Working languages:
Japanese to English
English to Japanese

Availability today:
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December 2024

Manako Ihaya
Japanese to English
Shawn Morse
20+years experience in IT and Automotive

Seattle, Washington, United States
Local time: 04:44 PST (GMT-8)

Native in: English Native in English
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7 positive reviews
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I specialize in the following areas:
* Automotive (repair guides, user manuals, specifications, vehicle export certificates)
* IT (especially electronics, computers, and software)
* Medical equipment
* Business & marketing materials (business and legal documents, business correspondence, annual reports, marketing reports, presentations) * Finance (annual reports, CSR reports, IR, sustainability reports, ESG)

Over 20 years of experience as a freelance translator and localizer (DBA Pacific Translations). I have completed numerous major translation and localization projects for Microsoft, Toshiba, Sony, Toyota, Fujitsu, Dentsu, NEC, and other global companies.

I am an expert user of TRADOS, MultiTerm, memoQ, Phrase, and Smartling.

Active Member of the American Translator's Association (ATA), Japanese Language Division

Northwest Translators & Interpreters Society

Worked six years as an in-house Japanese>English technical translator in Tokyo, Japan.

B.A. Japanese, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
B.A. Japan Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, Japan.

Please visit my website for more information

Please contact me for specific rates. Click "Send email" at the top of the screen.


This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 16
(All PRO level)

Language (PRO)
Japanese to English16
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
IT (Information Technology)4
Mechanics / Mech Engineering4
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)4
Advertising / Public Relations4

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects3
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
Japanese to English3
Specialty fields
IT (Information Technology)2
Computers: Systems, Networks1
Computers: Software1
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)1
Computers: Hardware1
Computers (general)1
Other fields
Keywords: translator, translation, japanese, software, localization, documentation, technical, electronics, computer, industrial. See more.translator, translation, japanese, software, localization, documentation, technical, electronics, computer, industrial, corporate communications, annual report, advertising, business, hardware, patent, mobile communications, mobile technology, trados, automotive, automobile, it, information technology, automotive, cars, sdl, memoq, memsource. See less.

Profile last updated
Jun 19

More translators and interpreters: Japanese to English - English to Japanese   More language pairs