Jun 23 10:26
9 days ago
39 viewers *
French term

tant que celle-ci est à moins de 50°C de la température d’ordre)

French to English Science Science (general) tunnel junctions
D’un point de vue pratique, cela signifie que l’application d’un champ électrique permet de créer ou de supprimer les skyrmions, mais que ceux-ci ne sont pas affectés par des apports d’énergie plus faibles liés par exemple à la température (tant que celle-ci est à moins de 50°C de la température d’ordre).

Translated as :
as long as the latter is within 50°C of the order temperature
This could mean above or below as read.
Should it be "50°C less than the order temperature?
TIA Chris.
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (1): Mpoma

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Daryo Jun 26:
@ Emmanuella this


happens to be in fact totally useless and heavily misleading as far as this ST is concerned.

And a good illustration of the dangers of "context-free" glossaries - always to be handled with caution.

la température (tant que celle-ci est à moins de 50°C de la température d’ordre)

in fact HERE means:

la température (tant que celle-ci [la température réelle] présente un écart de moins de 50°C par rapport à la température d’ordre)

IOW the "à moins de" refers to what is the maximum allowed difference between these two temperatures, no matter which one of the two is higher, thus this (real) temperature must be "within" the limits of "central value plus or minus the allowed deviation"

Nothing "ambiguous" about this, BTW.

It does NOT mean that one of these temperatures must always be higher than the other one, as a hasty interpretation of https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/à_moins_de might lead to believe.
Oh "translator literally converts dust into earth"

Whatever else is going on, I cannot help but feel we, of all people, should consider where this kind of thing takes us. If literally is used when metaphorically is meant, how can we say literally when we mean literally? :-)
ph-b Jun 24:
Just to confirm that
- I am a native speaker indeed, but definitely not a scientist;
- to me, à moins de means "within" here (my initial comment notwithstanding).

I'll leave the rest to specialists, my only (poor) excuse for taking part in this question being that it was pouring yesterday (Sunday) afternoon...

Bashiqa, good luck with that tyre!
Bourth Jun 24:
@ Mpoma 'within 50°C' is good for me. It's as ambiguous as the French (in terms of which side a greater temperature difference is likely to have an effect). You can overtranslate, sure, but I don't think you can overthink translation. You have to understand. Here I understand (I might be wrong) that the French is not as precise as it might have been. Experts will surely understand. It's not for us to add things like 'above or below'. That would be overtranslation.
Mpoma Jun 24:
@Bourth ... overthinking this? The meaning of the French expression is just not ambiguous, as confirmed by ph-b, who I believe is a Francophone.
Daryo Jun 24:
I can't see any reason to start assuming on which side this 50°C deviation from the "ordering temperature" should be.

I would simply stick to the ST: "within 50°C of ..."
Bourth Jun 23:
no more than 50°C above the ordering temperature Since we're talking about apports d’énergie it seems logical to me to think that they are not talking about temperatures below the ordering temperature (where is the energy input there?) but solely about temperatures above that value, but only up to 50° above it.
Of course I know nothing about skyrmions, so maybe they get overexcited when dipped in a champagne bucket of icewater too.
Bashiqa (asker) Jun 23:
@ ph-b Re holiday: just discovered I now have a flat tyre on my caravan!!!
Bashiqa (asker) Jun 23:
@ Mpoma Interesting that you think this is non-Pro, pretty sure nobody else thinks alog those lines.
Bashiqa (asker) Jun 23:
@ MAB Sorry if my question is against the rules, but sometimes a phrase makes more sense than the individual parts.
ph-b Jun 23:
Agree with Mpoma " FWIW it means 'within 50°C (above or below)' "

Re my previous post, oops...
Mpoma Jun 23:
Aberrant question Searching quickly reveals that "température d’ordre" is "ordering temperature" in the field of skyrmions. But evidently you're not even asking about that, and have assumed that it is "order temperature".

The question you *are* asking, concerning the meaning of "est à moins de 50°C de", is a non-Pro level question, hence the non-Pro vote on my part. (FWIW it means "within 50°C (above or below)").
M.A.B. Jun 23:
I mentioned that there is more than one term because this violates the rules:
See also https://www.proz.com/siterules/kudoz_asking/2.2#2.2
As indicated above, KudoZ questions are used to build a glossary, which get rather challenging if the "term" is a significant fraction of a sentence.
ph-b Jun 23:
Thanks Bashiqa I can't see Johannes's post, but I probably won't understand anything anyway. Enjoy your holiday.
Bashiqa (asker) Jun 23:
@ph-b Skyrions etc are well explained by Johannes. Theoretical discovery by a British physicist in the 1960s. This is also light entertainment for me while on holiday in grey, miserable Spain.
ph-b Jun 23:
Carol, It says 50 degrees Celsius, doesn't it?


From a purely linguistic* angle, I understand* this to mean "within below/less than" 50°C of temperature d'ordre - probably not good English, but something like within 1 to 50. So if that temperature is, say, 80, then from (80 - 50) to (80 - 1).

*Health Warning: I have no idea what skyrmions, tunnel junctions and the rest of it are! But thanks for an entertaining question on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

PS Agree with Carol re: glossary. I think the actual question is à moins de, the rest being context, which Bashiqua was right to copy in the explanation section.
Carol Gullidge Jun 23:
Sorry Sakshi … but “below 50 degrees of the ordering temperature” doesn’t make sense either! There seems to be something missing… (fifty degrees of =??)
Bashiqa (asker) Jun 23:
@ Carol I seem to ask quite a number of difficult questions. Generally speaking if I award points, I do not tick the box to add them to the glossary. "Patentese" is often obtuse to say the least. Thank you for your comment/warning, Chris.
Carol Gullidge Jun 23:
Trouble is… The Answers get added to the Glossary, where this would be pretty meaningless
Sakshi Garg Jun 23:
@Bashiqa I agree with you. If there is one thing that we can all agree on it has to be this. During translation, you need to remember that there is more focus on the meaning and situation presented compared to just translating words word for word. Words and phrases cannot always be translated in language as it is full of idiomatic expressions, cultural nuances and context-specific meanings. These words were intended to have meaning based on very exact ideas and the translator literally converts dust into earth - lifeless substance to living terrain. This all-inclusive method guarantees that the ultimate translation replicates the source message to perfection.
Bashiqa (asker) Jun 23:
@ M.A.B. I`m fully aware that there is more than one term, but it is the overall translation that is questionable. You cannot always break down phrases into the component parts.
M.A.B. Jun 23:
I believe there is more than one term in this question.
Sakshi Garg Jun 23:
Technically, this should be "As long as the latter is within 50°C of the order temperature", but it seems to be bit off. I would prefer //"as long as the temperature remains below 50°C of the ordering temperature"//. This is more appropriate.

Reference comments

17 hrs

température d’ordre = ordering temperature

température d’ordre ; ordering temperature

Température en dessous de laquelle un matériau peut présenter un ordre à longue portée (ferromagnétique ou antiferromagnétique). Au-dessus de cette température, le matériau devient paramagnétique. Pour un ferromagnétique ou ferrimagnétique, cette température s’appelle température de Curie et pour un antiferromagnétique, température de Néel.


température d’ordre = the temperature at which the structure of the magnetic material gets "re-ordered/rearranged" in a different way (un nouvel ordre / une structure nouvelle), resulting in changed properties.
ordering temperature = temperature that triggers the "reordering" of the structure of the magnetic material

A whole glossary, but only for subscribers

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3 hrs


https://www.linguee.fr/francais-anglais/traduction/être à mo...

être à moins de

Note added at   3 godz. (2024-06-23 13:32:12 GMT)

I have no problems with

50°C less than the order temperature

although I don't know what "order temperature" is?

Note added at   3 godz. (2024-06-23 13:33:03 GMT)

as far as I am concerned this IS a word for word translation

Note added at 8 dni (2024-07-01 19:10:04 GMT)

https://context.reverso.net/translation/french-english/à moi...
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Carol Gullidge
31 mins
neutral ph-b : Re: yr "50°C less than". Wldn't that be à moins 50°C de and not à moins de 50°C de?
1 hr
have you looked at my references?
neutral Sakshi Garg : Your reference state "à moins de" which shouldn't be the here as ph-b stated it must be "à moins 50°C de". There is a difference between the two.
2 hrs
source says tant que celle-ci est ****à moins de 50°C**** de la température d’ordre).
disagree Mpoma : Sorry this is nonsense. "à moins de 50°C de la température" can only mean "within 50°C" (either above or below). A bit of searching would also have revealed that in the field of skyrmions "température d'ordre" is "ordering temperature".
5 hrs
disagree Daryo : I have to agree with Mpoma, you can't change "deviation (from some reference value) either way" into "deviation only one way"
3 days 3 hrs
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