8,266 registrants

2012 Freelance translator virtual conference

Sep 27, 2012

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Results (8,267) (Members shown first)
luisagoma Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
25 years of experience
Pavel Kozlov Contact directly
Rates within your budget
Native in Russian 
Bio: I am an English-Russian translator

Member, Translators Union of Russia
Member, American Translators Association

Major Fields of Knowledge for Translation: business, law, finance.

Experience in Translation: 40 years
Maria Arambula Contact directly
A court translator and interpreter with
Native in Spanish 
Bio: I am a Eng-Span/Span-Eng/French-Span/French-Eng sworn translator certified by the Superior Court of Justice in and for Mexico City. I am specialized in legal translation (I am a lawyer and am currently studying a Master's Degree in American Law).
Irina Zhuchkova Contact directly
Precise. Vivid. Ultimate.
Russian Federation
Native in Russian Native in Russian
Union of Translators of Russia, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, GD-Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute for International Education and Language Communication, 19 years of experience
Nick Guskov Contact directly
Fast, reliable and affordable!
Russian Federation
Native in Russian 
MA-TPU, 44 years of experience
braziline Contact directly
Language skills are the key for success
Bio: Translator for the Formula One Motor racing GP
Translator for Cirque du Soleil
Translator for Century21 Real Estate Brokerage
Message: Language skills opens opportunities all over the world
Native in French Native in French
Université de Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès (previously Le Mirail), MA-ESUCA, 15 years of experience
QTr (X) Contact directly
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic, English Native in English
Bio: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GCeqWpl-Mn6wbKlJhx7h83gXqnhn3kgWfO_b7k9yXpQ/edit
Message: Nice to be among you today!
Vincent Zhou Contact directly
Quality Assurance & Timely Delivery
Native in Chinese 
CET6, MA-Shantou University, 24 years of experience
Yuri Radcev Contact directly
Medical. Very medical.
Native in Russian 
RF: technical translator. Advanced English Special, 36 years of experience
Silvia Nogueira Contact directly
Language Solution Services
Native in Portuguese 
Bio: Brazilian writer/poet and translator [from English into Portuguese, and Spanish into Portuguese]
Message: One more chance to thank everyone for cooperating when answering questions and trying to figure out the best translation for tricky contexts!!!!
Philippa Burton (X) Contact directly
Interpretation & Cultural Mediation
Native in English Native in English, French Native in French
MA in English, Leiden University, ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen, Dutch Writers' Guild (Auteursbond), NGTV, 30 years of experience
mariannaitaly Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
angela wang Contact directly
High Quality Interpreter/Translator
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
MA-English Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 1996, 29 years of experience
grallka Contact directly
Native in Polish Native in Polish
Aston University, 17 years of experience
Sofia Coelho Contact directly
Experienced Eng-PT-Eng translator
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese, English Native in English
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 28 years of experience
Jonas Frizell Contact directly
Theory and Practice
Native in Swedish Native in Swedish
Bio: Freelance translator, musician and fitness instructor. Education include music, culture studies, history, media & communations and of course languages and translation. Freelance translator since 2006.
Message: Hi! My first time on Proz virtual event. Very excited!
Rus2Eng Contact directly
Native in English Native in English
BA-St. Louis University, 19 years of experience
Dariusz Polok Contact directly
Native in Polish Native in Polish
41 years of experience
Iveta Kopankina Contact directly
Precision and professionalism
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian, Russian Native in Russian
Bio: 30+ years of experience - translator, conference interpreter, university lecturer, MA, working languages ENG_LV_RUS
Message: may all of u be successful, happy and in demand :).
Ahmed Alabdullah Contact directly
I Translate Words
United States
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Bio: Translator/Interpreter with five-year experience working for various clients in Iraq, Jordan and the Netherlands on a number of subject but specializing in International Relations, Politics, historical and religious texts and utilizing a variety of mediums (TV shows, do...
Ksenia_ Contact directly
Russian Federation
Native in English Native in English, Polish Native in Polish
dr. Judit Gal Contact directly
Traduzioni di alta qualità
Native in Hungarian Native in Hungarian
MA ELTE, Hungary, MA-ELTE, Budapest, Magyar Műfordítók Egyesülete, 34 years of experience
Sergei Dorokhov Contact directly
Translation and transcreation experience
Native in Russian Native in Russian
15 years of experience
Gintare Murauskiene Contact directly
Kenntnisse + Erfahrung = Qualität
Native in Lithuanian Native in Lithuanian
Vilnius University, MA-Vilnius University, 20 years of experience
Jolanta Vi Contact directly
But it's more important to be nice
Native in Lithuanian Native in Lithuanian
18 years of experience
Elvira Ilievska Contact directly
North Macedonia
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian
University of Skopje, Macedonia, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, BA-University St. Kiril & Metodij, Skopje, Macedonia
cynthia07 Contact directly
quality and reliability at good prices
Native in English Native in English, Portuguese Native in Portuguese
Bio: I've been working as a translator since 1996 inn the following pairs: EN/PT, IT/PT and EN/IT. Although graduated and post graduated in Hhistory I do find my working satisfaction as a translator. In 2007 I also graduated as a Conference Interpreter and nowadays i' m work...
Message: It's a great pleasure to have this opportunity to learn a bit more about such tools that are so vital for us all. I saw many names I know , like Cristina Catunda a friend from facebook and Marlene Curtiz who I'm always agreeing with at the ...
AdrianaRoman Contact directly
Freelancer and outsourcer
Parjol Mihai Contact directly
Freelance Translator (English-Romanian)
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
Bio: Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Mihai Parjol
Address(es) Nr. 7, Str. Partizanilor, 400240, Cluj-Napoca
Telephone(s) +40264439705 Mobile: +40746170395
E-mail [email protected]

Nationality Romanian

Date of birth October 4th 1979

Dorothea Heymann-Reder (X) Contact directly
Native in German 
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Born 1963 in Cologne / Germany
University degree in Language studies/Linguistics
Working languages German, English, French, Spanish
Been 6 years in international banking
Freelance translator since 1996
Areas of expertise: IT, Engineering, Banking and Finance, Marke...
ewawie Contact directly
Liya K Contact directly
From me to you.. with quality=> EN/RU/HU
United States
Native in Russian 
Russian Federation:ASU, MA-translator/interpreter, ATA, 17 years of experience
Daria Borkova Contact directly
Talent confirmed by satisfied customers.
Russian Federation
Native in Russian 
Bio: After several years experience in marketing and accounting I've discovered that translation is my true passion and the job which I can do really well. Over 5 years I work as freelance translator and interpreter with main specialization in German language and English as ...
lolef Contact directly
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
41 years of experience
OMach (X) Contact directly
Czech Republic
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Tatiana Rapakoulia Contact directly
Love my job and enjoy doing it well.
Native in Greek Native in Greek
Bio: Biology BA and 20 years experience as a translator to and from Greek, Spanish and English in all sorts of texts. Books, magazines, papers, subtitles, the odd interpreting job, work for agencies, you name it, I've done it all. I translate for a living and also for pleasu...
Message: Hello everyone, looking forward to a few exciting days with you all!
mihaidan Contact directly
Nicolas Jeunot Contact directly
Senior French Translator EN/IT/ES/PT>FR
Native in French Native in French
Université Lille-III | Université Charles-de-Gaulle, 15 years of experience
Vladimir Konoplitsky Contact directly
Localization and business support
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Belarusian Native in Belarusian
IGDA, 19 years of experience
Mateusz Pawłowski Contact directly
Words words words
Native in Polish Native in Polish
UW, MA-Warsaw University, 15 years of experience
Nathalie Centomo Contact directly
Expérience de 17 ans dans trad.technique
Native in French Native in French, Italian Native in Italian
MA-Southeastern Louisiana University, 23 years of experience
Hanan Zain Eddin Contact directly
A psychologist who loves translating
United Kingdom
Native in Arabic Native in Arabic
Bio: A psychologist who loves translation!
Message: Hello! I hope we all get the best for our potentials here!
Rustam Rasulov Contact directly
Все гениальное просто
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Uzbek Native in Uzbek
Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, OTHER-Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes, Brussels , 21 years of experience
Margarita Verenikina Contact directly
Translation is my passion
Russian Federation
Native in Russian 
Voronezh State University , GD-Voronezh State University, 24 years of experience
tengwana09 Contact directly
Time bound turnkey services
Native in English Native in English, French Native in French
Bio: Freelance translator since 2007.
Message: Pleasure meeting you.
Walter Ghidibaca Contact directly
Technical & Marketing translator
Native in Romanian 
Ministry of Culture (Romania), BA-Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 23 years of experience
Roberta Amore Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Instituto Cervantes Berlin, Sapienza - Università degli Studi di Roma, BA-Sapienza University, Rome, 15 years of experience
Petra Rose Contact directly
Part-time employed translator (bank), pa
Native in German 
BDÜ, tekom, 10 years of experience
Maria Pezer Contact directly
Bilingual English_Croatian
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, English Native in English
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, Hrvatsko društvo znanstvenih i tehničkih prevoditelja , OTHER-NAATI - National Accreditation of Australian Translators and Interpreters , 30 years of experience