Translation glossary: Public Policy Terminology

Showing entries 129,901-129,936 of 129,936
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_lacking full capacity無充分行為能力 
English to Chinese
_may be physically and mechanically restrained對_可施以人手及機械束縛 
English to Chinese
_may be taken by the court as corroborating_法庭_可以此作為_的佐證 
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_may still be subject to appeal仍有可能針對_提出上訴 
English to Chinese
_of a political character具政治性質的_ 
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_on a summons應傳票而_ 
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_on which the conviction was based該定罪所據的_ 
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_on which_ is based_所依據的_ 
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_security given_ by an oral or written acknowledgement以口頭或書面方式所作的_保證 
English to Chinese
_shall apply only for purposes of this section_只適用於本條 
English to Chinese
_shall be a complete indemnity to_ for any acts done_即為_作出任何作為的保障 
English to Chinese
_shall be available須_備有_ 
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_shall be final and conclusive_為最後及最終定論 
English to Chinese
_shall be nonsuit_訴訟須予駁回 
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_shall be satisfied as to_須令_信納_ 
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_shall be substantiated by the oath of__須宣誓證明_屬實 
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_shall be_ constituted__即_成為_ 
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_shall cease to have effect_的效力即告終止 
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_shall have a lien on_ for_對_享有留置權,以支付_ 
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_shall not be made the subject of any comment by the prosecution控方不得就_作出任何評論 
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_shall not be subject to appeal不得就_提出上訴 
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_shall not of itself make_單是_並不足以使_ 
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_shall not operate to__的實施並不_ 
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_shall prevail over_須以_為準 
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_shall sit in private_的聆訊不得公開 
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_shall_ be reasonably assured須合理地確保_ 
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_stand committed for trial at_將_交付_審訊 
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_taken in execution在執行時所扣押的_ 
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_temple_ maintained_廟宇_予以維持 
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_to the exclusion of the other or others摒除其他人後的_ 
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_to which_ relates_所關乎的_ 
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_to whom_ addressed_所致予的_ 
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_to whom_ directed_所寄給的_ 
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_under the order命令所規定的_ 
English to Chinese
_version being equally authentic_文本均同樣作準 
English to Chinese
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