Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

clay slimes

Arabic translation:

الرواسب الطينية

Added to glossary by randam
Jun 28, 2006 13:42
18 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

clay slimes

English to Arabic Tech/Engineering Mining & Minerals / Gems Mineral deposits (phosphate)
The phosphate grade is quite low at 14% P2O5 (where the commercially mined deposits tend to have between 29,7% and 39,1% P2O5), but it has been shown that grades can be improved to 34% with the removal of clay slimes.

From the hits I got on the net it seems that this is a fixed expression in the mining industry.
I hope that there is an expert out there who can help.

Proposed translations

19 hrs

الرواسب الطينية / السبخات / الطمي

المسطحات الطينية والمسطحات السبخية
Peer comment(s):

agree Hebat-Allah El Ashmawy
4 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This one serves the context best. Thanks all."
36 mins

الشوائب الغضارية اللزجة أو البقايا الطينية

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39 mins

الغرين الطيني

"clay slimes" is a geological component which can be found mixed with other minerals.It can be translated as الغرين الطيني
"Clay" means "الطين /الطيني(من الطين" ; slime is a thick sticky slippery substance that is more or less like "silt" which a sedimentary material consisting of very fine particles intermediate in size between sand and clay.

Peer comment(s):

agree Mayssa Allaf
18 hrs
Many Thanks Mayssa
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39 mins

الحمأة أو الحمأة الطينية

الحمأة أو الحمأة الطينية
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