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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling
English to Spanish, Spanish to English
Specializes in
Medical: Cardiology, Medical: Dentistry, Insurance, and 3 more.
Native in
English (Variant: US) Native in English, Spanish (Variants: Peruvian, Venezuelan, Latin American, US, Colombian, Ecuadorian ) Native in Spanish

1 positive review

(1 review) profile photo
María Betance (The Language Doctors)
Dec 28, 2016 Blue Board The Language Doctors Inc / TLD
Avg. LWA : 4.5 (27 entries)
Great translator! Is always on time, always available for help and very responsive. He also does great research on the topic and he is very knowledgeable and professional. His translations are also formatted and clean, follows instructions perfectly. Hope to keep working with him on future projects!

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