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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Thread poster: chance (X)
Zhoudan Local time: 04:14 English to Chinese + ...
wherestip wrote:
I'm not sure if there are any real estate taxes in China. If not, then that is factor that has to be weighed in the purchasing of an investment property. In other words, the one-to-one comparision of price-to-rent-ratio would be skewed. In Austin for example, one is looking at more like 30+ years to recoup the initial investment of $200k rather than 16.67 years.
[Edited at 2009-12-05 13:40 GMT]
[Edited at 2009-12-05 13:52 GMT]
[Edited at 2009-12-05 13:55 GMT]
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[Edited at 2009-12-05 14:18 GMT] | | |
Zhoudan Local time: 04:14 English to Chinese + ... |
wherestip United States Local time: 14:14 Chinese to English + ... Homeownership in the U.S. and Some Other Western Countries | Dec 5, 2009 |
Homeownership in the United States
The homeownership rate in the United States in 2005 remained similar to that in other post-industrial nations with 68.9% of all occupied housing units being occupied by the unit's owner. Home ownership rates vary depending on demographic characteristics of households such as ethnicity, race, type of household as well as location and type of settlement. Since 1960, the homeownership rate in the United States has remained relatively stable having increased 6.8% since 1960 when 62.1% of American households owned their own home. However, homeowner equity has fallen steadily since WWII and is now less than 50% of the value of homes on average.[4] Homeownership was most common in rural areas and suburbs with three quarters of suburban households being homeowners. Among the country's regions the Midwestern states had the highest homeownership rate with the Western states having the lowest. Homeowners in the United States also tend to have higher incomes and households residing in their own home were more likely to be families (as opposed to individuals) than were their tenant counterparts. Among racial demographics, European Americans had the country's highest homeownership rate, while those identifying as being African American had the lowest homeownership rate.
Country ________ Homeownership rate
Austria ________ 56%
Belgium ________ 71%
Denmark ________ 51%
France _________ 55%
Germany ________ 42%
Ireland ________ 77%
Norway _________ 77%
Spain __________ 85%
Portugal _______ 64%
UK _____________ 69%
US _____________ 69%
Slovenia _______ 82%
Israel _________ 71%
Canada _________ 67%
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wherestip United States Local time: 14:14 Chinese to English + ... Abstract from a research paper | Dec 5, 2009 |
Traditional assimilation theory suggests immigrant adaptation into society as a function of catching up to the status of the host society. Recent Chinese immigrants, rather than climbing socioeconomic ladders over time, may have achieved a socioeconomic status comparable to that of native-born whites soon after arrival, as measured by their homeownership rates Painter et al. (forthcoming). The characteristics of Chinese communities in this analysis more closely fit the description of ethnic communities described in Logan et al. (2002) than ethnic enclaves Borjas (2000).
Chinese homeownership rates adjusted by socioeconomic and housing market characteristics are on average 18 percentage points higher than those of native white households. The results of this study find that none of this gap can be explained by the English proficiency of households. On the other hand, the cultural influence of homeowning peers may have partially contributed to the higher homeownership of Chinese households. Finally, we find that there is great diversity among Chinese subgroups with respect to their likelihood of owning a home, but very little diversity with respect to the education and income level of Chinese households.;jsessionid=KpBZh29Jp9FDwLhyK8BZn2zJZxQ72hqMhcVvyw2FsySGgmbBmGk4!497993468!627277496?docId=5007182205 | |
wherestip United States Local time: 14:14 Chinese to English + ...
Here's one Westerner's perspective on the home prices in China. The info is a little dated but probably still valid ...
BTW, he also mentions that the penalty for flipping a piece of real estate in China is 3% of the sales price, about the same amount we pay annually in real estate taxes here in Austin for a $... See more Here's one Westerner's perspective on the home prices in China. The info is a little dated but probably still valid ...
BTW, he also mentions that the penalty for flipping a piece of real estate in China is 3% of the sales price, about the same amount we pay annually in real estate taxes here in Austin for a $200k ~ $250k home.
p.s. Texas real estate tax rates tend to be a little higher than the national average, since Texas doesn't have a state income tax. Schools and state & local governments have to be funded one way or another, y'know -- 羊毛反正是出在羊身上. ![](
[Edited at 2009-12-05 23:28 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
wonita (X) China Local time: 17:14 Jason 是个聪明人吧? | Dec 5, 2009 |
Jason 是个聪明人吧?
Jason Ma wrote:
Bin Tiede wrote:
redred wrote:
应该打个大大的折扣:-D | | |
redred China Local time: 04:14 English to Chinese + ...
[Edited at 2009-12-06 03:53 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 14:14 English to Chinese + ...
wherestip wrote:
p.s. Texas real estate tax rates tend to be a little higher than the national average, since Texas doesn't have a state income tax. Schools and state & local governments have to be funded one way or another, y'know -- 羊毛反正是出在羊身上.
你说得不错,羊毛反正是出在羊身上。不过,有些用羊毛织成的毛衣也会披在羊身上。:D 也就是说,老百姓在履行缴税义务的同时也享受许多权益。例如,教育问题往往是老百姓十分关注的,也是老百姓的一大开支。这里,公立小学至高中的教育都是免费的。人们常说,天下没有免费的午餐。可是,低收入家庭的子女在校的午餐都是免费的。公立大学本州学生享受比外州学生低得多的学费,低收入家庭可享受政府提供的资助或低息贷款。以UT-Austin 为例,Texas resident 学费约是 Non-resident 学费的三分之一。其实,UT-Austin 的 in-state-tuition 在全国也是较高的。这大概与德州没有州税也有关系。其它许多州公立大学 resident 的学费往往是Non-resident 学费的五分之一左右。不过,前不久 Bin Tiede 提到,在德国小孩可以一直读到博士毕业,不用交一分钱的学费。美国与马克思的故乡到底还是没法比。
另外,当地的公园、大部分体育运动设施、图书馆也都是免费的。State parks 通常也就只收几美元停车费。National parks 收费也很低。全国的公路大部分也都是免费的,即使收钱也收得不多。实际上,有时当可以选择走收费公路和不收费公路时,我往往会选择走收费公路,因为省时省油,当要赶飞机时尤其如此。大部分高速公路每隔几十英里就有一个休息站或野餐区。人们旅行在外时从来不必为找厕所而伤脑筋。别说上厕所,有些休息站甚至连喝咖啡都是免费的(由当地商业企业赞助)。总之,政府收了税就应该为老百姓干点事,不能拔了老百姓的毛之后自己就一毛不拔。:D | |
wherestip United States Local time: 14:14 Chinese to English + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 14:14 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 14:14 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 14:14 English to Chinese + ... |
Zhoudan Local time: 04:14 English to Chinese + ... |
Zhoudan Local time: 04:14 English to Chinese + ... |
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