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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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English to Russian: Crane stability/ structural strength
Source text - English Do not lift loads unless the outriggers are properly extended and the crane leveled. On models equipped with outriggers that can be pinned at the mid-extend position, the outriggers must also be pinned when operating from the mid-extend position.
Translation - Russian Не следует поднимать груз то тех пор, пока выносные опоры не выдвинутся должным образом и кран не примет устойчивое горизонтальное положение. На моделях, оснащенных выносными опорами, которые могут быть шарнирно закреплены в средне-вытянутом положении, выносные опоры также должны быть закреплены при работе от средне-вытянутого положения.
English to Russian: Legal_template_EN-RU Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Declaration of Compliance
I, W.C.
signing on behalf of CS,Limited
do hereby and sincerely declare that I am a person authorized to sign on behalf of the secretary of SI,Limited
and that all the requirements of the Companies Act 1963 to 1990 in respect of the registration of the said company, and of matters precedent and incidental thereto have been complied with.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1938.
Signature of Declarant
Commissioner for Oaths
Translation - Russian Перевод с английского языка
на русский язык
Декларация соответствия
Я, У.К.,
Подписываясь от имени компании CS,Limited, настоящим чистосердечно заявляю, что являюсь лицом, уполномоченным подписывать документы от имени секретаря компании SI,Limited и что все требования Закона 1963-1990г. о компаниях, что касается регистрации названной компании и предшествующих, и вытекающих из этого дел, соблюдены.
Официально заявляю об этом, искренне веря в свою правоту и на основании Закона об официальных заявлениях (о письменных показаниях) под присягой 1938 года.
Подпись заявителя
Инспектор, подводящий к присяге
Translation education
Other - Latvian State University after P.Stuchka
Years of experience: 43. Registered at Sep 2008.
Jelena Abramova (Elena Abramova)
Citizen of Latvia. My place of performance is in Riga.
EDUCATION: higher. In 1981 I graduated from the University of Latvia, the faculty of foreign languages, specialising at the English language and literature. Qualification: Philologist, teacher of English language. I operate Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Trados Tools, Windows Vista, Power Point.
I have the 28 years experience in the field of different commercial, technical, legal documents translation from Russian into English, from English into Russian and 17 years experience from Latvian into English and into Russia, as well as 10 years experience in the field of interpretation communicating and doing business with foreign partners, representing their agents’ interests in Latvia. In 1997 I attended the business immigration seminar held in London for 10 days, where I studied the peculiarities related to visa processing and interpreted for our representatives. I have 11 year experience (1881-1992) working at the fishery. I performed orders placed by enterprises and departments of different branches of industry including civil engineering, law, heating, electric power stations, civil engineering, arbitration process, shipping, ship’s controls, fish processing, computer systems, radio and telecommunication, port operations). At present I am generally engaged in written translations of different texts and documents. I worked for law office “Bonus Consulting” (1992-1996) and now continue operating with SIA “Consulting” and other companies on contract basis. I translated official documents from Latvian into English, covering different spheres of activities, business projects, art catalogues, etc., working for legal and translation bureaus such as IE “Translingua”, “Agentura Baltija NS”, “T.Judina un partneri”, etc. At present I am the self-employed operating on contract basis with local companies.
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Keywords: English into Russian, Latvian into Russian, Latvian into English: civil and criminal laws, cooperation with franchisors, economic analysis, accounting, audit, taxation, extensive common methodology in audit, international companies act. See more.English into Russian, Latvian into Russian, Latvian into English: civil and criminal laws, cooperation with franchisors, economic analysis, accounting, audit, taxation, extensive common methodology in audit, international companies act, business and ownership structures, business process enhancement, business risk, due diligence, corporate finance, corporate and personal taxation, valuation, residual techniques, abstraction methods, strategic planning, feasibility study, directives, fishery, port operation, port facilities, oil refining, civil engineering, construction, embankment, navigation, boundary water line, dock water line, ship, s warrant, propulsion devices, .. See less.
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