Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

så er elefanter ikke, som mennesker er flest

English translation:

Elephants are not like most people

Added to glossary by stephen mewes
Oct 9, 2008 15:34
16 yrs ago
Danish term

så er elefanter ikke, som mennesker er flest

Danish to English Other Other
Selv om der ingen tvivl er om, at det lille stykke elefantparadis, der nu er skabt på Frederiksberg, også er skabt i menneskets billeded af det perfekte liv, så er elefanter ikke, som mennesker er flest

Proposed translations

28 mins

Elephants are not like most people

Elephants are not like most people

´som mennesker er flest´ is a colloquial, perhaps slightly archaic expression that really only means ´like most people´.

You probably need to rephrase is a bit to put across what the Danish really means:

The little elephant paradise created in Frederiksberg was created for the human vision of the perfect life, only elephants are not like most people.

Ideally, you should catch the biblical allusion (Genesis 1. 27) along with the creation of Paradise -

Og Gud skabte mennesket i sit billede
- in the wording of the Danish Bible (1959).

But that is perhaps rather a tall order.
Peer comment(s):

agree Graham Timmins : 'only' is good but I don't see that the 'most' is essential to the point of the whole sentence, in English. A more natural version would be simply: ..but/ only elephants are not people!
3 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
19 mins

... elephants are not like most people.

Since this is a joke, I think it should be translated literally. You could add 'after all' or insert it somewhere before this.
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19 mins

then elephants are outside the ordinary run of people

Vinterberg og Bodelsens da-eng ordbog under 'flest'

Note added at 22 mins (2008-10-09 15:56:46 GMT)

En lille tilføjelse: People er i betydningen folk : 'som folk er flest'. måske vil du hellere have en mere præcis oversættelse for 'mennesker'
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