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Editing and proofreading my translation of the book 2 of a series of 12 historical romance novels, to be launched for New Year.
(edited) Just finished a custom made French language training proposal for a high profile client who felt his French was too hesitant to conduct meetings with the needed authority and presence. i called it "Boost your French". It will be 6h per day, for 5 days, lunch included. A true marathon. Editing a voiceover commercial demo reel to upload on my website, so my potential clients can hear my voice range in the best possible sample. Working on a new tailored French language training for a long standing client. Creating new voice samples in my two mother tongues. Already finished the literary text and the weather report. Almost done with the safety manual. That will give clients a good range of styles. Just finished producing CEFR calibrated language tests for an international public institution. Translating marketing material for travel destinations...and dreaming that my client asks me to go check for myself... :-) Translating marketing material for travel destinations...and dreaming that my client asks me to go check for myself... :-) 1 user Translation marketing material (Dutch into French) about beautiful flowers to be sold in France.
(edited) copywriting for a new product to be launched in Portugal soon. And this one requires a lot of comics-like references, my inhere nerd is rejoicing. Reviewing my translation from EN into FR of the 130 000 words novel "Amethyst" from the best-selling american author Lauren Royal. It's such a joy to work on a fun and well written text like this one. Almost ready to be launched in France and all French speaking countries! A long term project, a series of novels, alongside shorter assignments, is the perfect balance of fun and exciting with deep research.
Writing texts to give anyone the urge to travel. And translating a few more, just for good measure. Working in one of my most experienced field: E-learning, courses syllabi and language tests translation, edition and revision. 1 user
Translating a set of movies for dubbing. It's fun to think that a voice-over artist is going to read my text.
Who knew I'd enjoy as much subtitling series as I enjoy binge watching them...
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