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Trados support Trados Studio 2015 no longer proposing major source or target langauges Probably a Windows problem Since my problem arrived after a reinstall of
Trados, I contacted Trados Support and spent about
an hour with a technician who tried several things
on my computer to no avail. After instal
Mary Moritz Sep 10, 2019
Trados support Trados Studio 2015 no longer proposing major source or target langauges I feel like I've woken up in another
dimension.... I reinstalled Studio 2015 about
eight days ago after doing a full restore of my
hard drive. No problem, everything was working
Mary Moritz Sep 9, 2019
Trados support Trados 2009 TM not updating despite doing everything suggested in forum.... Paul helped me Hi Shawn, When I was having my problem last
year, Paul very kindly took the time to walk me
through some steps to find out what the problem
was (if I remember correctly it was the probl
Mary Moritz May 15, 2012
French Prendre un stagiaire : conseils, précautions ? Mentoring Bonjour Marc, J’ai accueilli une stagiaire en
2010 pendant deux mois (chez moi, bien sur, étant
en «freelance »). En suite, j’ai fait une
présentation sur « mentoring » à la
Mary Moritz Jun 10, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When you send a quote to a direct client, do you include your terms & conditions of sale/service? There you go! [quote]Muriel Vasconcellos wrote: In addition
to the money and forms of payment, with new
clients I now take the trouble to list the things
I do and don't do from the start. It saves ti
Mary Moritz May 13, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When you send a quote to a direct client, do you include your terms & conditions of sale/service? Thanks to everyone I would like to thank everyone who took the time
to respond to the poll and everyone who
participated in this thread. I posted the poll
because I will be doing a presentation at the Pro
Mary Moritz May 12, 2011 job systems Browse jobs Good morning Europe! It's down, now... Mary Moritz Apr 8, 2011 job systems Browse jobs Am I THAT out of touch? Hmmm...I'm wondering if you all are commenting on
the job posting using a very surprising slang term
for describing their client. Instead of
reporting it, I decided to see if anyone had
Mary Moritz Apr 8, 2011
Trados support Trados 2009 TM not updating despite doing everything suggested in forum.... Thanks for your offer [quote]SDL Support wrote: Hi Mary, Maybe
you'd have time for a quick webex tomorrow? If
so, drop me a mail at
[email protected] Regards Paul [email protected]
m [/quote]
Mary Moritz Mar 9, 2011
Trados support Trados 2009 TM not updating despite doing everything suggested in forum.... Yes [quote]Signe Golly wrote: I was having problems
with my TM not updating recently and could NOT get
it to work. Turns out that the problem (I think)
was that I was not finalizing the doc
Mary Moritz Mar 9, 2011
Trados support Trados 2009 TM not updating despite doing everything suggested in forum.... Yes [quote]Bernard Lieber wrote: I found a similar
issue. When creating your TM, do you create it
under UserDocumentsSDL Trados StudioTranslation
Memories? When you actually create a
Mary Moritz Mar 9, 2011
Trados support Trados 2009 TM not updating despite doing everything suggested in forum.... Yes Hi Jerzy, Thank you for taking the time to
verify this with me. I have checked the
settings and my one TM (I removed the others to
start over) is exactly like the TM listed on the
Mary Moritz Mar 8, 2011
Trados support Trados 2009 TM not updating despite doing everything suggested in forum.... I purchased Trados 2009 in January through a ProZ
group buy. Since then, I have been trying to get
up to speed on using it in my (rare) spare time,
but I have run into a very basic proble
Mary Moritz Mar 8, 2011
French Tarification PagesJaunes France Je sens une obligation professionnelle de signaler
à tous mes confrères et consœurs en France et
qui sont listée en PagesJaunes d’une
expérience très désagréable lors la
Mary Moritz Dec 17, 2010
Wordfast support Glossary not working in Classic Version 5.91i Try the gloss companion I have Word 2007. When I press ctrl+alt+G+G, the
gloss companion is activated, but in order to see
it, I have to close down the document, maybe even
Word itself, and open it back up again
Mary Moritz Nov 15, 2010
Wordfast support Glossary not working in Classic Version 5.91i Known problem Hi Lesley and anyone else having this
problem, I posted the same question/problem on
the Wordfast Yahoo! Groups forum and got a very
quick response from a member who was very helpful
Mary Moritz Oct 29, 2010
Wordfast support Glossary not working in Classic Version 5.91i Hi, I'm hoping that someone can help me. I
updated my version of Wordfast about 2 weeks ago
and now have 5.91i. My problem is when I try to
look up a word on the glossary that I have
Mary Moritz Oct 27, 2010
Wordfast support wordfast toolbar in 5.90z classic disappears This is exactly what is happening to me! Just wondering if you found a solution for this,
Lianne. I'm having exactly the same problem with
the latest version (updated a few days ago). I
get the drop down menu but the tool bar d
Mary Moritz Oct 11, 2010
Wordfast support Wordfast toolbar folds up after carrying out a command Tried it....still doesn't work Hi Olly, Thanks for your help. When I press
ctrl + alt + w I get the main set-up dialogue box
on the screen. I've followed the instructions
carefully on the wordfast site regarding
Mary Moritz Oct 11, 2010
Wordfast support Wordfast toolbar folds up after carrying out a command Not working for me Hi, I had to replace my hard drive over the
weekend and I am now re-installing all my
software, etc. I downloaded the newest version
of Wordfast today. I was able to install it and
Mary Moritz Oct 11, 2010 international conferences Prague conference 2010: Sightseeing on Friday Re: Thursday [quote]mutarjem wrote: Dear colleagues, For
those of you who shall arrive early on Thursday,
perhaps we can form a group and see what we can
make together (sightseeing wise, or whate
Mary Moritz Sep 28, 2010 international conferences Prague conference 2010: Sightseeing on Friday Sightseeing on Friday Hi everyone, I have the entire day open and
would really like to see as much as possible of
Prague on foot on Friday. If Pavel is only
organizing his guided tour on Friday, is there an
Mary Moritz Sep 17, 2010 international conferences Prague conference 2010: Accommodation Quite confusing... [quote]Erik Hansson wrote: Edited for more
information: My communication was with Ms.
Svatava Pavlová, reservation.tristar (at) on 25th Aug. Maybe they have found new
Mary Moritz Sep 9, 2010 international conferences Prague conference 2010: Accommodation Clarification, cont. The rate they offered me was 50 € (not the 44
€ for the conference). That might be because I
booked a double room. I asked them to re-confirm
and they did via e-mail so it seems ther
Mary Moritz Sep 9, 2010 international conferences Prague conference 2010: Accommodation Clarification Just to clarify: I booked a room via the Olympik
website. It gave me confirmation that I was
booked, which was suspect to me since I had read
these threads. I received a message today f
Mary Moritz Sep 9, 2010 international conferences Prague conference 2010: Accommodation Reservation at Tristar Hello everyone, I jumped on the bandwagon
rather late about the hotel reservation. Still, I
seem to have gotten a reservation at the Tristar
hotel via e-mail. One of the threads here
Mary Moritz Sep 9, 2010
Software applications Problems using TeXnicCenter - can't get view of document Problems using TeXnicCenter - can't get view of document Success! OK – I put the files that the client
sent me, including the « llncs.cls », directly
in the same directory as the .tex file and I was
able to create a view. I kept thinking t
Mary Moritz Jan 10, 2008
Software applications Problems using TeXnicCenter - can't get view of document Problems using TeXnicCenter - can't get view of document Hi Attila, Thanks for responding to my
message. I put the "llncs.cls" file in the
directory where I was told to on several LaTex
forums: bin. This is also, normally, the
directory t
Mary Moritz Jan 10, 2008
Software applications Problems using TeXnicCenter - can't get view of document Hi, I’ve downloaded TexnicCenter on MiTex to
work with a client’s document (the most recent
versions). I’m only proofreading and editing,
not translating. As I edit, I want to
Mary Moritz Jan 10, 2008 France events Aix en Provence Conference 2007 - Post Conference Comments I feel like I just ran the NY marathon OK, maybe not the same thing as the NY marathon,
but close to it! How exhilarating! Thanks to
everyone, and yes, John, it was exactly how you
promised it would be. The personal contac
Mary Moritz Nov 5, 2007

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