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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Thread poster: chance (X)
jyuan_us United States Local time: 06:13 Member (2005) English to Chinese + ...
老沒人QUOTE﹐還不自己QUOTE自己﹖聯想到一句話﹕ 老沒人疼﹐還不自己疼自己﹖
[Edited at 2008-05-06 14:34] | | |
jyuan_us United States Local time: 06:13 Member (2005) English to Chinese + ...
[Edited at 2008-05-06 14:35]
[Edited at 2008-05-06 14:36] | | |
Yi-Hua Shih Taiwan Local time: 19:13 English to Chinese + ...
I would say "some" is "some". Don't worry about using it too often.
But sometimes you can use "a few" or "certain" for a little variety, such as "a few people", "a certain few of us", etc.
Also you can avoid being repetitive by not referring directly to the people in question. For example, you can say "a certain mentality", "a particular opinion", "a common misconception", etc.
Please let me know if I didn't answer the right question.
补充几个 May 4
a few people
a few of us
many people
many of us/you/them
a minority of the people
a majority of the people
a majority of us/you/them
a good portion of the people
a small portion of us/you/them
a certain number of people/us/you/them
a number of folks/us/you/them
There are those who ...
暂时就想到这些. 肯定还有许多说法.
(我現在也不能報價,呃,不能 quote 啦。 上面是手工 copy paste 並加簡短指令。)
學到了好多種 some 的替代用法。 ^_^
不過我想到的是,用其他形容詞來取代可以有自由詮釋空間的some。例如,upon some funny thought,我想改成 upon my malevolent or acrimonious thought(這兩個都是我不會的字,剛剛用字典查來暫用一下的 LOL );to describe some "phenomenon" here 的 some,我搞不好會想改成 the ludicrous phenomenon.
(don't worry, stone, you know it's just your family name. ^_^) | | |
Jason Ma China Local time: 19:13 English to Chinese + ...
Many thanks to Steve for sharing these political jargons in English with us. Those of us born in 1970s missed a dramatic period in Chinese history.
wherestip wrote:
Jason Ma wrote:
Which one fits the catagory of 群众?
Steve, which one fits the catagory of 群众? and what about 人民群众? These terms always puzzle me. Thanks.
Here are some terms I could think of ...
the masses
the people
we the people
we as a people
all people
common people
people collectively
people as a whole
the Chinese people, the American people
grass-roots movement - 群众运动
There are many more ways to translate this term. My suggestion is to keep all options open, and select an equivalent that works best in the sentence and for the situation.
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wherestip United States Local time: 05:13 Chinese to English + ...
stone and Jason,
You are welcome.
stone118 wrote:
不過我想到的是,用其他形容詞來取代可以有自由詮釋空間的some。例如,upon some funny thought,我想改成 upon my malevolent or acrimonious thought(這兩個都是我不會的字,剛剛用字典查來暫用一下的 LOL );to describe some "phenomenon" here 的 some,我搞不好會想改成 the ludicrous phenomenon.
stone, You got the right idea. Look for words that better describe what you want to say. In many situations, restructuring a sentence could also avoid the repetitive use of a certain word. For example, to avoid the word "some" in the 1st phrase, you could have said "I had a funny thought that ..." or "A funny thought occurred to me that ...".
BTW, by no means was I saying "Stone" is not a good name. It's just not a commonly seen first name, or given name. Plus I wasn't commenting on user IDs or aliases. Aliases are different, in my opinion the more unique the better.
[Edited at 2008-05-07 11:37] | | |
pkchan United States Local time: 06:13 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
“暖春之旅” , “春暖行动”,不知何指? Google Search:
about 1,100,000 for 暖春之旅. (0.11 seconds)
about 258,000 for 春暖行动. (0.33 seconds)
[Edited at 2008-05-08 16:15] | | |
Jason Ma China Local time: 19:13 English to Chinese + ...
pkchan wrote:
“暖春之旅” , “春暖行动”,不知何指? Google Search:
about 1,100,000 for 暖春之旅. (0.11 seconds)
about 258,000 for 春暖行动. (0.33 seconds)
[Edited at 2008-05-08 16:15] | | |
pkchan United States Local time: 06:13 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
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pkchan United States Local time: 06:13 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
由於囧字外觀貌似失意的表情,所以逐漸在PTT等BBS流行。而同時orz也開始流行,所以也常見「囧TZ」的形式,普遍在網路間使用。 或許因為「囧」與「窘」同音,讀起來的感覺也很容易跟窘境、窘況聯想在一起,所以普及速度飛快。
[Edited at 2008-05-09 14:54] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 05:13 English to Chinese + ... |
Donglai Lou (X) China Local time: 19:13 English to Chinese + ...
pkchan wrote:
PK 大叔,
关于暖春,我的理解是指中日关系的发展阶段或言状况,而非访问季节。由于日本上届首相小泉的做法,中日关系降至冰点。新首相福田上任后,两国关系有所起色。温家宝去年对日的访问被称为“融冰之旅”。胡当前的访问叫作“暖春之旅”也算一种承接和对应。 | | |
redred China Local time: 19:13 English to Chinese + ...
最近有个发现,日本首相有点像香港首富李家诚,or vice versa,李家诚有点像日本首相(排名不分先后)。
[Edited at 2008-05-10 04:15] | |
ysun United States Local time: 05:13 English to Chinese + ... |
ysun United States Local time: 05:13 English to Chinese + ...
据报道,谈到华南虎时,李昌钰特别来劲,立即打开手提电脑中的文件,向记者展示“周老虎”和“年画虎”身上斑纹的惊人一致性,然后说:“一看就知道是同一只老虎,斑纹完全一样,就算是双胞胎也不可能完全一样吧?”... See more | | |
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