Glossary entry

Arabic term or phrase:


English translation:

عمود/ذراع الحمل

Added to glossary by Sami Khamou
Oct 27, 2010 15:48
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Arabic term


Arabic to English Science Military / Defense Military aircrafts
"Pylon" is a part of an aircraft structure which connects an engine to a wing or fuselage.

It is not (as stated in Al-Mawrid) :
بوابة ضخمة، وبخاصة في هيكل فرعوني أو برج أسلاك أو برج الإرشاد
I'll appreciate a specialized technical military term.

Proposed translations

28 mins

عمود/ذراع الحمل

Peer comment(s):

agree TargamaT team : عمود الحمولة
3 hrs
Thank you
agree Alexander Yeltsov
1 day 22 hrs
Thank you
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you Azmi, Your answer was most helpful. Thanks also to all the participating colleagues."
15 mins

شداد (دعامة) جناح الطائرة

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1 day 55 mins


The pylon in an aircraft is a protrudng structure normally fitted under the wing to carry various kinds of stores such as auxilliry feul tanks,bombs,guns etc. Some aerosengines are also suspended on pylons.[n some cases the pylons are armed with detonating bolts to enable the pilot to jettison the extra feul tanks or armament to make the aircraft more manoaverable (less drag)
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219 days

حاضنة نقطة التحميل

وتعني النقاط التي تقع تحت الجناح وتحمل الاسلحة المختلفة. فمثلا هناك 13 نقطة تحميل لطائرة الرافال

Note added at 219 days (2011-06-03 23:41:36 GMT) Post-grading

حاضنة\نقطة تحميل
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