7,926 registrants

Recruitment day

Sep 26, 2012

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Results (7,927) (Members shown first)
Ute Jokisch-Gaede Contact directly
Satisfying customers since 1984
El Salvador
Native in Spanish 
Bio: A German born and living in El Salvador, can translate Spanish in English and viceversa, as well as German to Spanish and English.
cecilia19 Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I am a lawyer with experience in contracts
Melissa Gaviria Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, English Native in English
Bio: I am a freelance translator with broad experience translating from ENG>SPA and vice versa in a variety of fields including financial, technical, academic, medical and general. I was recently part of a large-scale project which involved translating a large cement company...
Message: Hi everyone! I am a freelance translator looking to make new contacts. I am eager to meet people and find work opportunities.
simona leggero Contact directly
Native in Italian 
18 years of experience
George Witherington Contact directly
Specialist financial translator
Native in English Native in English
Freelancer and outsourcer
OTHER-London Business School, 30 years of experience
Maria Colangelo Contact directly
Native in Italian 
Master at university of Pisa, MA-University of Naples, 25 years of experience
Chiara Perinot Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
MA-University Of Venice, 26 years of experience
Maria Bolet Contact directly
Native in Catalan Native in Catalan, Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I love translating and this is my life. I have been doing this all my life, even if I didnt realize wenn I was a child
Message: Wellcome to this event
Laura Rodríguez O'Dwyer Contact directly
Professional multilingual Translator
Native in Spanish 
IES en Lenguas Vivas "J.R.F", Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Escuela Superior de Idiomas, GD-Translator for German, AATI, 23 years of experience
Karine Arakelyan Contact directly
Native in Armenian Native in Armenian, Russian Native in Russian
GD-Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov, 25 years of experience
Ana Raffo Contact directly
Public health, journalism, subtitles.
United States
Native in Spanish 
University of Massachusetts, Boston., OTHER-University of Massachusetts, Boston, 29 years of experience
Carolina DSCruz Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
18 years of experience
Ben Dawlatly Contact directly
Precision translation
United Kingdom
Native in English 
Bio: I have a Master’s degree in Hispanic Language, Culture and History with a core course in Translation Studies from UCL, and I completed my undergraduate studies in Hispanic Studies in 2009 at UCL. I have worked at Computer Aided Elearning in Valencia, Spain and Dexway-...
Message: Hi,

I'm looking to network with outsourcers and agencies that need reliable, experiences Spanish<>English translators.
Megan Cornish Contact directly
FR/DE-EN | Marketing, sports and tourism
Native in English (Variant: British) 
Swansea University, MA-Swansea University, ITI, CIOL, 18 years of experience
barro Contact directly
Native in English Native in English
Freelancer and outsourcer
Simon Hill Contact directly
Efficient and thorough
Native in English Native in English
University of Westminster (PCL), GD-University of Westminster, 25 years of experience
Sue Stewart-Anderson (X) Contact directly
Animal health and veterinary specialist
United Kingdom
Native in English 
Nederlandse Taalunie, University of Edinburgh, OTHER-Canterbury, ITI, Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP), SoA:TA, 38 years of experience
lwsmalley (X) Contact directly
Accurate and Reliable Translation
United States
Native in English Native in English
B.A. in Spanish from University of Oregon, BA-University of Oregon, 14 years of experience
Federica Pierantozzi Contact directly
Accurate and detail-oriented
Native in Italian 
Bio: I graduated in 2009 in Translation and Interpreting studies and from then I have beed working as translator from English and French into Italian. I have experience as English teacher with kids and teenagers. Now I am working as receptionist in an prestigious hotel in m...
Message: Hey everyone! So happy to have this interesting opportunity and hope to have success. Good luck!
Jaclyn McLoughlin Contact directly
FR/IT>EN translator & subtitler
United Kingdom
Native in English (Variant: UK) 
BA French and Italian, MA-University of Roehampton, London, 15 years of experience
Ana Dubra Contact directly
Professional, reliable and creative
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay, Universidad de la República (Facultad de Derecho), BA-UdelaR, CTPU, 23 years of experience
Rocío Ghigo Contact directly
Translator, Reviewer, Project Manager
Native in Spanish 
Instituto de Enseñanza Superior Olga Cossettini, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, GD-UNR, 17 years of experience
Rafael Molina Pulgar Contact directly
30+ years in financial, business, legal
Native in Spanish (Variant: Latin American) Native in Spanish
Bio: Being a linguist (Sorbonne University) and having lived, studied and in the US (3 years), in two French speaking countries (11 years), in Panama (6 years), in Mexico (18 years), and in the Dominican Republic (22 years), I considered myself thoroughly capable of perfectl...
Message: Hi there colleagues!
Darío Rivas Contact directly
Native in Spanish 
Bio: Graduated in translation at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Fluent English and native Spanish. EN-SP/SP-EN freelancer.
Message: Hi all. My name's Darío Rivas and I'm an EN-SP SP-EN translator. I'd love to attend to this great event with all of you.
spadaccino Contact directly
United States
Native in English Native in English, Italian Native in Italian
Bio: Graduated from the University of Pavia in medical studies. In the States since 200 and worked as a translator/interpreter since 2004 till present time. Served a variety of firms including Homeland Security, expertise in foreign languages Italian, Sicilian / English a...
Message: Hello everyone, this is Giuseppe how are you? Languages, sometimes pose serious barries leading to misunderstanding and errors, ending in disastrous consequences. In my eight years of practice I have reversed situations that appeared co...
F.A.T Services Contact directly
Traducteur DE-FR + CS-FR
Native in French 
Bio: I'm a junior translator from German to French and I have nearly 3 years of experience. I will also take part to Trados training for beginner the 26th of October. It's not easy to build a network but thanks to PROZ organizing those kind of events, it's possible to get s...
Textmail Contact directly
Commitment to quality -
Native in English 
Bio: See www.forwords.ch
Message: Good luck!
Berthold Kynast Contact directly
Berthold Kynast, specialized in patents
Native in German Native in German
Bio: Date of Birth: January 14, 1964

Place of Birth: Frankfurt/Main

Nationality: German

Marital Status: Married, 2 children

Objective: Translator in the field of patents, technology, tourism and economy; Field service activity possibly as foreign rep...
Message: Looking especially for translation orders in the field of patent applications and mechanical engineering. As to co-operation with agencies and/or other colleagues, thanks to an innovative cutting edge technology (http://1605367.talkfusion.c...
Lidia Morejudo Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in Spanish 
Bio: I started translating in my first job as a sales assistant for an international dentistry company in Madrid. Since then I have continued learning and honing my skills as translator and interpreter with the DPSI in 2006.
Now as a fully fledged, real life translator I li...
Message: Hello to all other translators and interpreters out there.
M Quemener (X) Contact directly
Native in French Native in French
Université Lille-III | Université Charles-de-Gaulle, MA-Université Jean Monnet Saint Etienne, 18 years of experience
Pernigotti Translations Contact directly
Translator in the Entertainment Industry
United Kingdom
Native in Italian Native in Italian, English Native in English
UNIMI, MA-University of Milan, 19 years of experience
Monika Szymaniak Contact directly
FR-PL translator | monikaszymaniak.com
Native in Polish (Variant: Standard-Poland) 
Jagiellonian University, MA-UG, Stowarzyszenie Tłumaczy Literatury (STL - PL), 20 years of experience
ArianeS Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in German Native in German
MA-Kassel University, 13 years of experience
simeta Contact directly
Fast and solid bridge building!
Native in German Native in German
Bio: Studied and graduated in Great Britain, France and Italy. I am Translator, but worked as well as author, foreign language secretary, employee in customer service, in a museum.
Message: Hi, Ciao, Hola, Hallo, dear colleagues! Have an interesting day!
cheaires Contact directly
17 años en traducción
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, Portuguese Native in Portuguese
Message: Hi! I would like to know if we can follow the lectures through internet, cam or any other media resource.
romankwilosz Contact directly
Amartinez81 Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
23 years of experience
Alvaro Lopez Contact directly
English to Spanish translator
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
BA-Grado Estudios Ingleses, 25 years of experience
Axapa Contact directly
Native in Polish Native in Polish
MA-University of Wroclaw, 24 years of experience
Ramón Esquivel Contact directly
Mech & Elect Engineer and PC Programmer
Native in Spanish 
24 years of experience
irini85 Contact directly
Native in Greek Native in Greek, German Native in German
Bio: I studied german language and literature and I have a masters degree in linguistics. I work as a german and greek teacher in Mexico.
maricip Contact directly
large experience
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish

I. I D E N T I T É :

Nom et Prénom : IBÁÑEZ PUIG María del Carmen
Nationalité : Espagnole
Domiciliée à : ALICANTE (ESPAGNE)
Téléphone : (34) 96 565 10 13 – (34) 636 63 08 47
E-mail : [email protected]

Margherita Beltrame Contact directly
EU, marketing & subtitles
Native in Italian 
European Commission, Università di Bologna, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, MA-SSLMIT Forlì, University of Bologna, 21 years of experience
Afia91 Contact directly
Native in German Native in German, Urdu Native in Urdu
Adelaida Aguilar (X) Contact directly
Bachelor's Degree in English Philology
Native in Catalan Native in Catalan
Bio: Dear teams,

I am Spanish/ Catalan<> English translator based in Berlin. I took my degree in English Linguistics and Literature and my Master in IT applied to translation. Due to my background formation I specialized in technical and software translation as well as le...
Shelly Lu Contact directly
Freelance zh_TW linguist
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
Bio: Shellytranslates.com
Message: Hi, I am a English to Chinese translator. Feel free to check my online profile at shellytranslates.com
Lilth_84 Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
BA-Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, Forlì, 19 years of experience
Leonor HPrian Contact directly
United States
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Adriana Malagón Sánchez Contact directly
Helping you be in touch with the world
Native in Spanish 
BA-Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 28 years of experience
sroman Contact directly
I'm a translation trainer at university
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I'm a professor at the translation programme in La Rioja University, Argentina