Oct 23, 2010 13:38
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Danish term
Danish to English
Poetry & Literature
Hvad angaar ”Tvesyn” tror jeg at det… ikke er helt ringe for en Prosaforfatter at have noget deraf.
Proposed translations
3 +1 | ambivalence | Diarmuid Kennan |
4 | double perspective | Marianne Sorensen |
Proposed translations
2 mins
2 hrs
double perspective
Jeg synes, at 'ambivalence' kan være noget mere ubevidst, som en følelsesmæssig splittethed, mens 'double perspective' går mere på holdningen til mennesker og livet.
Det er nok svært at finde et ord, som rammer helt præcist.
Det er nok svært at finde et ord, som rammer helt præcist.
Reference comments
77 days
When in doubt (as I also would be in this case) I tend to go back to researching the definition of the source word for further inspiration. According to this website, http://www.henrikpontoppidan.dk/text/seclit/biografier/fibig... 'Tvesyn betyder, at to modsatte synspunkter sættes i spil med hinanden, sådan at de gensidigt belyser hinanden.' Hmmm, that doesn't make it easier to translate!! But I feel it rules out 'ambivalence' as an option. Whilst my English husband and I have never heard of the expression 'double perspective', it has been used in a similar context to 'tvesyn' on this website http://www.faithtacoma.org/content/2006-04-23-pm.aspx. So perhaps it is a good option. I also considered 'dual perspective', but that doesn't seem appropriate either, if this website is anything to go by http://www.voiceoftheturtle.org/dictionary/dict_d1.php#dual !! Good luck - sorry I don't have a straight answer for you ;-(
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