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English to Kazakh: Antivirus Software Localization General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English The Provider remains the owner of Software copy and of the physical medium, if any, on which the Software is supplied in commercial packaging as well as of all copies of the Software to which the End User is entitled under this Agreement.
Unfortunately, with their high level of anonymity, email and the Internet leave room for illegal activities such as spamming.
Translation - Kazakh Жеткізуші Бағдарламалық құрал коммерциялық орауышта берілген Бағдарламалық құрал көшірмесінің және физикалық құралдың, сондай-ақ, Соңғы пайдаланушыға осы Келісім бойынша құқық берілетін Бағдарламалық құрал көшірмелерінің иесі болып қалады.
Өкінішке орай, жоғары анонимдік деңгейі бар электрондық пошта мен интернетте спаминг сияқты заңсыз әрекеттерге арналған орын қалған.
Russian to English: Excerpt from correspondece General field: Marketing
Source text - Russian В ответ на Ваше письмо от 2 августа 1983 года позвольте предоставить следующую информацию.
По сообщению Центра Оперативного Управления авиакомпаии «Эйр Астуна» задержка вылета рейса КСУЕЛ 859 направлением Усть-Камен – Алматы 2 августа 1983 года подтвердилась и составила 1 часа 59 минуты в связи с поздним прибытием воздушного судна.
Согласно международной практике и рекомендациям Международной авиатранспортной организации (IATAА), членом которой является компания «Эйр Астуна», авиакомпания несет ответственность за стыковочные рейсы других перевозчиков при условии, если они оформлены на едином с предыдущим перевозчиком бланке. При наличии двух билетов и более они рассматриваются как отдельные договоры, заключенные пассажиром с разными авиаперевозчиками
(Названия и даты изменены.)
Translation - English In response to your letter of 2nd August, 1983, allow me to provide the following information.
The Air Astuna airline's Operations Management Centre has confirmed that flight KCUEL 859 from Ust-Kamen to Almaty on 2nd August, 1983, was delayed for 1 hours 59 minutes due to a late arrival of the aircraft. In compliance with international practice and recommendations from International Air Transport Association (IATAA), of which Air Astuna is a member, an airline carries responsibility for connection flights operated by other carriers provided that they are listed on a single ticket shared with a previous carrier. If there are two or more tickets, they are considered to be separate contracts that a passenger has concluded with different air carriers.
(Names and date are fictitious.)
Translation education
PhD - SKR State University named after Auezov
Years of experience: 31. Registered at Jan 2009. Became a member: Jan 2011.
English to Russian (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL) Russian to English (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL) English to Kyrgyz (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL) German to Russian (AKAD University) French to Russian (Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
English to Latvian (Latvijas Universitāte (University of Latvia)) English to Ukrainian (National Technic University ) English to Armenian (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL)
I am a professional Kazakh-Uzbek-Russian translator.
I started my translation experience 14 years ago as an independent translator working for the US organization, Student Life. Then reinforced my knowledge in BBC World Service Monitoring where I worked as an IC (independent contractor).
In 2007 I was invited to work in Moscow by the Janus WWI, the large Localization Company, for the position of in-house translator-editor. Working there I first was selected as an Editor of Microsoft Localization projects for the Kazakh language then promoted to Project Manager. In 2009 the company opened a branch office in the capital of Kazakhstan and appointed me the head of the office. Working in Janus WWI I gained huge experience on how to achieve perfect quality of translations and learn how to use CAT tools such as Trados, Logoport, Helium, SDLX, Idiom, Excliff Editor, Taipan, Translator Tool and many others.
I am capable but not limited to translating over 50-60 thousand words per month. Being in translation world for over 14 years I have acquired a lot of friends who are very experienced translators as well. Due to this I am also capable of delivering over 500-600 thousand words per month. Of course, the delivering of TEP (Translated, Edited and Proofread) version is also negotiable.
To see my full CV details and references go to My resume.
Professional experience:
February 2009 - March 2009 Janus WWI (Translation Company),
Almaty. Head of company's branch in Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan).
February 2008 - February 2009 Janus WWI (Translation Company), Moscow.
Promoted to Project Manager. Responsibilities: Managing the
translation process (Distribution of materials that need to be translated
among translators. Communication with customers.)
June 2007 - February 2008 Janus WWI (Translation Company), Moscow.
Has been selected as an Editor of Microsoft projects. Language pairs: English-Kazakh.
Software localization, editing of materials translated by translators.
June 2006 - June 2007 Janus WWI (Translation Company), Moscow.
Translator. Microsoft software localization.
Software localization, translating from English into Kazakh, Uzbek and Russian
March 2007 - present Logos (Translation Company), Modena, Italy.
Freelancer (translator).
Software localization, translating articles, guidebooks and etc. from English
into Kazakh, Uzbek and Russian.
March 2005 - March 2006 BBC World Service Monitoring, Central Asia Unit, Tashkent,
Independent Contractor (IC).
Monitored the local media, selected newsworthy reports and translated them
into English, wrote up unclear reports.
December 2002 - February 2004 Student Life (USA)