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English to Croatian - Rates: 0.07 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour / 15.00 - 20.00 EUR per audio/video minute Serbian to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour Croatian to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
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English to Croatian: *** TV account General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English Signing Up for *** TV
You must sign up for *** TV before you can access some of the functions of your Smart TV.
Your *** TV account is an integrated account that consists of an ID and a password. Because it is an integrated account, you can use it to access various services on your PC in addition to your Smart TV.
When you initially Sign up, you receive an associate membership. You can upgrade to full membership depending on the user agreement you select.
To sign up for *** TV, perform the following steps:
1. Select Smart Home ( ) > .
2. Select the Sign up button.
3. Review the Membership Terms and Conditions, and then select the Agree button.
4. Review the Usage Terms and Conditions, and then select the Agree button.
5. In the fields provided, enter your email address and password.
6. Select the Register button. *** will send you an authentication email to the email address you used to register.
7. Select the Yes button to open the browser.
8. Log in to your email account.
9. Open the authentication email.
10. Select the Complete Registration button to complete the associate membership signup process.
o To sign up for full membership, log in to your *** TV account, and then go to My Page > My information > Enter Additional Data and enter the additional information required.
Translation - Croatian Prijava na *** TV račun
Da biste dobili pristup nekim funkcijama na svom pametnom televizoru, morate se prijaviti na *** TV račun.
Vaš *** TV račun je integrirani račun koji se sastoji od korisničkog imena i lozinke. Budući da se radi o integriranom računu, možete pristupiti različitim uslugama putem svog pametnog televizora i putem svog osobnog računala.
Nakon što izvršitePrijavu, primit ćete pridruženo članstvo. Njega možete nadograditi na punopravno članstvo, ovisno o korisničkom ugovoru kojeg odaberete.
Da biste se prijavili na *** TV, slijedite sljedeće korake:
1. Odaberite Smart Home ( ) > .
2. Odaberite gumb Prijava .
3. Pregledajte opće uvjete članstva, a zatim odaberite gumbPrihvaćam .
4. Pregledajte uvjete korištenja, a zatim odaberite gumb Prihvaćam .
5. U ponuđena polja unesite svoju adresu e-pošte i lozinku.
6. Odaberite gumb Registriraj se . LG će na e-mail adresu kojom ste se registrirali poslati e-mail za provjeru autentičnosti.
7. Odaberite gumb Da kako biste otvorili preglednik.
8. Prijavite se na svoj račun e-pošte.
9. Otvorite e-poštu.
10. Odaberite gumb Završite registraciju kako biste završili postupak prijave pridruženog članstva.
o Da biste se prijavili za punopravno članstvo, prijavite se na svoj *** TV račun i zatim idite naMoja stranica > Moji podaci > Unos dodatnih podataka, a zatim unesite potrebne dodatne informacije.
English to Croatian: Bristlecone Pines General field: Other Detailed field: Botany
Source text - English Bristlecone Pines
Great Basin Bristlecone pines (Pinus longaeva) are remarkable for their great age and their ability to survive adverse growing conditions. In fact, it seems one secret to their longevity is the harsh environment in which most bristlecone pines grow.
Bristlecone pines in Great Basin National Park grow in isolated groves just below treeline. Conditions are harsh, with cold temperatures, a short growing season, and high winds. Bristlecone pines in these high-elevation environments grow very slowly, and in some years don't even add a ring of growth. This slow growth makes their wood very dense and resistant to insects, fungi, rot, and erosion. Vegetation is very sparse, limiting the role of fire. Bristlecone pine seeds are occassionally cached by birds at lower elevations. Bristlecone pines grow more rapidly in more "favorable" environments at lower elevations. They do not achieve their legendary age or fascinating twisted shapes.
While bristlecone pines are the longest-living tree, scientists debate what is truly the oldest living thing. The creosote bush that grows in the Mojave Desert may be older. The cresote achieves its age by "cloning" new bushes from its root system. Yet bristlecone pines surely deserve our respect for not only surviving harsh conditions, but thriving in harsh conditions.
Translation - Croatian Tisućljetni borovi
Tisućljetni borovi (Pinus longaeva) značajni su po svojoj starosti i sposobnosti da prežive nepovoljne uvjete rasta. Izgleda da je ustvari surova okolina u kojoj rastu mnogi tisućljetni borovi jedna od tajni njihove dugovječnosti.
U nacionalnom parku Great Basin tisućljetni borovi rastu u izoliranim šumarcima tik ispod granice rasta drveća. Niske temperature, kratka sezona rasta i hladni vjetrovi čine surove uvjete. Na takvim uzvisinama tisućljetni borovi rastu vrlo sporo, u nekim slučajevima ne naraste im niti jedan god. Taj spori rast čini drvo vrlo gustim i otpornim na insekte, gljivice, truljenje i nagrizanje. Zbog oskudne vegetacije smanjena je mogućnost požara. Ptice na nižim područjima povremeno pohranjuju sjeme tisućljetnoga bora. Tisućljetni borovi rastu puno brže u na nižim područjima gdje je ˝povoljnije˝ okruženje. Tada ne postignu svoju legendarnu starost niti zapanjujuće iskrivljene oblike.
Iako su tisućljetni borovi drveća koja najduže žive, znanstvenici raspravljaju koji je doista najstariji živi organizam. Moguće da je stariji kreozotski grm koji raste u pustinji Mojave. Kreozot postiže svoju starost time što ˝klonira˝ novo grmlje iz svoga korijenja. Ipak, tisućljetni borovi sigurno zaslužuju naše poštovanje time što preživljavaju u surovim uvjetima, ali i napreduju u njima.
Croatian to English: Statement of establishing limited liability company General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Croatian Članak 12.
Društvo može stjecati vlastite poslovne udjele.
Prava i obveze iz vlastitog poslovnog udjela društva miruju, osim u slučaju povećanja temeljnog kapitala društva.
Vlastiti poslovni udjel društvo mora prenijeti na članove društva ili na treću osobu u roku od godine dana počevši od dana stjecanja vlastitog udjela. U protivnom, društvo je obvezno izvršiti povlačenje udjela.
Vlastiti poslovni udjel, ako se članovi društva ne dogovore drugačije, društvo prenosi na članove u omjerima koje čini međusobni odnos temeljnih uloga članova na koje se prijenos vrši i temeljnog kapitala društva.
Članak 13.
Organi upravljanja društvom su Skupština i Uprava društva.
Članak 14.
Skupštinu društva čine svi članovi društva.
Ako članovi društva donose odluke izvan skupštine društva, takva odluka mora biti sastavljena u obliku javnobilježničke isprave i o njoj moraju glasati svi članovi društva.
Članak 15.
Skupština društva ovlaštena je donositi odluke ako su na njoj prisutni članovi društva koji predstavljaju najmanje 51% temeljnog kapitala društva. Ako na skupštini ne bude zastupljen temeljni kapital u navedenoj visini, skupština će se odgoditi, te se mora sazvati ponovo u roku najmanje 15 dana od dana učinjene odgode, uz jednaki dnevni red. Ukoliko se na skupštini trebalo odlučivati o pitanjima čije rješavanje zahtijeva hitnost, uprava društva može odlučiti da ovaj rok bude i kraći.
Pri sazivu nove skupštine, uprava je dužna ponoviti predviđenu proceduru sazivanja, uz upozorenje članovima društva da će ponovljena skupština biti ovlaštena na valjano donošenje odluka bez obzira na visinu zastupljenog kapitala na skupštini.
Članak 16.
Novčani iznos temeljnog uloga od 200,00 kuna daje članu društva pravo na jedan glas.
Skupština odlučuje većinom glasova od ukupnog broja glasova članova društva prisutnih na skupštini, ako Zakonom i ovim ugovorom za odlučivanje o pojedinim pitanjima nije predviđeno drugačije.
Odluku o raspodjeli dobrobiti društva, promjeni pravnog statusa društva, odluku o diobi ili pripajanju društva, odluku o povlačenju udjela, te ulaganju kapitala društva u visini većoj od 50% temeljnog kapitala društva, skupština društva može donijeti samo ako je takva odluka izglasana jednoglasno, ukupnim brojem glasova upisanim u knjizi udjela.
Članak 17.
Poslove vođenja i zastupanja društva obavlja uprava društva.
Uprava društva se sastoji od dva člana-direktora. Direktori zastupaju društvo samostalno i pojedinačno, a vode poslove društva na vlastitu odgovornost.
Članovi društva, posebnom odlukom, bez izmjene društvenog ugovora donose odluku o izmjeni broja članova uprave i o njihovim ovlaštenjima.
Odluku o imenovanju prokurista donose članovi društva.
Prokuristi zastupaju društvo samostalno i pojedinačno.
Članak 18.
Članovi društva razmjerno visini svojih poslovnih udjela u društvu sudjeluju u raspodjeli dobiti.
Članak 19.
Odluku o načinu pokrivanja poslovnog gubitka donosi skupština društva.
Članak 20.
Društvo može svoju registriranu djelatnost obavljati i preko podružnica.
Odluku o osnivanju podružnice donose članovi društva.
Članak 21.
Glasila društva su ˝Narodne novine˝ i lokalni list po izboru uprave.
Translation - English Article 12
Company can acquire their own business shares.
Rights and liabilities of company´s own business shares are still, except in the case of increasing authorized company capital.
Company must transfer their own business share to the members of the company or to a third person within a year, starting the day of acquiring their own share. In the contrary, company is obliged to make a withdrawal of the shares.
If company members do not make a different agreement, company is transferring their own share to members, to an extent which makes mutual ratio of the initial investments of members on which the transfer is being made and initial authorized capital of the company.
Article 13
Body management of the society are Company Assembly and Board of Directors.
Article 14
Company assembly constitutes from all the members of the company.
If members of the company are making decisions outside the company assembly, such a decision must be composed in the form of notary public document and all members of the company must vote in connection with the decision.
Article 15
Company assembly is authorized to make decisions if members of the company that represent at least 51% of the initial authorized capital are present. If authorized capital is not represented in the level set forth, the assembly will be postponed, and it must be reassembled within at least 15 days from the postponement, with the same agenda included. If questions to be decided with on the assembly were urgent, the board of directors can decide to make this period even shorter.
On the session of the new assembly board is obliged to repeat anticipated procedure of the convocation, indicating to company members that repeated assembly will be authorized to make valid decisions without the represented level of the capital on the assembly.
Article 16
Authorized capital in the amount of 200,00 kuna gives a company member a right for one vote.
If Act and this contract did not specify different way of making decisions about certain questions, assembly makes decisions with the votes of the majority of the overall number of votes made by the members of the company being present on the assembly.
Decision about company profit allocation, change of the legal status of the company, decisions about dividing or merging of the company , decision about retrieving shares, and investing authorized capital of the company in the amount bigger than 50% of the authorized capital of the company, assembly can make only if such a decision is voted unanimously, with the total number of votes recorded in the share register.
Article 17
Duties with leading and representing the company are performed by the board of directors.
Board of directors is consisted of two members – directors. Directors are representing the company independently and individually and they perform company business on their own risk.
By a special decision, without changing company agreement, members of the company can make amendment in the number of the board of directors and their duties.
Decision with the appointment of procurators is made by the members of the company.
Procurators are representing the company independently and individually.
Article 18
Members of the company participate in the profit allocation, proportionally to the amount of their business shares in the company.
Article 19
Company assembly is making decision on the way of covering financial loss in business.
Article 20
Company can perform its registered activity through the branch offices as well.
Decision about establishment of the branch office is made by the members of the company.
Article 21
Press organ of the company is ˝Narodne novine˝ (Official Gazette) and the local gazette according to the choice of the board.
Serbian to English: Izmena i dopuna kliničkog ispitivanja General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Serbian Predmet:
24-nedeljna dvostruko slepa, randomizovana, placebom kontrolisana studija druge faze u paralelnim grupama, koja ispituje različite doze leka *** kod odraslih ispitanika sa aktivnim reumatoidnim artritisom na stabilnoj terapiji ***, sa otvorenim 104-nedeljnim produžetkom.
Broj zahteva: 515-04-01009-2013-4
Obaveštavamo Vas da smo pregledali vašu dokumentaciju i da smo konstatovali da je ona formalno NEKOMPLETNA. Uplata po profakturi predstavlja jedan od uslova za formalnu kompletnost vašeg zahteva.
Prilikom korespodencije i dostavljanja potrebne dokumentacije u vezi sa ovim zahtevom OBAVEZNO se u popratnom pismu pozovite na našu vezu broj 515-04-01009-2013-4-005 ovog pisma.
Pregledom dokumentacije, ustanovili smo sledeće:
1. Odluku etičkog odbora zdravstvene ustanove u kojoj treba da se sprovodi kliničko ispitivanje, odnosno etičkih odbora ako se radi o multicentričnom kliničkom ispitivanju leka.
- Obrazložiti zbog čega je dostavljena dokumentacija za centar KBC ***, koji je ukinut.
2. Sertifikat Dobre proizvođačke prakse (GMP sertifikat) sertifikat analize, obeležavanje leka na srpskom jeziku i originalnom jeziku, kako za ispitivani lek, tako i za komparativni lek.
- Obrazložiti zahtev za odobrenje nalepnica za ispitivani lek, za jačine koje nisu odobrene Rešenjem Agencije (100, 150 i 200 mg).
3. Pismenu izjavu glavnog istraživača da je upoznat sa osobinama leka u kliničkom ispitivanju i sa ciljem kliničkog ispitivanja, kao i da će ispitivanje vršiti u skladu sa važećim propisima i načelima Dobre kliničke prakse.
- Dostaviti izjave glavnih istraživača na srpskom jeziku.
Ako ne dostavite tražene podatke u roku od 30 dana od dana prijema ovog obaveštenja, Agencija će odbaciti Vaš zahtev kao nepotpun.
Translation - English Subject:
24 weeks long double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled second phase study in parallel groups, which is testing different doses of medicine *** on adult respondents with active rheumatoid arthritis on stable *** therapy, with 104 week long open extension
Application number: 515-04-01009-2013-4
This is to inform you that we have reviewed your documentation and we have concluded that it is formally INCOMPLETE. Payment by invoice is one of the conditions for formal completeness of your application.
When corresponding and delivering necessary documentation in connection with this application, it is MANDATORY that you refer to our letter reference number 515-04-01009-2013-4-005.
By reviewing documentation, we established the following:
1. Decision by the Ethics Committee of medical institution in which clinical trial is about to be implement, or Ethics Committees in the case of multicenter clinical trial of the medicine.
- Explain why the documentation was delivered to the ˝KBC ***˝ Centre, which has been abolished.
2. Good Manufacturing Practice certificate (GMP certificate), the certificate of analysis, medicine labelling in Serbian and original language, for the tested medicine and for the comparative medicine as well.
- Explain the request for approval of labels for the tested medicine, by intensities which were not approved by the solution of the Agency (100, 150 and 200 mg).
3. Written statement of Principal Investigator being familiar with the medicine characteristics in the clinical trial and with the aim of a clinical trial, also that the trial will be performed in accordance with the applicable rules and principles of the Good Clinical Practice.
- Deliver Principal Investigators statements in Serbian.
If you do not provide the requested information within 30 days of receipt of this notification, the Agency will dismiss your application as incomplete.
English to Croatian (Proz Certified English to Croatian Translator)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, MateCat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, HTML, Subtitle Workshop, XLIFF, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
Nice to e-meet you! We are Ratko and Sanije – multilingual freelance translators. I am native Croatian with a full professional proficiency in English. Sanije is native Macedonian and Albanian. Rest assured that your documents will be in safe hands!
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