Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

let one\'s hair down

Arabic translation:

أطلق لنفسه العنان

Added to glossary by einass kandil
May 10, 2010 15:25
14 yrs ago
English term

let one's hair down

English to Arabic Other Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Idioms
let one's hair down
Change log

May 10, 2010 18:39: Mohamed Kamel changed "Language pair" from "Arabic to English" to "English to Arabic"

Proposed translations

5 hrs

أطلق لنفسه العنان

Peer comment(s):

agree Ramadan Bekheet
18 hrs
Thank you a lot
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
3 mins

تسدل شعرها

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16 mins

تتحرر من التقاليد والقيود

let (one's) hair down
To drop one's reserve or inhibitions. (one's) hair down


Behave in a free or uninhibited manner.


Letting one's hair down was a commonplace part of women's daily activities in the 17th century. The hair was normally pinned up and was let down for brushing or washing. The term used for this at the time was dishevelling. Anyone who is unkempt and generally untidy might now be described as dishevelled but then it applied specifically to hair which was unpinned. The first reference I can find which refers specifically to this is John Cotgrave's, The English treasury of wit and language, 1655:
Peer comment(s):

agree Amira A Wahab
6 hrs
Many thanks Amira :)
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17 mins

يسترخي / يدعه من القلق والتوتر

Note added at 17 mins (2010-05-10 15:42:35 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- your hair d...
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