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The Language of Contracts: Reading and Understanding Contracts

This discussion belongs to training » "The Language of Contracts: Reading and Understanding Contracts".
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Cathryn Rees
Cathryn Rees  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:33
French to English
+ ...
Course suitability Feb 7, 2014

Hi, I have been doing legal translations from French to English for a few years, but I am interested in doing more training. I was wondering whether this course was intended for translators who translate from English or if it was a more general course. If it's not suitable, do you do any other courses that may be more appropriate? Many thanks in advance for your reply.

Suzanne Deliscar
Suzanne Deliscar  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:33
Spanish to English
+ ...
Re Course Suitability Feb 27, 2014

Hello Cathryn,

This course is for legal translators who have English as either their source or target language.

I hope this helps. I am sorry for the delay in replying, but I was under the impression that someone else was going to post a reply shortly after you posted.


Suzanne Deliscar

Graciela Zozaya
Graciela Zozaya  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:33
English to Spanish
timing Mar 7, 2014

Dear Suzanne, Unfortunately at the time of the event I will not be able to connect. Do you offer this webinar at any other times? I am in Houston, TX.

Suzanne Deliscar
Suzanne Deliscar  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:33
Spanish to English
+ ...
To Graciela re Timing Mar 7, 2014

Hello Graciela,

Thank you for your message. The workshop is live only, but all paid registrants will receive a link to the recording whether they attend live or not. If you want to attend live, please check the Education tab regularly, as we will be announcing more live sessions in May, July, September and November 2014.


Suzanne Deliscar

[Edited at 2014-03-07 22:17 GMT]

khalidkilo  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:33
Arabic to English
Missed Session Mar 13, 2014

Hi there,
I am registered in this course and I missed it due to work. How can I access the sessions video/audio. I only received a link for the live session.


Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Missed Session Mar 14, 2014

khalidkilo wrote:

Hi there,
I am registered in this course and I missed it due to work. How can I access the sessions video/audio. I only received a link for the live session.


Hello Khaled,

A link to training materials and the webinar video has been emailed to training participants today. In case you do not have it, please feel free to let me know via support, Thanks!

My bests,

Ana Milosevic
Ana Milosevic  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:33
English to Croatian
+ ...
Video available at videos for purchase? Mar 14, 2014


is there a chance this video will be available with other videos for purchase? I wasn't able to attend due to surgery, but I would love to be able to watch it.

Best regards,


Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Video available at videos for purchase? Mar 14, 2014

Ana Milosevic wrote:


is there a chance this video will be available with other videos for purchase? I wasn't able to attend due to surgery, but I would love to be able to watch it.

Best regards,


Hello Ana,

Thank you for your interest in the training. You may wish to register and purchase access to the session on the same topic to be conducted in May:

Hope this helps.

My bests,


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The Language of Contracts: Reading and Understanding Contracts

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