Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

trasologicá stopa

English translation:

print (imprint, impression)

Added to glossary by Radka Crossley
Jul 16, 2007 11:50
17 yrs ago
Czech term

trasologicá stopa

Czech to English Law/Patents Law (general) forensics
I understand the term means taking an impression of any form of mark left on ground - be it foot print, car tyre print, drag marks,... But I just can't think of an EN equivalent. Thank you


Pavel Blann Jul 18, 2007:
Actually, trasologie probably comes from "tracing science", see the very bottom of
Radka Crossley (asker) Jul 17, 2007:
I am no expert in etymology but trasologie sounds like it originates from the word trasa, and that is why I felt it could not exist in English. I have now spoken to a detective here with whom I have worked on a few cases, and even she had to ask CSI for advice, and they most certainly never heard this word. Shoe/foot/tyre/drag mark/... imprint or impression is what they would use. Thanks for all your input
Radovan Pletka Jul 16, 2007:
Why don't you go to your local police, and talk to some detectiv there, that would be the best solution
Peter Shortall Jul 16, 2007:
On the contrary, I think this kind of thing should be on the Internet - of course the document is confidential, but I can think of no reason why the technique of "trasologia" (or whatever) would be confined to the Czech Republic/Ukraine/Belarus etc.
Pavel Blann Jul 16, 2007:
This kind of material is probably not posted on the Internet (e.g. you've got a highly confidential document) so you can't rely on Google/number of hits.
Radka Crossley (asker) Jul 16, 2007:
to lingua chick and others Thanks for your suggestions (I thought the first posting had gone to EN-CZ section, sorry!) but if you google any shape or for of trasological, trassology and the like, you will get very few hits and all of them will be of non-native English origin. I had tried that, as well as search all my resources, prior to posting the question but it does not seem to be the case
Radka Crossley (asker) Jul 16, 2007:
I cannot give you more context, if I just copy the sentence her you would be none the wiser, and as it is a highly confidential document, I cannot copy a whole section. But basically they have taken trasologicka stopa of a shoeprint in dust.
Radovan Pletka Jul 16, 2007:
More context please, it has several possibilities, se other question and my comment

Proposed translations

10 hrs

print (imprint, impression)

Judging by the way the term is used in Czech, I think it simply means a “print”, as in “shoeprint”:

Policejní technik na místě činu našel trasologickou stopu, která se shodovala s obuví podezřelého. Pod tíhou důkazů se muž k pokusu vloupání plně doznal a ...

You can find plenty of references to shoeprints or footwear impressions in this kind of context.

How the print (impression) is actually preserved as evidence may depend on where the print is found (in soil or mud, or in dust).

If it’s in soil or mud, then the method used is likely to be casting (taking a cast of the shoeprint):

Odlévání trasologických stop (trasologie) ABC č. 7. 5. Zkoumání stop chůze (trasologie) ABC č. 9. 6. Zkoumání inkoustu (chromatografie) ABC č. 11 ...

Lifting Fingerprints; Skull and Track Identification; Shoeprint Casting and ... Shoeprint Casting and Analyses 50 min. Lipstick (Ink) Chromatography 40 min ...

In this case you say the shoeprint was found in dust, so I think it would be a matter of “lifting” the shoeprint, as described here:

The lifting and retrieval of a shoe print from a floored surface is yet another important technique in Forensic detection employed by Scene of Crimes ... Sh...

As I understand it, the "stopa" is the mark left by the shoe, and presumably they have "lifted" it: "shoepr...

I hope this helps you to find a form of wording that suits the context.

Note added at 11 hrs (2007-07-16 22:52:29 GMT)

Like you, I have my doubts about the word "trasology". I did incidentally find the word "traceology" as an archaeological term.

Note added at 11 hrs (2007-07-16 23:00:59 GMT)

I think the term "trasologická" indicates that it's going to be used as evidence. There are plenty of Googles for "shoeprint evidence" and the like: ...
Note from asker:
I have felt this would be the best way to convey it but wanted some more opinion on that. Thanks
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 mins

trasological analysis/ examination

Tato otazka jiz byla jednou a odpovedela jsem jiz predtim :-)
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22 mins

trasological trace

not found in google though
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3 hrs


Trasologia - identifikacia a porovnavanie stop obuvi, rukavis a penumatik, to je definicia v c.j.
trassology (in general) - tool identif. by cut traces, bites, object identification such as "whole by parts" etc. > vehicle trassology
mozno Vam to pomoze, zmente slovosled and etc.;

Webster's dict. nepozna vyraz "trasological anal./exam.;
GOOGLE reaguje na "trasologia=trassology"

Note added at 11 hrs (2007-07-16 23:02:12 GMT)

trasologia - stopa bosých a obutých nôh, ľudskej lokomócie, stopy dopravných prostriedkov a pod.
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11 hrs


I would keep it simple (smile)
If you google together trace, shoeprint, dust, no quotation, you will get about 570 mostly very relevant hits. Talk to your local police as well.
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