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English to Arabic: Instructions to bidders: Technical Specificans General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English The borings report prepared by the consultant shall contain the following requirements and elements:
Basic requirements
Project Description
Objective and scope of investigations
Conclusions and Recommendations
Description of the state of surface soil
The local geology of the site, potential geological hazards.
Site topography relative to the Mean Sea Level
Check the subsurface soil
Layers of soil properties are placed under the surface.
Groundwater levels relative to sea level (MSL) and expected changes.
On-site investigations according to ASTM D420
Action steps, number and depths of the borings.
Performance of the standard SPT test according to (ASTM D1586)
Attaching the borings logs according to (ASTM D434) including the following:
Description and thickness of all layers, groundwater level, classification of soil depending on the unified classification system (USCS) according to (ASTM D2487)
Results of (USC) (TCRLRQD), (SPT)
A 3:
Site plan, borings coordinates
Lab tests.
The following laboratory tests shall be carried out:
Soil sieve analysis test (ASTM D422)
Atterberg limits tests of liquid limit and plastic limit, according to the (ASTM D4138)
Soil direct shear test (ASTM D422)
Unconfined compressive strength test for rock samples according to (ASTM D2166)
Chemical analysis of thesoil
Concentration of water soluble chloride (CL) (% of soil weight) according to AASHTO T291
Concentration of soluble sulphates in water (SO4) (% of soil weight) according to AASHTO T290.
General Recommendations for Foundations
Type(s) of recommended foundations.
Soil bearing capacity coefficients used in determining its design bearing capacity.
Recommendations for improvement of soil in case of need.
Recommendations in the treatment of cavities in case of existence.
Shallow foundation recommendations
Pad foundations:
Depth of the foundation under the surface of the earth dimensions and shape of the foundation.
Raft foundations:
Depth of the foundation under the surface of the earth (soil reaction coefficient kiloN/m3).
Net bearing capacity of soil (kPa).
Net bearing capacity of the soil (kPa) in the case of stresses overlap between the foundations.
Conduct plate bearing test to calculate the soil bearing according to (ASTM D1194) Or according to Saudi Arabian Ministry of Transportation specifications (234 MRDTM) in the confirmed soil assessment report prior starting implementation.
Foundation settlement (mm) including immediate or elastic settlement, compaction settlement, total settlement, and allowable differential settlement .
Deep foundation recommendations
Pile foundations
Load tolerance through friction and end bearing resistance (kN)
Permissible tensile load (kN)
Piles spacing, total bearing capacity of piles.
Longitude should be determined in the case of deep foundations and shallow foundations in the same construction.
Requirements and procedures of pile bearing test and acceptance criteria according to (ASTM D1143) Standard Test Method for Piles Under Static Axial Compressive Load
Verify integrity of the piles required to perform the integration test according to (ASTM D5882) Standard Test Method for Low Strain Impact Integrity Testing of Deep Foundations
Recommendations for retaining walls
K-Active Soil Factor, Soil Pressure Factor in K-Rest, K-Passive Negative Pressure Factor.
The connection for the filler material behind the retaining walls.
Water level and water purification requirements
Drilling Considerations
Temporary and permanent drilling inclinations
Control of groundwater
Recommended drainage mode
Temporary and permanent water control
Protection of foundations
Concrete requirements.
Insulation of foundations or any other protective measures if necessary.
Cathodic Protection
Other Considerations
In the case of possibility of soil swelling, the recommendations associated with it shall be mentioned.
Protection against erosion of slopes and protection of piles bridges in waterways against undercutting.
In the case of collapsing soil, the associated recommendations shall be mentioned.
In the case of cavities a specialized study shall be provided with on assessment of their risks and solutions shall be provided.
The effect of proposed construction on existing facilities or adjacent properties.
Translation - Arabic يجب ان يحتوي تقرير الجسات المعده من قبل الاستشاري علي المتطلبات والعناصر التاليه :
المتطلبات الاساسيه
وصف المشروع
هدف ونطاق التحريات
خلاصه النتائج والتوصيات
وصف حاله التربه السطحيه
الجيولوجيا المحليه للموقع، المخاطر الجيولوجيه المحتمله
تضاريس الموقع بالنسبه الى مستوى سطح البحر
فحص التربه تحت السطحيه
توضع طبقات من خصائص التربه تحت السطحيه.
مناسيب المياه الجوفيه بالنسبه الى مستوى سطح البحر والتغيرات المتوقعه
التحريات الموقعيه وفقاً إلى (ASTM D420)
خطوات العمل، عدد وأعماق الجسات.
اجراء اختبار الاختراق القياسي وفقا إلى (ASTM D1586)
إرفاق سجلات الجسات وفقا إلى (ASTM D434) متضمنة ما يلي:
وصف وسماكة جميع الطبقات، منسوب المياه الجوفيه
تصنيف التربه اعتمادا على نظام التصنيف الموحد (USCS) وفقا الى (ASTM D2487)
مخطط الموقع
احداثيات موقع الجسات
الاختبارات المعمليه
يتم اجراء التجارب المخبريه التاليه:
اختبار التحليل المنخلي للتربه (ASTM D422)
اختبارات حدود اتربغ حد السيوله حد اللدونه وفقا إلى (ASTM D4138)
اختبار القص المباشر للتربه (ASTM D3080)
اختبار الضغط غير المحصول لعينات الصخر وفقا إلى (ASTM D2166)
التحليل الكيميائي للتربه
تركيز الكلورايد القابله للذوبان في الماء (CL) (لنسبه المئويه من وزن التربه) وفقا إلى ( AASHTO T291 )
تركيز الكبريتات القابله للذوبان في المياه (SO4 ( نسبه مئويه من وزن التربه ) وفقا إلى ( AASHTO T290 ).
توصيات عامة للاساسات
(نوع) انواع الأساس الموصى به.
معاملات قوه التربه المستخدمه في تحديد قدره التحمل التصميميه.
التوصيات من اجل تحسين التربه في حاله الحاجه لذلك.
التوصيات في حاله معالجه التجاويف في حاله وجودها.
توصيات الاساسات السطحيه
أساسات منفصله:
عمق الاساس تحت سطح الارض ابعاد وشكل الاساس.
اساسات حصيره:
عمق الاساس تحت سطح الارض معامل رد فعل التربه كيلو نيوتن / متر مكعب).
قدره التحمل الصافي المسموح به للتربه (كيلو / باسكال).
قدره التحمل الصافي المسموح به للتربه (كيلوباسكال) في حاله وجود تداخل في الاجهادات بين القواعد.
اجراء تجربه صفيحه التحمل لحساب قدره تحمل التربه وفقا إلى (ASTM D1194) او وفقا لمواصفات وزاره النقل السعوديه ( 234 MRDTM ) في تقرير التربه التاكيدي قبل البدء fالتنفيذ >
هبوط الاساسات )مم) وتشمل الهبوط المباشر او المرن ، الهبوط الارتصاصي، الهبوط المتوقع والهبوط الكلى، والتفاضلي المسموح به.
توصيات الاساسات العميقه
نوع الخازوق.
حموله الضغط المسموحه من خلال مقاومات الارتكاز ومقاومه الاحتكاك (كيلو نيوتن)
حموله الشد المسموحه (كيلو نيوتن)
تباعد الخوازيق، قدره تحمل مجموعه الخوازيق.
يجب تحديد خطوط الطول في حال وجود قواعد عميقه وقواعد سطحية في نفس المنشأ.
متطلبات واجراءات اختبار التحميل لخوازيق ومعايير القبول وفقا إلى (ASTM D1143) .
التاكد من سلامه الخوازيق المطلوبه في اجراء تجربه التكامل وفقا إلى (ASTM D5882)
توصيات الجدران الاستناديه
معامل درس التربه الفاعل K-Active ، معامل ضغط التربه في حاله الراحه K-Rest ، معامل ضغط التربه السلبي K-Passive.
التوصيلة الخاصه بمواد الردم خلف الجدران الاستناديه.
منسوب المياه الجوفيه ومتطلبات تصفيه المياه
اعتبارات اعمال الحفر
ميول الحفر المؤقته والدائمه المسموح بها
التحكم بالمياه الجوفيه
طريقه نزح المياه الموصى بها.
التحكم المؤقت والدائم بالمياه الجوفيه
حمايه الاساسات
متطلبات الخرسانه.
عزل الاساسات او اي تدابير اخرى للحمايه اذا لزم الامر.
الحمايه الكاثوديه Cathodic Protection
اعتبارات اخرى
في حاله احتمال انتفاخ التربه يجب ذكر التوصيات المرتبطه بذلك
حمايه تاكل المنحدرات حمايه ركائز الجسور في المجاري المائيه من النحر.
في حال وجود التربه الانهياريه الذكر التوصيات المرتبطه بذلك.
في حاله وجود التجاويف يجب تقديم دراسه متخصصه في تقييم مخاطرها وتقديم الحلول.
تاثير البناء المقترح على المرافق القائمه او الممتلكات المجاوره.
English to Arabic (Egypt, Al Alsun, Ain Shams University,) Arabic to English (Egypt, Al Alsun, Ain Shams University,) Arabic (Egypt, Al Alsun, Ain Shams University,) English (Egypt, Al Alsun, Ain Shams University,)
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Galal A. Karim +966 556 670246 | [email protected]
LinkedIn: PO Box 1174 | Riyadh, 11431 | Saudi Arabia
Translator, Technical Writer
Copy Writer
A qualified and accredited
professional translator with a long experience in translating all types of
studies, specifications, tenders and engineering & construction
contracts. Excellent interpretation skills during conferences lectures,
presentations and meetings. Able to create, translate and proofread
publishing quality bilingual texts and presentations.
- Compiling
and translating tender documents, proposals, contracts, specifications,
technical and user manuals, researches, studies, newsletters and annual
- Currently
delegated to the client’s Vision Realization Office (VRO) to manage its
Enterprise Document Management System (ECM), web portal content and
periodical reports & publications.
Key projects
- 12 mega
construction projects throughout KSA.
Key results: Introduced Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) and Voice to
Translated text (VTTT) technologies for speed, precision and standardization.
-Translation of tenders, bids, brochures and
contracts for engineering and construction projects.
-Simultaneous and written translation of
presentations, technical specifications.
Key projects: ROGA, MODA, MOFA, MOI
Key results: Translated the entire documentation
of the Northern Border security project including technical and user manuals
in addition to the full technical training curriculum pertaining to the
electronic systems.
Dec. 1991 – Dec. 2009: Head
of Translation Dept.
Technical Services GmbH, Saudi Arabia
-Translation of engineering tenders, bids,
brochures and contracts.
- Simultaneous translation during conferences
and workshops in KSA & abroad.
Key projects: ROGA, MODA, MOFA, MOI
Key results:
-Managed the digital transformation process.
-Simultaneously translated a high-tech, 12
weeks, six hours a day, five days a week course in the U.K. and performed
administrative support & coordination between Riyadh, Munich and London
1988– Nov.1991: Director of Studies
Language Culture Centre (ILLI), Egypt
-Customized curriculums to specialized
-Prepared and conducted placement and
graduation tests.
-Taught English as a foreign language.
Key projects: Training of all employees of the
Egyptian Ministry of culture on FAO programs written in English
Key results: A practical approach to teach
1988 – Feb. 1989: Technical Translator
SIYANCO (Saudi Maintenance Corp.)
-Technical researches, reporting and
technical translation.
-Simultaneous translation between personnel
of the American Corps of Engineers and the Saudi Maintenance Corps.
Key projects:
Saudi Corps of Engineers Program
Key results:
Developed and implemented a
knowledge transfer process between the Saudi Maintenance Corps and the US
Corps of Engineers.
.1982 – Nov. 1984:Director of Studies
Language Culture Centre (ILLI), Egypt
- Cultural
localization of English language curriculums.
- Language and Translation Training
Key projects:
Localization of the Egyptian MOE
English language curriculum.
Key results:Customization of English language curriculum according to the
job market.
Dec. 1984– Dec.1985:
Technical Translator
Hyundai Eng. & Construction Co.
Ltd, Saudi Arabia
Key projects:
- King
Fahd Medical Complex, Mecca-Taif Water Desalination, King Fahd Security
College, MOI.
Key results:Developing a process to obtain government approvals and permits
Jan.1982 – July 1984: Translation
Military Research Branch, the Egyptian
- Technical
- Management
Skills & Software
- Advanced user of MS Office suite,
SDL Trados, Wordfast, voice to Translated Text (VTTT).
- Culture to culture translation,
team-building, quality management and multi-cultural awareness.
- Freelance translator / writer for
Prism magazine, an Egyptian Ministry of Culture English language publication.
- Translated Bob Woodward’s (The Commanders.)
- A published and awarded creative
writer in Arabic and English languages.
Member of the Egyptian Translation
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