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Agency I anonymously blogged on threatens legal action?
Thread poster: 784512 (X)
Katalin Horváth McClure
Katalin Horváth McClure  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:46
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
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Their next predictable move Jan 11, 2011

would be to threaten you because you have posted the "Director"'s email here, in its entirety, without alteration...


784512 (X)
784512 (X)
Local time: 22:46
German to English
+ ...
;-) Yep! Jan 11, 2011

Katalin Horvath McClure wrote:

would be to threaten you because you have posted the "Director"'s email here, in its entirety, without alteration...


I know, I even pondered that when I posted it... but if this email, too, is identifiable to themselves, then they have a problem. True, the poor English is quite unusual, but (sadly) not uniquely identifiable...

Yes... a book on libel law for journalists is not a bad idea in general for bloggers. I will have a look for something relevant, thanks...

Martin Stranak
Martin Stranak  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 22:46
English to Czech
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Disregard their moaning... Jan 12, 2011

There are lots of Asian agencies writing emails like this one and when one gets to the point and wants confrontation, they just remain silent.

Someone dipping in a muddy river in some religious frenzy has no right to offend other people´s blogs, even though these quote some of the nonsense from their emails.

As if everybody writing letters, emails or even posting leaflets to you held copyright of the contents...

(Just my thought as well.)

Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:46
German to English
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Sound and fury, signifying... ? Jan 12, 2011

This "agency" is blowing bubbles out its backside; I wouldn't lose any sleep over the matter. I read your original article and found the communication rather suspect as well. Assuming this is a company at all, I don't give it much of a future if it operates this way.

Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:46
French to German
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My experience so far Jan 12, 2011

I have quoted in extenso one of many annoying spam e-mails of some outsourcer who managed to defraud me of less than 100 €.

As per today, I am still waiting to get threatened with a lawsuit if I don't remove the blog post in question (dated December 1st, 2009)!

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Agency I anonymously blogged on threatens legal action?

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