Working languages:
English to Slovenian
Slovenian to English
English (monolingual)

Uroš Jeram - Plitta
Clever Language in IT, Business & Tech

Local time: 13:59 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Slovenian 
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Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
11 positive reviews

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Translator likelihood
of working again (LWA)

Total: 9 entries
What Uroš Jeram is working on
Aug 11, 2016 (posted via  Technical Manual translation, temperature control unit ...more »
Total word count: 9500

User message
A language specialist with a firm grasp of the digital, tech and business worlds and an impressive track record. A dependable team player for translation and localization jobs of any size. A CAT power user.
Account type Freelancer and outsourcer, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
This person is affiliated with:
Blue Board affiliation:
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), MT post-editing, Transcription
Specializes in:
IT (Information Technology)Telecom(munications)
Internet, e-CommerceComputers: Software
Computers: Systems, NetworksPhotography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Energy / Power GenerationAutomation & Robotics
MarketingAdvertising / Public Relations


KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 64, Questions answered: 29
Blue Board entries made by this user  9 entries

Payment methods accepted Skrill, PayPal, Wire transfer
Company size <3 employees
Year established 2005
Currencies accepted Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd)
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 5
This company Offers job opportunities for freelancers
Translation education Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Experience Years of experience: 22. Registered at Mar 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Slovenian (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (BA in En)
English (University of Ljubljana, verified)
Memberships N/A
Software Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, FrameMaker, Google Translator Toolkit, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, Smartling, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, XTM
CV/Resume CV promptly available on request
Professional practices Plitta endorses's Professional Guidelines.
Your man for the job: eyes on the details and the big picture
English-Slovenian translation & localization, translation reviews, language editing, proofreading, back translation, MT post-editing
  • full-time language professional
  • reliable & responsible
  • accurate & consistent terminology
  • punctual
  • smart with words & resourceful
  • creative & computer savvy
  • team player

Extensive track record (in no particular order): IT, photography, software, hardware, telecommunications, consumer electronics, e-commerce, online gaming, tech, energy, environment & ecology, business, marketing, tourism & travel.

Find out more at
Get the right message across to your audience
SDL Trados Studio 2011 for Translators - Advanced
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects2
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Slovenian2
Specialty fields
Internet, e-Commerce1
Sports / Fitness / Recreation1
Other fields
Keywords: Slovenian, English, English to Slovenian, Slovenian to English, English-Slovenian translator, language specialist for Slovenian, expert translator, translation, localization, localisation. See more.Slovenian, English, English to Slovenian, Slovenian to English, English-Slovenian translator, language specialist for Slovenian, expert translator, translation, localization, localisation, localizing software, proofreading, editing, consumer electronics, games, e-commerce, e-banking, press releases, online gaming, web game localization, IT, information technology, games, articles, technical translations, computers, imaging software, tourism & travel, printing, printers, PCs, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, information systems, product specifications, product specs, project documentation, operating systems, antivirus products, hardware, telecommunications, energy technology, energy generation, nuclear power, electronics, programming, industrial automation, power generation, engineering, promo, marketing, PR, public relations, business, photography, imaging, software, user interfaces, website localization, user manuals, handbooks, brochures, prevajalske storitve, prevajanje, lokalizacija, prevodi, prevajanje angleščine, English-Slovenian translation, English-Slovene translation, translating into Slovenian, Slovene localization, e-shop localization, software localization, angleščina, slovenščina, angleško-slovenski prevodi, prevodi v slovenščino. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 28

More translators and interpreters: English to Slovenian - Slovenian to English   More language pairs