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Powwow: Paris - France

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Marina Zinno
Marina Zinno  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:52
French to Italian
+ ...
friday! Sep 26, 2007

Powwoww will be on friday and that's sure, maybe we can postpone to 18 in order not to be too late or too early. The paradis des fruits is fine for me, maybe we have to choose which one. I think that saint Michel will be nice, first because there is an "international" environment and also a lot of public transports, nice view etc etc.

Frédérique Maillochon
Frédérique Maillochon
Local time: 06:52
Member (2006)
Italian to French
+ ...
Friday Sep 26, 2007

for me Paradis du Fruit Saint Michel at 6 would be fine.

Local time: 06:52
Spanish to French
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Additions salées Sep 26, 2007

Je ne vais pas proposer un lieu pour ne pas y aller mais je viens d'entendre que Paris offre la moyenne de menus de restaurant la plus chère du monde après Londres (autour de 50 Euros) hier je suis passé devant le Fouquet's des Champs et vu mon intérêt quant à l'actualité politique ai regardé le menu où j'ai vu des plats à moins de 15 Euros et entrées à moins de 30 alors je vous laisse choisir mais si Maxim's est plus cher que le Fouquet's je ne viendrai peut-être pas.

Lavinia de Naro Papa
Lavinia de Naro Papa
Local time: 06:52
English to French
+ ...
additions salées Sep 26, 2007

Dis donc, Tecpatl, il faudrait que tu arrètes de fumer la moquette.
Pourquoi tout ce discours sur le Fouquet's ou le Maxim's?

50 euros le menu, je ne sais pas où tu as vu ça, même si je suis d'accord que Paris est vraiment trop cher.

Enfin, si c'était pour dire que le paradis du fruit est un peu cher, alors à toi de suggérer un autre endroit moins cher ... non smoking, please!

Letizia Pipero
Letizia Pipero  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:52
English to Italian
+ ...
Au LE PARADIS DU FRUIT, S. Michel à partir de 18H00... Sep 27, 2007

Si mes comptes sont bons on sera plus au moins 15 personnes, il y en a que 6 de confirmés les autres soit il n'ont rien indiqué soit il ne sont pas sur. Il vaudrait mieux appeler pour reserver et les informer qu'on y sera...
L'addresse c'est :
Le Paradis du Fruit
29 Quai des Grands Augustins
75006 PARIS
tél. 01 43 54 51 42

Si vous étes surs de venir, confirmez ainsi cet aprés midi où tôt ce soir on puisse reserver.... Merci et à demain soir

Frédérique Maillochon
Frédérique Maillochon
Local time: 06:52
Member (2006)
Italian to French
+ ...
paradis du fruit Sep 27, 2007

je confirme !

Lavinia de Naro Papa
Lavinia de Naro Papa
Local time: 06:52
English to French
+ ...
Je confirme Sep 27, 2007

je confirme

Local time: 06:52
English to French
+ ...
Le powwow de vendredi Sep 27, 2007

Moi aussi je serai de la partie.

RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
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Possible topics Sep 27, 2007

Dear All,

I'm glad this powwow is taking place. As you may know all powwows held on this weekend are part of a global celebration. Here are the possible topics of discussion you can use at this powwow. The same were given to all the other international powwow day organizers.

"Dear Powwow Organizers,

Please use the following prompt to discuss as a group at your powwow. We are asking you to lead your group in preparing brief statements (no more than 1-200 wor
... See more
Dear All,

I'm glad this powwow is taking place. As you may know all powwows held on this weekend are part of a global celebration. Here are the possible topics of discussion you can use at this powwow. The same were given to all the other international powwow day organizers.

"Dear Powwow Organizers,

Please use the following prompt to discuss as a group at your powwow. We are asking you to lead your group in preparing brief statements (no more than 1-200 words). Then be prepared to share your messages with other powwows via video chat and/or to post your answers online for the community to read.

1. Describe your current powwow scene: number of attendees, venue, number of first time attendants, etc..
2. What languages are represented at your powwow?
3. What is the biggest local issue facing the translators and interpreters at your powwow?
4. Describe how Translator's Day is traditionally celebrated locally.
5. The International Federation of Translators has selected as a theme for this year's Translator's Day: "Don't shoot the messenger" What theme would your group propose for next year?
6. What message do you want to send from your powwow to other translators around the world?
7. Translate this message into the prevailing language at your powwow: "Many powwows, one tribe"
8. Have FUN!

You may find this link useful .

Letizia Pipero
Letizia Pipero  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:52
English to Italian
+ ...
Pas de réservation ... Sep 27, 2007

les week ends, mais ils ont una assez grande arriére salle ....tachez d'être là à 18h00 ....même les autres endroits ont plus au moins la même politique le vendredi soir....
A demain

Lavinia de Naro Papa
Lavinia de Naro Papa
Local time: 06:52
English to French
+ ...
Comment on se reconnait? Sep 27, 2007

Comment on fait pour se reconnaitre?

Marina Zinno
Marina Zinno  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:52
French to Italian
+ ...
t-shirt rouge Sep 27, 2007

il parait que demain c'est la journée du t-shirt rouge pour soutenir la birmanie. On pourrait utiliser ce pretexte ;P En tous cas ma photo est sur mon profil. je connais que Letizia. Vous vous me reconnaitrez 1,82 c'est pas difficile a apercevoir

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Powwow: Paris - France

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