7,926 registrants

Recruitment day

Sep 26, 2012

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (7,927) (Members shown first)
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assiastefanovsk Contact directly
Native in Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian, Macedonian Native in Macedonian
Bio: Name Assia Portarska-Stefanovska
Date and place of birth August 23 1968, Sofia,
Present address Skopje, Macedonia
Nationality: Bulgarian
Marital status ...
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Champion Traduction Contact directly
Sciences-Po + Traduction
Native in French Native in French
Université Catholique de Lyon, Ecole Supérieure de Traduction et Relations Internationales , MA-ESTRI
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Serdar Mermey Contact directly
Zuverlässigkeit mit Erfahrung seit 1986
Native in Turkish Native in Turkish, German Native in German
Bio: Übersetzungen und Fachübersetzungen, speziell aus dem Bereich Recht der AG's (D und TR)- Textentwurf für deutsche Unternehmen in der Türkei und türkische Unternehmen in D-A-CH-L, Wirtschaftstexte und zweisprachiges Texten, Copywriting, Dolmetschangelegenheiten, did...
Message: Hallo zusammen!
Wünsche meinen Kollegen und Klientel und neuen AGn ein gut gelungenes Webinar...
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Lucica Abil (X) Contact directly
Lawyer & Translator
Native in Romanian 
Romanian Banking Institute, Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, MA-Law School, University of Sibiu, Romania, Major in Civil, Commercial and Administrative Law, 18 years of experience
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Gabriela E Ascencio Z Contact directly
Native in Spanish 
BA-Universidad de las Americas, A.C., 33 years of experience
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Athena K. Contact directly
Native in Greek (Variant: Modern) 
Bio: I am a graduate of the Departement of foreign languages, Translation & Interpretation of the Ionian University. For my experience take a quick look at my CV.
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Emmanuelle Brooks Contact directly
DipTransIoLET, sp. banking/finance
United Kingdom
Native in French Native in French
Bio: I am a French national, living and working in the UK. I graduated from both English and French universities in Business and Marketing. I have strong professional experience in finance, banking and commerce. I am also a fully qualified translator. I passed the Diploma in...
Message: I am always delighted to hear from other professionals to exchange ideas and generally get to meet colleagues. So please do not hesitate to get in touch!
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Anna Launay (X) Contact directly
Native in Russian Native in Russian
Moscow International School of Interp. & Transl., , MA-ESIT, CIOL, SFT, 12 years of experience
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Clare Swann Contact directly
High-quality, accurate translation
United Kingdom
Native in English Native in English
Durham University, University of Durham, BA-Durham University, England, 14 years of experience
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Hege Jakobsen Lepri Contact directly
Where nothing is lost in translation
Native in Norwegian (Variants: Bokmål, Nynorsk) Native in Norwegian
Albo professionale del tribunale di Prato, MA-NTNU, NFF, 25 years of experience
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Michal Dadan Contact directly
Linguist, C++ dev., electronics designer
Native in Polish Native in Polish
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: In short, I'm the lead Polish proofreader working on Consumer content for Google.
I've been translating computer and marketing-related content for Fortune 500 companies for 11 years now and I've also translated 23 Computer Science books.
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Stephen Volante Contact directly
Medicine, energy, agriculture
United States
Native in English (Variant: US) Native in English
Bio: ATA Certified Spanish>English Translator effective September 2012. 3+ years experience in the translation supporting research and public health.
Message: I transitioned this year from a f/t job supporting a research team to freelancing. This has kept me very busy, but I am always looking for new sources of work or opportunities to collaborate with teams of colleagues.
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Skribo Contact directly
Taking your words to new horizons
Native in Spanish (Variant: Latin American) Native in Spanish, English (Variant: US) Native in English
AACI, Universidad Nacional del Museo Social Argentino, GD-Universidad del Museo Social, CTPCBA, AATI, TILP, 22 years of experience
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Sonia Rubio Contact directly
Passion for translation
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Message: Hi everyone! Nice to meet all of you.
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Tünde Lőrincz Contact directly
Need help? Need me!
Native in Hungarian 
ProZ.com, Certified PRO, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Romanian Ministry of Justice, 20 years of experience
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Katarina Bertilsson Contact directly
Northen quality with southern passion
Native in Swedish 
BA-Stockholms Universitet, 13 years of experience
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davidmrosenfeld Contact directly
Japanese-English Translation
Native in English Native in English
24 years of experience
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naylorjeff Contact directly
Native in English Native in English
MA-Indiana University, 15 years of experience
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Zagabria Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in English Native in English
10 years of experience
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robertwang Contact directly
Native in English Native in English, Chinese Native in Chinese
Bio: We have been doing freelance translation for almost 3 years now with some well-known companies including Dell Monte. We are native in Chinese and English and both of us fluent in our non-native language. We hope to work with you in the future!
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Dennis Artsiukh Contact directly
Full time ENG-RUS-ENG translator
Native in Belarusian Native in Belarusian, Russian Native in Russian
BA-Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 17 years of experience
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Neelu Kaur Contact directly
Accurate, Concise, Eloquent Translations
Native in English Native in English
Bio: I am an Australian lady who has lived and worked in Japan for the around 13 years, which has helped me develop a sound knowledge of the language and culture/customs. I have a Master of Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translating from Queensland University (ranked 2nd ...
Message: I'm looking forward to meeting other translators and networking at this event.
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Ludmila Kotnis Contact directly
English - Polish Translator
United Kingdom
Native in Polish Native in Polish
MA-University of Portsmouth
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Ozan Molva Contact directly
Subtitling and dubbing QC specialist.
Native in Turkish Native in Turkish
Deutsches Sprachdiplom – Zweite Stufe, The University of Oslo, Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, 16 years of experience
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Marilyn Haxton Contact directly
Native in English Native in English
Bio: Spanish/English translation specialising in medical/healthcare. Mod Lang degree from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. 30 years in international medical market research; 6 years translating in Mexico City; 1 year in Madrid.
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Jelena Abramova Contact directly
17 years experience at law office
Native in Russian 
Bio: 30 years experience in the field of translation in RU-EN language group and 20 years in LAT-EN-RU language group
Message: Delighted to meet colleagues during the conference!
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Paul Abbott Contact directly
Paul Abbott
Native in English Native in English
BA-University of Liverpool, 16 years of experience
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Wenke Geddert Contact directly
Tourism/Travel, Marketing, Business
United Kingdom
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
Bayerisches Staatsministerium (Germany), Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), OTHER-Institut für Fremdsprachen u. Auslandskunde bei der Universität Erlangen - Nürnberg (Staatlich geprüfte Übersetzerin), Lincoln Business Club, 21 years of experience
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Suk Tuen Yu Contact directly
ATA Certified: Over 10 Years Experience
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
American Translators Association, ATA, 15 years of experience
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Alan Douglas (X) Contact directly
Native in English (Variant: British) 
15 years of experience
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Magda Sikorska Contact directly
Law, marketing, localization; Trados
Native in Polish 
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland, University of Warsaw, MA-Warsaw University, 16 years of experience
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JBouzas Contact directly
accurate scientific translation
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I've been working at pharmaceutical industry for 2 years.
trilingual Spanish - French - English with a strong scientific background.
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Slavita Contact directly
medical, pharmaceutical translation
Native in Russian 
10 years of experience
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parolista Contact directly
Varied interests, experienced, versatile
Native in English Native in English
Chartered Institute of Linguists, CIOL, CIOL, 17 years of experience
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Murad AWAD Contact directly
OTTOMAN Language Expert
Native in Turkish (Variant: Standard-İstanbul ) Native in Turkish, Arabic (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in Arabic
Jordanian Translators' Association (JTA), BA-EMU - Cyprus B.B.A, JTA, ATN / APTS, 33 years of experience
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Oliver Lawrence Contact directly
Texts with zest by a Chartered Linguist
Native in English (Variants: British, UK) 
Bio: Purveyor of fine translations (from Italian), specialising in marketing, tourism & quality management: accuracy with finesse. Continual improvement enthusiast.
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DanieleMartins Contact directly
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese, Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I am a Spanish <> Portuguese translator.
Message: I would like to connect to more clients.
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José Carlos Ribeiro Contact directly
Quality Translations since 1995
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) 
Bio: My native language is BRAZILIAN Portuguese, on 1969 I graduated as an Electronics Engineer, I've worked as Computer Systems Developer, Business Consultant and I have been a Professional Freelance Translator from English or Spanish into Portuguese since 1995.
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MarinaM Contact directly
Commitment to excellence
Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain, Rioplatense, Mexican, Uruguayan, Argentine, US) 
Bio: Professional EN>SP translator and proofreader, specialized in academic and scientific texts.
I hold two university degrees, namely Traductora Nacional en Inglés [English>Spanish Translator] and Profesora en Letras [Spanish Linguist], both from Universidad Nacional de ...
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Hebat-Allah El Ashmawy Contact directly
Quante lingue parli, tanti uomini vali
Native in Arabic (Variant: Egyptian) 
OTHER-Electrical Engineering -Alexandria University, Proz Platinium member, WATA, WATA, 21 years of experience
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Oana Diana Voicu Contact directly
Quality and reliability
Native in Romanian 
RMJ, Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, Romanian Ministry of Justice, University of Bucharest, BA-University of Bucharest, 31 years of experience
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Sian Cooper Contact directly
Technical, IT, contractual and academic
Native in English (Variant: British) 
Bio: I am English, partially educated in France, with near-native French and fluent Spanish.

I have spent most of my professional life in England, in the software industry, principally working for authors of leading multi-lingual, multi-locale accounting or financial man...
Message: Hi all, this is my first ProZ event, I really look forward to 'meeting' both fellow translators across the globe, and agencies or clients for future collaboration.
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Thanh Ha Ngo Contact directly
Bring you the difference
Native in Vietnamese 
Message: Nice to meet you guys, hope we have chance to work with you in the future.
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Pierre Mikaël Ligavan (X) Contact directly
French. Master intl. Mgt & European Pol.
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
Rennes II University France, MA-Université de Rennes II - France, SFT Société française de Traduction, UNETICA, 8 years of experience
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Andrew Schmitt Contact directly
8 years in video games & books
Native in English (Variant: US) 
Beloit College, BA-Beloit College, 13 years of experience
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calvinator77 Contact directly
United States
Native in Japanese Native in Japanese
30 years of experience
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yolivf Contact directly
quality and flexibility
Native in Spanish 
Bio: Education and training

• Course on Modern Greek at Stavros Niarchos Centre, University of Ioannina (Greece), January-June 2012. (C1)
• Course on Modern Greek at the School of Modern Greek of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), summer course 2008.
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Laura Nagle (X) Contact directly
Classical music, law, literary
United States
Native in English (Variant: US) 
Bio: Born and educated primarily in the northeastern U.S., I have studied at universities in France, Quebec, and Spain. I have 12 years' experience as a teacher of French and Spanish and five years' experience as a freelance translator. I have training in legal translation a...
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stefania galotto Contact directly
Vouloir, c'est pouvoir!!
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Bio: I have a bachelor's degree in foreign languages and a master degree in technical and scientific translation. I had the chance to go abroad, in France exactly, with the Erasmus program during my study.
Now ...
Message: Nice to meet you and have a good day!!
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Annapaola Frassi Contact directly
Localization, UX Writing, SEO, and more!
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
Bio: Translator & Localizer. ATA and AITI certified English into Italian.