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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user This translator helped to localize into Polish
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26 projects entered 5 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 8000 words Completed: Aug 2017 Languages: Polish to English
Art historical articles
For publication by Routledge in Anthology: European Art Writing on the Art of the United States 1945-1990
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
No comment.
Translation Volume: 7000 words Completed: Aug 2017 Languages: English to Polish
Updating of an e-Book
Updating of the Polish version of an e-book on German transition to renewable energy sources or the "Energiewende"
Energy / Power Generation
No comment.
Translation Volume: 200 hours Duration: Sep 2015 to May 2017 Languages: English to Polish
Translation of an IT service management platform
English to Polish translation of a large IT service management platform along with a client-side app and help documentation
Computers: Hardware, Computers: Software, IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 100000 words Duration: Oct 2011 to Mar 2017 Languages: English to Polish
Localisation of Tumblr
5 years as Polish Localisation Consultant at Translation of the site (41k words), the Android (6k) and iOS (6.5k) apps. Localisation of the help centre (28k words) and the staff blog posts with on-going editorial work in the Polish mirror of the staff blog @ Two years in customer support role.
Internet, e-Commerce, IT (Information Technology), Computers (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 25000 words Completed: Sep 2011 Languages: English to Polish
Collaborative project platform
Translation of an online platform for project collaboration for developers
Computers (general), Computers: Software
positive Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): Excellent translator and a great person to work with. Highly recommended.
Alicja Weikop: Thank you! Always a pleasure working with you.
Translation Volume: 75000 words Duration: Feb 2009 to Sep 2010 Languages: English to Polish
Large translation of a database management system
Translation of a large database management system, along with the customer website and press releases.
Internet, e-Commerce, IT (Information Technology), Computers: Systems, Networks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2400 words Completed: Aug 2011 Languages: English to Polish
Business Newsletter
Translation of a PowerPoint newsletter about the business goals and strategies of a multinational automotive manufacturer.
Translation Volume: 4300 words Completed: Mar 2011 Languages: English to Polish
Consumer testing - Field work manual
Step by step instruction for conducting a neuromarketing test.
Computers (general), Marketing
No comment.
Translation Volume: 11000 words Completed: Mar 2011 Languages: Polish to English
Academic article on Polish Constructivism
Translation of an article by a Polish scholar to be published in an online journal Art in Translation.
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, History
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6000 words Completed: Jan 2011 Languages: English to Polish
EWC Agreement for a Multinational Company
Business/Commerce (general), Law (general), Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 30 pages Duration: Jun 2004 to Oct 2010 Languages: English to Polish Polish to English
Certificates and documents
Over the years I have translated a range of personal documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, criminal record enquiry forms, CVs, university diplomas, school diplomas and other.
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5000 words Completed: Nov 2009 Languages: English to Polish
Private air charter website
Translation of the website offering a whole range of air charter services.
Internet, e-Commerce, Aerospace / Aviation / Space
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 13000 words Completed: Aug 2009 Languages: English to Polish
Employee appraisal system
Proofreading of an automated system for employee appraisal and performance review.
Human Resources, IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5000 words Completed: Mar 2009 Languages: English to Polish
EU correspondence: Wine and spirits sector
EU correspondence relating to a free trade agreement in the wine and spirits sector
Translation Volume: 3500 words Completed: Nov 2006 Languages: English to Polish
Translation of software
Translation of a standalone Windows client application Mega Manager developed for the Megaupload website users.
Internet, e-Commerce, Computers: Software
No comment.
Translation Volume: 10000 words Duration: Feb 2006 to Mar 2006 Languages: English to Polish
Website translation
Translation of a large website offering the possibility of uploading and downloading files.
Law (general), Internet, e-Commerce
No comment.
Translation Volume: 550 words Completed: May 2006 Languages: English to Polish
History-related sections of the website
Translation of some sections of the Aquila Polonica Publishing website
Internet, e-Commerce, History
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Would highly recommend for friendly service, helpful and very professional high quality translations!
Translation Volume: 5000 words Languages: Polish to English
Translation of texts referring to WW2
This is an ongoing cooperation.
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Would highly recommend for friendly service, helpful and professional high quality translations!
Translation Volume: 6000 words Languages: Polish to English
Articles about Polish motorcycles
The customer is a researcher and writer of books in the motorcycling industry. I have translated for him many articles relating to old models of Polish motorcycles.
Mechanics / Mech Engineering, History
No comment.
Translation Volume: 25000 words Completed: Mar 2005 Languages: Polish to English
The Golden Book of Poland
English translation of the beautiful album about Poland. Bonechi/Galaktyka Publishing House, published in August 2005, ISBN 83-89896-29-X
Tourism & Travel, History
No comment.
Translation Volume: 25000 words Completed: Feb 2004 Languages: Polish to English
The Golden Book of Lodz
English translation of the guidebook for my home city - Lodz. Contains lots of beautiful photographs. Proofread by a native speaker.
Bonechi/Galaktyka Publishing House, published in June 2004, ISBN 83-87-914-95-9
Tourism & Travel, History
No comment.
Translation Volume: 900 pages Duration: Feb 2003 to Jun 2004 Languages: English to Polish
Localisation projects with CADExpert
• IBM Tivoli Storage Manager,
• IBM Tivoli Access Manager,
• IBM Tivoli Hierarchical Storage Manager,
• Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 2004,
• Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2004
CAT software experience - IBM Translation Manager
English to Polish: - Posters General field: Science Detailed field: Botany
Source text - English The forest: a living community
Forests are the dry land environments containing the greatest number of life forms and species. Forests play an essential role in water, carbon and oxygen cycles. They contribute to the making, enriching and protection of the soil. Hundreds of millions of people depend on forests for their livelihoods. They are also the source of a major part of our medications.
For centuries, humans have exploited the forests, their resources and their lands to cater to their own needs. As with other ecosystems, we must now ask ourselves how to establish a balance between human activity and the forests, which are indispensable to our very existence, in both industrialized and developing countries. In fact, deforestation and the deterioration of forest ecosystems weigh as heavily on societies as on climate change – the destruction of the forests is responsible for a significant part of the worldwide emissions of greenhouse gases – and on the impoverishment of biodiversity.
As the fundamental and complex functions and services forests provide are better recognized and understood, they become the object of new kinds of protection and management in line with the objectives of sustainable development.
Translation - Polish Las: żywe środowisko
Lasy to środowiska lądowe zawierające największą liczbę organizmów żywych i gatunków na Ziemi. Odgrywają one kluczową rolę w obiegu wody, węgla i tlenu. Przyczyniają się do powstawania i ochrony gleb, a także je użyźniają. Byt setek milionów ludzi zależy od lasów. Stanowią one również źródło większości stosowanych na świecie lekarstw.
Przez wieki ludzie wykorzystywali lasy, zajmowane przez nie tereny i zasoby leśne na własne potrzeby. Jak w przypadku innych ekosystemów, musimy zadać sobie teraz pytanie, jak znaleźć równowagę pomiędzy działalnością człowieka a ochroną lasów, które są tak niezbędne dla naszego istnienia zarówno w krajach uprzemysłowionych, jak i rozwijających się. Deforestacja i pogorszenie się kondycji ekosystemów leśnych odbijają się negatywnie na społeczeństwach i na zmianie klimatu – wyniszczenie lasów jest jedną z głównych przyczyn emisji gazów cieplarnianych – jak również wpływają na zubożenie różnorodności biologicznej.
W miarę odkrywania i lepszego zrozumienia fundamentalnej i skomplikowanej roli, jaką lasy ogrywają, stają się one obiektem nowych metod ochrony i zagospodarowania zgodnych z celami zrównoważonego rozwoju.
English to Polish: 7th Translation Contest - Entry #4858
Source text - English Winters used to be cold in England. We, my parents especially, spent them watching the wrestling. The wrestling they watched on their black-and-white television sets on Saturday afternoons represented a brief intrusion of life and colour in their otherwise monochrome lives. Their work overalls were faded, the sofa cover—unchanged for years—was faded, their memories of the people they had been before coming to England were fading too. My parents, their whole generation, treadmilled away the best years of their lives toiling in factories for shoddy paypackets. A life of drudgery, of deformed spines, of chronic arthritis, of severed hands. They bit their lips and put up with the pain. They had no option but to. In their minds they tried to switch off—to ignore the slights of co-workers, not to bridle against the glib cackling of foremen, and, in the case of Indian women, not to fret when they were slapped about by their husbands. Put up with the pain, they told themselves, deal with the pain—the shooting pains up the arms, the corroded hip joints, the back seizures from leaning over sewing machines for too many years, the callused knuckles from handwashing clothes, the rheumy knees from scrubbing the kitchen floor with their husbands' used underpants.
When my parents sat down to watch the wrestling on Saturday afternoons, milky cardamon tea in hand, they wanted to be entertained, they wanted a laugh. But they also wanted the good guy, just for once, to triumph over the bad guy. They wanted the swaggering, braying bully to get his come-uppance. They prayed for the nice guy, lying there on the canvas, trapped in a double-finger interlock or clutching his kidneys in agony, not to submit. If only he could hold out just a bit longer, bear the pain, last the course. If only he did these things, chances were, wrestling being what it was, that he would triumph. It was only a qualified victory, however. You'd see the winner, exhausted, barely able to wave to the crowd. The triumph was mainly one of survival.
Translation - Polish Angielskie zimy bywały chłodne. Spędzaliśmy je, a przede wszystkim rodzice, oglądając w telewizji zapasy. Oglądając zapasy na biało-czarnym telewizorze w sobotnie popołudnia rodzice na krótko wpuszczali odrobinę życia i koloru do swojej szaroburej codzienności. Tu, wypłowiałe ubranie robocze zlewało się z wypłowiałą i niezmienioną od lat pokrywą kanapy, a nawet ich wspomnienia o tym kim byli przed przybyciem do Anglii również zaczęły już płowieć. Moi rodzice, jak i całe to pokolenie, spędzili najlepsze lata swego życia w kieracie fabryk w zamian za marne tygodniówki. Było to życie wypełnione monotonną harówką, zdeformowanymi kręgosłupami, chronicznym artretyzmem i urwanymi dłońmi przy pracy. Oni jednak zagryzali zęby i znosili tę udrękę. Nie mieli innego wyboru. W myślach, próbowali odciąć się od tego wszystkiego – ignorować zniewagi rzucane przez innych robotników, nie reagować na wymądrzanie się wymuskanych kierowników, a w przypadku indyjskich kobiet, nie przejmować się zbytnio mężowskim poniewieraniem. Nie poddawaj się, powtarzali sobie, wytrzymaj jeszcze – promieniujący ból ramion, zwyrodniałe stawy biodrowe, spazmy kręgosłupa spowodowane latami garbienia się nad maszyną do szycia, zgrubiałe knykcie od ręcznego prania ubrań, reumatyczne kolana od szorowania podłogi kuchennej starą bielizną męża.
Rozsiadając się przed telewizyjnym seansem zapasów w sobotnie popołudnia z kubkiem mlecznej herbaty z kardamonem w ręku, rodzice oczekiwali rozrywki i powodu do śmiechu. Lecz oprócz tego pragnęli również, aby choć ten raz to dobry bohater zatriumfował nad tym złym. Chcieli, aby puszący się i szydzący tyran doczekał się wreszcie swego. Modlili się, aby powalony na macie, unieruchomiony chwytem wyłamującym mu palce lub w agonii trzymający się za nerki miły facet nie poddawał się. Gdyby tylko mógł wytrzymać odrobinę dłużej, pokonać ból, doczekać do końca rundy. Gdyby tylko udało mu się tego dokonać, istniała szansa, jak to w zapasach, że to on zatriumfuje. Wygrana ta byłaby jednak połowiczna. Oto i zwycięzca – wyczerpany, ledwo zdolny pomachać do tłumu. Jego triumf to przede wszystkim przetrwanie.
English to Polish: Birth Certificate General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Source text - English I, Jane Smith Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths for the sub-district of Brentford and Chiswick in the Registration District of Hounslow do hereby certify that the above particulars have been compiled from an entry in a register in my custody.
Translation - Polish Ja, Jane Smith, zastępca Kierownika Urzędu Stanu Cywilnego rejonu Brentford i Chiswick w okręgu rejestracyjnym Hounslow, poświadczam, że powyższy wykaz danych osobowych został sporządzony na podstawie wpisu do księgi znajdującej się pod moją pieczą.
English to Polish: Idiomatic text
Source text - English The high street is having a facelift. In an unprecedented flurry of activity, new retailing concepts are being launched, while some of the 'oldies' are being revitalised. Marks and Spencer is testing new layouts, shops within shops, satellite stores. The experimental Woolworth stores are light years away from the traditional Woolies. Burton has begun a blitz to install some of its high street names in branches of the department store chain Debbenhams, which it has just acquired – with the controversial 'galleria' concept to follow.
Translation - Polish Ulice handlowe poprawiają swój wygląd. W niespotykanej dotąd atmosferze nagłego ożywienia realizowane są nowe pomysły handlowe, a stare rozwiązania podlegają zabiegom rewitalizującym. Sieć Marks and Spencer testuje nową organizację wnętrz, sklepy w sklepie, czy oddziały satelickie. Nowatorskie stoiska sieci Woolworth dzielą lata świetlne od ich tradycyjnych poprzedników, nazywanych potocznie "Woolies". Firma Burton podjęła zdecydowane kroki w celu wprowadzenia niektórych swoich marek produktów do sieci niedawno nabytych przez siebie domów handlowych Debbenhams, a jej kolejnym posunięciem będzie realizacja kontrowersyjnego pomysłu na pasaże handlowe.
Full member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists
M.A. in English Studies (Lodz University, Poland)
M.Sc. in Human-Centred Computer Systems (Sussex University, UK)
Experience in Multilingual Search Engine Marketing
Translation Project Coordination Experience
Interest in Usability, Website Cultural Customisation and Localisation
Born and educated in Poland I graduated in 2004 from the University of Lodz with an MA in English Studies. Among other subjects, my course of studies included a three-year translation specialisation and Teaching English as a Foreign Language module. During my student years, I cooperated with a Lodz based localisation company CADExpert.
In October 2006, I completed a postgraduate course at the University of Sussex. This course (MSc in Human-Centred Computer Systems) helped me to further develop my skills in Informatics and introduced me to the world of usability. My Masters dissertation explored the issues related to website cultural customisation on the example of Polish Internet users.
For a few years, I continued to worked as a part-time freelance translator, while dedicating most of my time to translation project coordination at the SEO company Oban Digital. During that time, I have also developed a thorough understanding of search engine marketing strategies (SEO and PPC.
Since October 2011, I have been working with the International Development Team at in the role of a Polish Consultant. I have helped localise the main platform, the iOS and Android apps, the Help Center, worked for 2 years in user technical support and as the editor of the Polish mirror of the staff blog.
Polish localisation of the blogging platform
Polish localisation of an IT service management platform
English translation of several art historical articles for the Art in Translation journal
Polish localisation of CRM & pipeline management tool along with online documentation
Polish localisation of a collaborative tool for developers
Polish translation of a field manual in neuromarketing
Polish translation of software for database management and the accompanying website
Polish translation of Tesco technical manuals
Polish translation of a file-sharing website along with a stand-alone application
English translation of "The Golden Book of Poland" for Bonechi/Galaktyka Publishing House
English translation of a city guidebook "The Golden Book of Lodz" for Bonechi/Galaktyka Publishing House
Software translation and localisation projects in cooperation with CADExpert Sp. z.o.o (Ltd) in Lodz, e.g. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, IBM Tivoli Access Manager, IBM Tivoli Hierarchical Storage Manager, Autodesk Mechanical Desktop 2004, Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2004
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (5 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Polish
Polish to English
Specialty fields
Internet, e-Commerce
Computers: Software
IT (Information Technology)
Computers (general)
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Business/Commerce (general)
Human Resources
Tourism & Travel
Computers: Systems, Networks
Computers: Hardware
Energy / Power Generation
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Education / Pedagogy
International Org/Dev/Coop
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Other fields
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Law (general)
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Law: Contract(s)
Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Law: Taxation & Customs
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Electronics / Elect Eng
Furniture / Household Appliances
Keywords: polish translator, polish translation services, polish localisation, polish-english, english-polish, website localisation, website translation, software localisation, localization, cultural customisation. See more.polish translator, polish translation services, polish localisation, polish-english, english-polish, website localisation, website translation, software localisation, localization, cultural customisation, cultural customization, website usability, guidebook, computer software, alicja weikop, alicja cendrowska, SEO, SEM, e-commerce. See less.
This profile has received 91 visits in the last month, from a total of 64 visitors