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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Setting up a translation agency in TGN

October 3, 2014, 3:00 pm
SpainTarragonaIn personSpanish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (4) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Natalia Pedrosa  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  
Helena Chavarria   ...  
iolanda casacuberta   Hi there. What time is lunchtime? My kids come out of school at 16:30 h, in Vilanova i la Geltrú!, so I haven't got much time to spare :-(  n
Katherine Oliphant   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Tarragona - Spain
Natalia Pedrosa
Natalia Pedrosa
Local time: 04:16
English to Spanish
+ ...
Hello Tarraco Dwellers Aug 30, 2014

I am organizing a Powwow in Tarragona in order to talk about business.

The date is not set as of yet but will welcome proposals.

See you there!


Helena Chavarria
Helena Chavarria  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:16
Member (2011)
Spanish to English
+ ...
I'd like to come Aug 30, 2014

And I'll be relatively free from obligations in September, especially after school starts.

Are you planning on holding the pow-wow in the morning or afternoon?

Natalia Pedrosa
Natalia Pedrosa
Local time: 04:16
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thank you Helena Sep 2, 2014

Hello there,

Actually I set October in order to give room for people to come, but it can be held in September too.

I plan to do it at midday, go to a nice restaurant and talk over table.

Glad you registered.


Helena Chavarria
Helena Chavarria  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:16
Member (2011)
Spanish to English
+ ...
I'm usually free at lunch time Sep 2, 2014

If you hold the meeting at lunchtime then any day suits me, whether it's in September, October, November, etc.

Natalia Pedrosa
Natalia Pedrosa
Local time: 04:16
English to Spanish
+ ...
Great Sep 3, 2014

I would need you to register on the powwow.

I think there must be some button to do it.

Lunchtime is great, then we can keep the date October 3rd.


Natalia Pedrosa
Natalia Pedrosa
Local time: 04:16
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks a lot Sep 3, 2014

Well, at least we are two already.

Let's see what others have to say.

Good evening.


Natalia Pedrosa
Natalia Pedrosa
Local time: 04:16
English to Spanish
+ ...
Hola chicas Sep 27, 2014

¿Cómo va todo?

Necesitaría saber si vais a venir a la Powwow para ir reservando mesa.

Ya diréis.


iolanda casacuberta
iolanda casacuberta  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:16
English to Catalan
+ ...
No puedo ir! Sep 30, 2014

Ostras, chicas, me sabe muy mal, porque éramos poquísimas, pero me acaban de entregar un proyecto bastante grande que tengo que entregar el lunes y el viernes tengo que trabajar a saco. Además, me están pintando el piso y tampoco me puedo ir y dejarlos solosicon_frown.gif


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