator.
Educational Background
-I.G.C.S.E ( International General Certificate of Secondary Education ) , Cambridge University
- Bachelor Degree - Faculty of Tourism and Hotel -Alexandria University .Major : Tourism and hospitality industry
- Bachelor Degree - Faculty of Arts -Cairo University .Major : Translation
- Legal Translation diploma - Sabra Group
- Master of arts - Major: Translation and linguistics - Ain Shams University
Computer Skills
SDL Trados
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Power Point
Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Access
Microsoft Office Outlook
software localization
- I have localized many iPhone and Android apps including : Coloring Book, Talking Duke the Puppy,Farm Animals: Learn and Colour,myPill,Downloader Arabic, Talking Rabbit, Talking Frog,Coloring Book ,My Expense Reciepts, TargetWeight PRO ,Animal differences: Try and spot them, and many others
Website Localization:
I have translated the contents of many websites into Arabic including
Translated the profiles of many universities including Sunway, Oregon , Leeds , Exeter, Lincoln , Western Sydney, Aberdeen, Bridgeport business, Berkeley.
Translated English and Arabic speakit educational courses
BLC4u online English teaching course
Legal and Financial
Annual reports
Feasibility studies
Banking Systems audit
In addition to many tourism and hotels' website , and many other general contents including
questionnaires , medical reports , CVs, companies' profiles, and many others
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (9 entries)
Job type
Voiceover (dubbing)
Language pairs
English to Arabic
Arabic to English
Specialty fields
Education / Pedagogy
Law (general)
Medical (general)
Computers: Software
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Medical: Health Care
Tourism & Travel
Other fields
Medical: Instruments
Keywords: English, Arabic, medicine, law, finance, politics, banking, history, translator, proofreading. See more.English, Arabic, medicine, law, finance, politics, banking, history, translator, proofreading, literature, science, scientific, legal, interpretaion, voice over, Freelance English Arabic translator, English to Arabic translation provider, L'anglais au fournisseur arabe de traduction, Englisch zum arabischen Übersetzung Versorger, Inglés al abastecedor árabe de la traducción, Inglese al fornitore arabo di traduzione, English-Arabic translation provider, English-Arabic translation service, English - Arabic translation service, Software translation service provider, English voice over, Arabic voice over, German voice over, Financial Arabic translation provider, Fournisseur arabe financier de traduction, Finanzieller arabischer Übersetzung Versorger, Abastecedor árabe financiero de la traducción, Fornitore arabo finanziario di traduzione, Translation of legal and financial Documents, Traduction des documents légaux et financiers, Übersetzung der zugelassenen und finanziellen Dokumente, ترجمة الى العربية، ترجمة طبية الى العربية، مترجم عربي ذو خبرة في العلوم الاجتماعية، ترجمة العقود القانونية، ترجمة العقود المالية،. See less.