8,266 registrants

2012 Freelance translator virtual conference

Sep 27, 2012

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (8,267) (Members shown first)
Hans-Peter Schwarz Contact directly
28 years IT experience (mgmt & dev)
Native in English Native in English, German Native in German
Bio: An American, I was raised bilingually in the U.S. and Germany. My career includes experience managing IT systems for the local / federal government in the U.S. and private industry, and I specialize in IT translations.
Message: Greetings from Munich!
SlawekW Contact directly
14 years of sheer fun!:)
Native in Polish Native in Polish
14 years of experience
Bruno Pereira Contact directly
English>Portuguese & Spanish Translator
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese, English Native in English
22 years of experience
Francisco Cifuentes Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
BA-Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 14 years of experience
ValentinaCatana Contact directly
Native in Romanian 
MA-University of Montreal, OTTIAQ, 18 years of experience
Melanie Wittwer Contact directly
New Zealand
Native in German 
Bio: German native speaker living in New Zealand. 9 years translation experience.
Co-founder NZ Literary Translators Initiative http://nzliterarytranslators.wordpress.com/
Valeria Mazza Contact directly
Effective Italian Translations
Native in Italian 
Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, MA-SSLMIT Forlì, Bologna, AITI, 20 years of experience
VictoriaMM Contact directly
Literary/Scientific Translation student
Native in Spanish (Variant: Argentine) Native in Spanish
Gianluca Zorzi Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Bio: I am a secondary school teacher and a supposedly versatile tri-lingual freelance translator (English, Spanish, Italian).

Though experienced in technical and scientific fields, I increasingly find myself dealing with far more challenging translations of ancient prose ...
Salvatore Ciancitto Contact directly
Ma in Translation (biomedicine/economy)
Native in Italian 
I.A.T.I. (Italy), MA-ICoN - Consortium in collaboration with the Universities of Pisa and Genoa, Translators4Children ONLUS, Amnesty International ONLUS, 14 years of experience
martewa Contact directly
native speaker of Polish and Icelandic
Native in Icelandic Native in Icelandic, Polish Native in Polish
Bio: Polish/Icelandic translator.
Luciana Pereira Contact directly
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
31 years of experience
elena irina ilie Contact directly
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
Romanian Ministry of Justice, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, MA-"Dunarea de Jos" University, Galati, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LA, UNTAR, 20 years of experience
Sandra Forsythe Contact directly
Accurate translations on time every time
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English, German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
University of Leicester, OTHER-Institute of Linguists Diploma in Translation, 25 years of experience
bepibau Contact directly
Native in Italian 
Bio: Born and raised in Argentina, moved to Italy when 17th, Degree in English and Spanish from IULM (Modern Languages College), working as Spanish and English technical translator since 1989, first as an employee of an Engineering Company, later and to this day as a free-la...
westwoodhughes Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in English Native in English
Chartered Institute of Linguists, CIOL, 27 years of experience
corina craci (X) Contact directly
Prompt, Professional, Unwearied
Native in Romanian (Variant: Romania) Native in Romanian
Bio: i am a native romanian, university graduate with english as a major and romanian as a minor, i have 15 years experience of working with the english language, i am a freelance teacher of english and a certified translator by the romanian ministry of justice.
Message: hello everyone, this kind of event is pretty new to me so bear with me till i get a little accustomed with it. i am pretty curious to see how things are going. thank you! i really appreciate your understanding.
anne302 Contact directly
Hardworking and very responsible
Native in English 
Bio: Hello, my name is Anne Seidenberg and I am a Spanish to English translator and editor of texts in English. My specialty areas are medical, legal, social networking, general and literature. I hope to hear from you soon.

vdLek (X) Contact directly
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian, English Native in English
MA-Lessius Hogeschool, 14 years of experience
Thomas Tolnai Contact directly
It's all cultural
Native in Romanian 
Bio: 6 years of experience in life sciences, marketing, advertising, localization and subtitling. Dedicated to providing highest quality translations.
claudia16 (X) Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English, Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Chilean) Native in Spanish
ITI, ITI Medical & Pharmaceutical Network, 22 years of experience
Muriel Maurice Contact directly
Native in French Native in French
22 years of experience
M. Pachoł (X) Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in Polish 
Message: Dear All,

it is my first event organized by Proz.com that I'm attending and I look forward to meeting you.

Best wishes
Małgorzata Pachoł
Barbara Lehar Contact directly
Native in Hungarian 
Universität Wien (Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen), MA-Universität Wien, UNIVERSITAS Austria, 13 years of experience
ntschanz Contact directly
Reliable and professional
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV), BA-ITV, Utrecht, NGTV, , 26 years of experience
Grncaroska Contact directly
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian
18 years of experience
Juliette Massardier Contact directly
French Translator EN>FR / SP>FR
Native in French Native in French
Bio: I have been translating from English and Spanish into French for more than eight years now. My diploma in Translation, obtained in 2004, qualified me for a post as a Translator for the Athens Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which has given me a...
Carodelucas -------- Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
25 years of experience
Ivan Sertic Contact directly
Expertise in military/defence/history
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
University of Zagreb, BA-Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, 22 years of experience
Luiza35 Contact directly
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
Elena Leonte Contact directly
Professional, Highly Specialized
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, MA-\"A.I.Cuza\" University Iasi- Faculty of Letters and Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona , 20 years of experience
Witold Walecki Contact directly
25+ years of experience in EN-PL/PL-EN
Native in English Native in English, Polish Native in Polish, German Native in German, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), TH Köln (formerly Cologne University of Applied Sciences / Fachhochschule Köln), OTHER-Cambridge, 31 years of experience
obeidat18 Contact directly
I am here to help you wherever you are!
Native in Albanian Native in Albanian, Arabic Native in Arabic
Bio: Barakat M. Obeidat
Irbid – Jordan
Saudi Mobile: (00966-542432638)
Jordan Mobile: (00966-796896299)
Email Address: [email protected]

Professional Profile
Career Objective
Getting a challenging position in a professional, goal-oriented organization that prov...
Message: All colleagues,
I have the pleasure to join your team. Wish you all the best of success. Looking forward to seeing you all
RuthYang Contact directly
June Woodward Contact directly
Specialist in automotive engineering
Native in English Native in English
Bio: Freelance translator from French and German into English, specialising in automotive engineering. 25+ years of experience.
Teresa Perales (X) Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: Born in Madrid, five years Bachellor degree in Psychology, four years Bachelor degree in Translation and Interpretation. Since April 2012 sworn translator and interpreter (english). From October 2012 until July 2013 I will be attending a Master degree in Literary transl...
Message: I am looking forward to exchange opinions in the next few days!
Marek Kadzielski Contact directly
Native in Polish 
, Polskie Towarzystwo Tłumaczy Przysięgłych i Specjalistycznych, OTHER-Warsaw University, TEPIS, 33 years of experience
Michel Verhagen Contact directly
Bio: - Full-time professional terminologist
- Working for a government agency in the Netherlands
- MA German (Nijmegen), MA Linguistics (Amsterdam(
- Translating DE->NL and EN->NL two commuting hours a day
erait Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Adrian Ungur Contact directly
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
BA-University of Oradea, 22 years of experience
Marketa Kosta Contact directly
Economy & Chemistry education
Czech Republic
Native in Czech Native in Czech, Polish Native in Polish
22 years of experience
albana shanaj Contact directly
Native in Albanian Native in Albanian
albanian, 28 years of experience
EmanuelaAnkrom Contact directly
Literary Oriented Translations
Native in Italian 
BA in English, University of Maryland, BA-University of Maryland, ALTA, 12 years of experience
claudia_t Contact directly
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
MA-Boğaziçi University, 16 years of experience
Monika Nowic (X) Contact directly
With passion for Words
Native in Polish 
Bio: Grew up loving literature, discovering the ability to using words in different languages. A passion that ultimately led me into studying Cultural Studies and Social Anthropology, both of which having a great impact on my professional career.
Message: looking forward to networking, learning from others and excited about showing my skills where it matters
ANDREEA CRISTINAR Contact directly
Communication at all levels!
Native in Romanian 
Institut de Traducteurs, Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, MA-ITIRI, Strasbourg, France, 25 years of experience
Tihana Babić Benić Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Bio: I am a translator for English and German language with over 13 years experience, specialized in translation of finance and legal texts. I live and work in Zagreb, Croatia. I have gained translation experience working for an bank in Croatia as well for several audit and ...
Inga Richardson (X) Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in English 
Glasgow University, MA-1st class honours in translation ( as part of German degree) , NAATI, ATII, 16 years of experience
Barbara Antonello Contact directly
Fast reply and quote
Native in Italian 
OTHER-Perito Aziendale e corrispondente in lingue estere - L.Einaudi Di Verona, 10 years of experience
Oliver12 Contact directly
Scientific translator, M.sc.
Native in French Native in French
University of Alberta, Campus Saint-Jean, 17 years of experience